Montana Green Party Asks Ninth Circuit to Hear its Ballot Access Appeal

On April 15, the Montana Green Party filed notice of appeal to the Ninth Circuit in Montana Green Party v Stapleton.  This is the 2018 case the party filed against the unequal distribution requirement for petitions to put parties on the ballot.  The unequal distribution requirement was upheld by the U.S. District Court last month, even though the U.S. Supreme Court had twice said unequal distribution requirements on statewide petitions violate “one person, one vote” and the Fourteenth Amendment.

The unequal distribution requirement was responsible for the party’s failing to get on the ballot in 2018.

Since then, the party has filed a new petition to get on the 2020 ballot, and the Secretary of State has said the 2020 petition is valid and complies with the distribution requirement.

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