Proponents of Four Massachusetts Initiative Campaigns Ask State Supreme Judicial Court to Allow Electronic Signatures

Four groups sponsoring statewide Massachusetts initiatives have asked the State Supreme Judicial Court to let them gather electronic signatures. The groups only need another 13,347 valid signatures. Massachusetts initiative procedures provide that if a group collects the signatures of 2.5% of the last gubernatorial vote, the legislature must consider the idea behind the initiative. If the legislature refuses to enact the idea, they then need more signatures, but of only one-half of 1% of the last gubernatorial vote.

In all four cases, the legislature has not enacted the idea, and probably won’t by the early May deadline. So the four campaigns need a relatively small number of signatures to finish the job, but they feel they cannot finish unless electronic signatures are recognized. See this story.


Proponents of Four Massachusetts Initiative Campaigns Ask State Supreme Judicial Court to Allow Electronic Signatures — 1 Comment

  1. MA is 1 of 18 States with voter pets for State Const Amdts.

    Count the State const amdts about MA gerrymanders since 1780 (repeat 1780) — circa 15.

    Lexington-Concord — hallowed ground — since 19 Apr 1775 — Day 1 of the long horrific 1775-1784 Am Rev War against Brit tyrants.

    One result — USA Const 2 amdt — Courts too evil statist rotted / corrupt to note such day.

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