Michigan Secretary of State Sets Primary Petition Requirement at 70%, Leading to a New Court Battle

On May 6, the Michigan Secretary of State said that primary petitions need a number of signatures equal to 70% of the statutory requirement.  The Secretary of State made this decision after the Sixth Circuit said that some relief is required, but that the Secretary of State should be the person who decides how much relief is needed.  This battle started in U.S. District Court, when Eric Esshaki won a 50% reduction.

Esshaki is on the ballot, but some of the intervenors in his lawsuit won’t be on the primary ballot if the Secretary of State’s 70% requirement is in force.  Deana Beard, a candidate for a nonpartisan judicial race, and Bob Carr, a Republican running for U.S. Senate, won’t qualify under the Secretary of State’s rule, and they are intervening.  Another hearing in U.S. District Court over the reasonableness of the 70% is set for Thursday afternoon, May 7.  Meanwhile the Michigan Republican Party filed an amicus curiae brief to argue against letting electronic signatures be used.  Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Michigan Secretary of State Sets Primary Petition Requirement at 70%, Leading to a New Court Battle — 35 Comments

  1. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/05/07/us-senate-candidate-people-run-petition-gatherers/3087649001/

    U.S. Senate candidate: People run from petition gatherers

    Craig Mauger, The Detroit News Published 12:04 p.m. ET May 7, 2020 | Updated 12:35 p.m. ET May 7, 2020

    Lansing — Bob Carr, a Republican U.S. Senate hopeful, is among the Michigan candidates whose campaigns hang in the balance with a legal fight that tests the enforcement of state election law during a pandemic.
    “It’s just really hard because people are scared,” Carr said of his campaign’s efforts to gather needed petition signatures to make the primary ballot. “They’re offended. It’s getting more divided. There are the face mask people and the non-face mask people.”


    How about BLUE masks v RED masks also ???

    NOOO legislative power in courts and execs.

    Too many MORON judges to count.

  2. And that’s why you don’t let the state set the new requirement.

  3. 7 May 1945 — plus 75 years

    The remaining top killers in the nazi regime surrendered to the Allies- effective 8 May 1945 VE Day

    — cost – about 80 million dead worldwide —

    much of Europe property destroyed.

    ZERO learned about NOT having all powerful execs —

    see now CV-19 LAWLESS TYRANTS — Prez T, many State guvs, local execs.

  4. Hey “Gordon Sunday,” you claimed you are a delegate to the Libertarian National Convention, yet I don’t recall seeing your name on the delegate list when I skimmed through it. Are you using a fake name, or are you lying about being a delegate? If you are a delegate, which state?

  5. When did Gordon claim to be a delegate? Also, why is it any of your business whether anyone’s name is real or fake? You should mind your own business and stay out of other people’s

  6. I never once claimed to be a delegate to the Libertarian National Convention, I said I planned to vote Libertarian. I am using a fake name because there’s a certain troll on BAN who likes to harass me, and now I’ll have to pick a new alias or just stop commenting altogether, so thanks for that. You and I met at the 2016 LNC. You were much nicer then.

  7. Hey Andy you claimed to be an fbi agent. I want to see your badge. I think you might of lied about being an fbi agent.also what is your last name, date of birth, address and ssn. Don’t forget to include your phone number too.

  8. Nobody’s harassing you Zed. Pointing out that you outed the cyberpig as WTF is not harassment.

  9. Andy has gone off the deep end. His mental issues are getting worse and worse.

  10. I think the cyberpig is trying to deflect and blame his trolling on Zed Jiggler.

  11. For the great unwashed… Gordon Shumway was ALF’s real name! If you don’t know Alf is then just fugeddaboudit!

  12. I don’t think Andy ever claimed to be with the FBI. Robert Milnes accused you of being Mossad which you never denied.

  13. Andy and his fake personalities like Egyptian dud are harassing all sorts of people. Just tell them to mind their own business. Nobody deputies them to ask nosy questions and no one has to answer them. Just laugh in their stupid face and tell him to screw off and go play with milnes.

  14. You did claim to be with the fbi but maybe it was the mossad or the kgb who knows. Anyway I want to see proof and all your personal information.

  15. Also Andy why do you use the fake name Egyptian god. Is that some kind of fbi code or something.

  16. I assumed Egyptian God was Nathan Norman, actually. Regardless, with whoever that is, Andy, Milnes, Ogle, Demo Rep, and all the other trolls running rampant, BAN is becoming a cesspool, which is unfortunate because it’s an invaluable source for information for us voters, as well as those more connected.

  17. Did someone ask you what you think Andy? No nobody asked you what you think. People are asking for your last name and other personal info so just answer already and otherwise shut your trap.

  18. Of course your Andy, Andy. Now make with your last name and the rest already.

  19. Jeremy you are correct but just remember you don’t owe Egyptian Andy a thing. Either laugh at him or ignore him.

  20. Richard has no real police on comments, except Demo Rep is allowed to post as nonsense as he wants, including threatening others with violence, yet making a comment even slightly teasing him is deleted. Double standard.

  21. The entertainment value of BAN comments remains at a high pitch.

  22. Demo Rep provides good information. Andy provides good information. I provide good information. Robert Milnes provides an interesting perspective.

    The only trolls are the cyberpig sockpuppets, Andy harrassers, Demo Rep harrassers, and the harrassers of me.

  23. My name is Lazarus Mudd. Nathan Norman is the leader of the IPR-X collective to which I belong.

  24. I have never done any trolling here or anywhere else. That is not my style. I am not a fan of trolls.

  25. Demo Rep, Egyptian Andy, ogle and milnes should all have a site where they talk to each other and each other’s aliases
    Maybe iprx or usparliament or planSS from outer space or all three. That way they can leave everyone else here alone. Hey maybe they can all start the troll party together and go get on the ballot in buzzoffistan.

  26. My real name
    Nunya bizwax
    A. Troll
    Houston Snow
    Fake name here
    I really want to know
    Ban Demo Rep
    Keep guessing
    One super-sick person needing major mental health treatment or what ???

    A speech writer for Troll Trump and 4 AM Troll Trump twitters – T3 ???

    BAN MORONS/trolls off BAN.

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