Puerto Rico Referendum on Statehood to be Held November 2020

Puerto Rico will hold a referendum in November 2020 that asks a single question, whether Puerto Rico should seek statehood. See this story. Although Puerto Rico has had past referenda on its future status, this is the first one that presents only a single question. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Puerto Rico Referendum on Statehood to be Held November 2020 — 18 Comments

  1. Puerto Rico might be happier as an associated state. They should consider that as an option.

  2. An associated state is independent. See Miconesia, Palau, and Marshall Islands.

  3. An associated state IS completely independent. Micronesia, Palau and Marshall Islands are recognized UN members.

  4. What is an associated state? Are any countries not associated states? Is the U.S. an associated state? Canada? Mexico? If not every country is an associated state what is the benefit of being one?

  5. An associated state in this context is a country that has a treaty of free association with the US. This free association means that the US provides defense and some other limited services to the associated state, such as weather data. Such states also have liberal trade and currency rules with the US. The three associated states (Micronesia, Palau, and the Marshall Islands) all use US dollars, instead of their own currency. As these states had been trust territories whose inhabitants had been US nationals, most of them now have citizenship in their own countries now. Some of them, who had acquired full US citizenship have either become dual citizens, or non-citizen residents of their new countries. One of the issues that has made Puerto Rico reluctant to go this route is that Puerto Ricans have US citizenship, and full access to the US. IMO, those who wish can elect to keep their US citizenship can do so, and either become dual citizens, or legal residents of Puerto Rico as well. IMO, that would make the option of associated statehood the best one for Puerto Rico.

  6. NOOO such thing as dual citizens — due to pre-skoool Stone Age ALLEGIANCE limits.

    What happens in any WAR between the nation-states involved ???

    One half of a person captures the other half as a prisoner of war — aka POW ???

    Same in any civil cases.

  7. So, I’d rather they go for complete independence, with no associated state status.

  8. If an associated state has no army of its own, then war with the other state is practically impossible. As it is, citizens of associated states, as well as residents Puerto Rico serve in the US Armed Forces. Dual citizenship is no greater problem than the dual citizenship that US citizens hold with the state in which they reside.

  9. I’m just sick of these pro-Statehood naive Puerto Rican governors has been wasting their time with these nonbinding (which again, means they aren’t recognized by both the federal government and president of the US, regardless if they’re belong to the two major parties) referendums for over the last but almost close of ten years, for supposedly “fixing” their economical problems; when even the US is now under trouble, due the oblivious international crisis we as a species is facing, along with few reactionary-related or not issues, that they’re stuck on.

  10. PR being affected by RED Donkey communist DC Statehood machinations ??? —

    esp to get RED Donkey communist CONTROL of USA minority rule Senate ??? Duh.

    ALL part of the RED Donkey communist plot to have ONE 666 RED Donkey communist world govt. ??? Duh.

  11. 1-8-4 part 1787 — To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization *****

    14-1 part 1868 — All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. *****

    [made to over-rule Dred Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393 (1857) — one more SCOTUS junk op.]

    States can NOT create their own citizens — except by secession — failed in 1861-1865.

    May yet happen if Elephants/RED Donkey communists escalate their ststism.

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