Republican Party Will Skip Revising National Platform

On June 10, the Republican Party National Committee decided to re-cycle its 2016 platform, without any revision or update. See this story. This reduces the amount of work needed at a normal national convention. Thanks to Political Wire for this news.


Republican Party Will Skip Revising National Platform — 13 Comments

  1. Running the same platform is pretty awkward now given how Trump’s been doing:

    “Our national debt is a burden on our economy and families. The huge increase in the national debt demanded by and incurred during the current Administration has placed a significant burden on future generations.”

    “We support the right of the United States citizens of Puerto Rico to be admitted to the Union as a fully sovereign state.”

    “Crony capitalism gives us special interest tax breaks, custom-designed regulations, and special exemptions for favored parties.”

    “We further affirm that courts should interpret laws as written by Congress rather than allowing executive agencies to rewrite those laws to suit administration priorities.”

    “A new administration must ensure the immediate dismissal and, where appropriate, prosecution of any Department officials who have violated their oath of office.”

    “The next president must restore the public’s trust in law enforcement and civil order by first adhering to the rule of law himself.”

    “The current Administration has abandoned America’s friends and rewarded its enemies.”

    “The current Administration has exceeded its constitutional authority, brazenly and flagrantly violated the separation of powers, sought to divide America into groups and turn citizen against citizen.”

    “The President has refused to defend or enforce laws he does not like, used executive orders to enact national policies in areas constitutionally reserved solely to Congress…”

    “Our most urgent task as a Party is to restore the American people’s faith in their government by electing a president who will enforce duly enacted laws, honor constitutional limits on executive authority, and return credibility to the Oval Office.” Taken from @jpitney on twitter

  2. Why not shorten the rot –

    ALL power in the Tyrant Trump ???

    Lincoln, Grant, T. Roos, DDE, Reagan spinning in their graves ???

  3. Well, since major party platforms are pretty much meaningless anyway I guess this really isn’t a big deal.

  4. NOT so meaningless platforms in 1860

    >>> 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1865

    >>> 13-14-15 Amdts in 1865-1870.

    Civil War debt reduced to 1915 in WW I.
    How many legal/illegal guns in USA in June 2020 ???

    Various USA Army regiments formed from northern State volunteers in Apr-Jul 1861 to defend DC – core of later USA Army of the Potomac 1861-1865.

    See 1861-1862 Laws about such regiments.


    COMMUNIST Rebellion in Seattle ??? — in the now USA Civil WAR II since 1 June 2020.

    Any USA property or actions involved – USPS, Census, etc. ??? —

    — giving Tyrant Trump a quite legal excuse to declare martial law and kill the rebels ???

    — quite separate from any 4-4 State request stuff about domestic violence.

  6. Brandon – LOL. There are plenty more. Here are a couple:

    “[T]he Administration’s policies systematically crippled economic growth and job creation, driving up government costs and driving down revenues.”

    “The Administration’s demands have focused on significantly expanding government spending and benefits for its preferred groups, paid for through loans that our children and grandchildren will have to pay.”

  7. What normal persons use *administration* instead of *regime* [as in regime CHANGE] ???

  8. Richard, this is clearly trolling spam by Thomas Jones. What are your rules regarding this?

  9. Another troll post by the troll-in-chief = TIC head / pre-skoool MORON / etc.

    BAN all trolls OFF BAN.

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