Sixth Circuit Expedites Libertarian Party Case on Composition of Ohio Election Commission

On June 18, the Sixth Circuit expedited Libertarian Party of Ohio v Wilhem (formerly known as Libertarian Party of Ohio v Taveras), 20-3585. This is the case in which the Libertarian Party challenges the law that excludes members of parties (other than the Democratic and Republican Parties) from ever being on the Ohio Election Commission. The U.S. District Court had upheld the law, which says the Commission shall consist of three Republicans, three Democrats, and an independent chosen by the other commissioners.


Sixth Circuit Expedites Libertarian Party Case on Composition of Ohio Election Commission — 1 Comment

  1. The Libertarian Party should look in the mirror before pointing fingers at others. The Libertarian Party’s censorship and one-party voting system are no good.
    * * *

    ATTENTION Dulap Nelson [Libertarian]
    By James Ogle [One] for US President or Vice President and LNC Vice Chair

    Our team needs a better Chair of the new pure proportional representation Electoral College and it’s Dulap Nelson’s [Libertarian] turn to pick first now.

    See current votes under new precedents of at-large five-member executive district:

    Independent One 2020

    “If you meet the Buddha in the lane, feed him the ball.”
    –Phil Jackson
    * * *

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