Socialist Equality Party Presidential Candidate Sues Michigan Over Ballot Access During Health Crisis

On June 18, Joseph Kishore, the Socialist Equality Party presidential nominee, filed a federal lawsuit for ballot access relief during the health crisis. He seeks to petition as an independent candidate. Even though the federal courts already declared the 30,000-signature requirement for statewide independent candidates unconstitutional last year, the state web page still says independent presidential candidates need 30,000 signatures, due July 16.

Here is the Complaint, which has interesting information about the plaintiff and also about his party.

Here is a news story about the lawsuit. Thanks to Thomas Jones for that link.


Socialist Equality Party Presidential Candidate Sues Michigan Over Ballot Access During Health Crisis — 4 Comments

  1. The Working Class Party is a lefty party on the Michigan ballot. Why doesn’t he try to get their nomination? I suppose there is some type of conflict about their conflicting views of socialism that makes my brain hurt.

  2. See olde USSR socialists vs olde nazi socialists in 1941-1945 Eastern Front — about 35 million DEAD —

    part of about 80 million DEAD in 1931-1945 due to statist killers/enslavers.

    Who is the 100.00000000000 pct purist *socialist* monarch/leader/KILLER ???

  3. The Working Class Party has a non-sectarian name, but in reality it is very sectarian.

  4. The Socialist Equality Party has explicitly stated that they are the only genuine socialists on the planet. They are of course not going to ally with or seek the nomination of any other group.

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