Newsweek Story on National Presidential Polls that Include Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins

This Newsweek story says that some mainstream polls are now including Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins, and that they tend to show that Jorgensen is at 3% and Hawkins is at 2%.


Newsweek Story on National Presidential Polls that Include Jo Jorgensen and Howie Hawkins — 69 Comments

  1. Jorgensen is trying to hide her Marxist views, namely supporting BLM. 3% polling is pathetic. Even Bob Barr polled higher than that, and he didn’t do squat. Jorgensen will be lucky to get half a percent come the election.

  2. 2016 USA Prez
    LP Johnson 3.28 PCT
    GRN Stein 1.07 PCT

    About 10 States in which neither Trump or Clinton got a majority.

    How many zillion Putin/Xi troll postings now to noon 20 JAN 2021 ???

  3. I do not think Jorgensen is a Marxist, but she does appear to be a bit naive, and/or uninformed on certain things, or, she is just trying to do outreach to people on the left, of which I do not have a problem with doing, however, if this is her strategy to reach the left, it sounds to me like she is bending over a bit too far to do it, in my opinion.

    Black Lives Matter was founded by Marxists, and they get funding from globalist puppet masters like George Soros. BLM takes a legitimate issue, police accountability, and mixes it with a Marxist message, and they fan the flames of racial tension.

    AFTIFA is a communist group. The flag they use was apparently used by the Communist Party in Germany in the early 1930’s. ANTIFA are modern day Bolsheviks.

  4. Its strange how many people decry any attempt at reaching out to the left while remaining silent on all outreaches to the right. It’s almost as if these people think Libertarians are somehow closer to conservatives than liberals.

  5. I have long advocated that libertarians reach out to everyone, left, right, center, non-political, etc…

  6. Privet, American Comrades. Jo Jorgensen is a capitalist, both as a business owner and ideologically. So is Spike Cohen. The issues of police militarization, brutality and institutional racism, the military-industrial complex and foreign and domestic espionage state are all closely intertwined. With the “war on drugs,” “war on terror” and border enforcement police state your country has become increasing conditioned to police state measures of the sort we implemented, and some we only dreamed of, in the good old days of the USSR. Alongside this, there has been a rise in violent far right terrorism by racists and other bigots, by far the most murderous group of domestic extremists in the US and many other nations. These phenomenon have only intensified since we helped you install your authoritarian populist-nationalist president.

    Black Lives Matter and Antifa are not primarily Marxist movements, although they do contain a small core of Marxist organizers who like to exaggerate their role in these movements, use them for fundraising, list building and recruitment, and spearhead tiny cultlike organizations which claim to speak for those much larger movements. The movements themselves are decentralized and not controlled by those organizations and are much larger than those organizations are. They bring together a diverse, multiracial, multiethnic and international coalition that includes not only the relatively small number of Marxists, but also liberals, progressives, anarchists, libertarians and moderates all working together to address shared goals of defusing racism, police abuse of citizens, and systemic bigotry.

    Alt right trolls and Paleo”libertarian” fascists have infested the libertarian movement and party, and are busy spreading the lies that the support Jorgensen and Cohen have expressed for Black Lives Matter is for the tiny marxist organization of that name rather than the much larger and mostly non-marxist movement of the same name. This is despite repeated statements directly dispelling any such misconceptions by Jorgensen and Cohen themselves. We welcome the butthurt of the alt right fash and paleo scum and hope their departure from the Libertarian Party is as swift, complete and permanent as possible.

    Jorgensen should do more outreach to the left, not less. Rightwingers and authoritarians who have been misled to think of themselves as libertarians will be butthurt, and that’s OK. The more it makes them mad, the better. Thank you for reading, comrades.

  7. Far more acts of violence and property destruction have come from the left, particularly from people associated with ANTIFA or BLM, than from groups on the right. This is a fact.

    Yeah, there are cops that have done a lot of bad stuff. I have been rallying in favor of police accountability for a long time. None of this excuses a lot of the things done by ANTIFA or BLM.

  8. “Far more acts of violence and property destruction have come from the left” Oklahoma City might disagree with you on that

  9. It’s not a fact that more acts of violence have come from the left. The domestic terrorism of the far right has been overwhelming in recent years. This is easy to find for yourself in official statistics. The far right has carried out the vast majority of politically motivated murders in recent years. The far left did so in the 1960s and 1970s. These days the far left still does engage in property destruction, but most political killings by far are carried out by the far right. Use your search engines and your brain.

  10. Worry less about things done by BLM and antifa, and more about things done by cops, feds and fascists, which are heavily overlapping groups.

  11. Statist violence by both left/right statists — monarchs/oligarchs — for 6,000 plus years.

    PR and AppV — pending Condorcet.


  12. Why is most of the looting and violence occurring in Democrat run areas? Odds are most of the people doing this are on the far left, like the Marxist BLM. Jorgensen supports these clowns. Cohen is just a joke candidate,

  13. “Why is most of the looting and violence occurring in Democrat run areas” because most cities are democratic

  14. Yes they are, and that’s my point. These are the same people who voted in the Democrats, so what do they expect? Poorly run cities. Portland is a perfect example. It’s been going to hell long before these recent events.

  15. Detroit – total ROT

    Loss of about 70 pct of 1950 population [about 1.8 million] — on track to have ZERO human population by 2050 — lucky to have 600,000 in 2020 ???

    Commie hacks raving among the hundreds of thousands of abandoned/looted buildings – houses, apts, stores, factories, etc.

    Major looters– copper pipes, lead weights in olde windows, metal vents, good bricks to send to suburbs.

    Regular dead body dogs in spring on patrol to find fall/winter crop of dumped dead bodies in wrecked buildings.

    Communist paradise or what ??? — spreading like CV-19 to many older ghetto burgs.

  16. Wow, there’s a lot of right wing fash in these comments. Must be in the basement a lot, incels.

  17. Under the constitution and federal statutes the federal government has the authority to protect federal property.

  18. BLM openly wants to overthrow capitalism and that’s who Jorgensen supports. That makes her a Marxist.

  19. They loved the supreme court’s expansion of the civil rights act last month.

  20. They think “Big Floyd” is some kind of hero even though he pulled a gun on a pregnant woman and was a known drug dealer.

  21. They want to throw people in jail for protecting their property from violent antifa gangs who trespass and issue death threats.

  22. They support cancel culture and want people and all their family members to be fired and impoverished for having views they don’t like.

  23. They support the Maoist Cultural Revolution being waged against our history and public art.

  24. If BLM really believes black lives matter then why are they silent about all the black people getting killed by other black people in inner cities across the nation?

  25. Why is the Libertarian Party concerned about slavery from hundreds of years ago while supporting the modern day slavery of Uighurs in China?

  26. Percent of UN-solved murders of blacks vs whites vs others [esp hispanics] ???

    In *solved* cases — killers/murderers were what percent black, white, others [esp hispanics] ???

    Any new Age White Lives Matter Party [yet] [with white murals on black asphalt roads]

    — or a closet [secret police] part of the Elephant Party ???

  27. EG – Feds claim total control of all State/local roads and sidewalks [includes rivers and railroads] having actual/possible US postal snail traffic.

    4-4 — another DEAD part of the 1787 USA Const.

  28. Duverger’s Law and Trump have distorted the polling.
    Hawkins should poll about 27%.
    Jo about 13%.
    Blankenship about 27%.
    Trump has sucked the air out of the Constitution party.
    Most people are choosing dem Biden or rep Trump.
    All of this is following the same pattern as always before.
    Duverger’s Law rules.
    A Howie/Jo fusion ticket would poll about 40%.
    Making a 40/30/30 three way race.
    Close plurality victory.
    But Noooooooooooooooooooo!

  29. Boycott/Strike, unfair, unrepresentative, corrupt elections.
    We want IMMEDIATE ELECTION REFORM! In time for the 2020 election.
    TOP TEN/SIX. Level the Playing Field.
    End Electoral College. Interstate Compact on National Popular Vote.
    Constitutional Amendment for the Right to Vote.

  30. What a bunch of crap. The alt right fash trolls mixing up tiny blm Marxist group with the much larger and mostly non marxist movement Jorgensen, who is clearly a capitalist, supports, throwing in their own racist agenda and trying to implausibly claim she is a marxist. It shows you what they are, which is fash, not what she is.

  31. Whole lot of gruesomely ill-informed posts on here. May I suggets people NOT believe everything they see on YouTube videos or at the very least factor in the political bias and propagandistic nature of such videos. Otherwide you seriously run the risk of coming across as a political illiterate.

  32. Trump polling at about 40%…that is counterPLAS!
    Trump has already accomplished counterPLAS,
    so even if a PLAS fusion ticket is accomplished
    it will be catch up to Trump.
    Constitution party 27% will be near zero!

  33. Michael and Andrew are both xaulie banali. Either he is ignorant about the inner city slaughtering of blacks by other blacks and the slavery of Uighurs or he doesn’t care. Silence is compliance.


  34. I’m not whoever the troll thinks I am, and inner city slaughtering of blacks by blacks is a consequence of the drug war, which has its roots in racism, and various other economic, educational and other effects of systemic racism. In other words, of the idea that black lives don’t matter. Even when the actual killings is of black people by other black people the root causes are all rooted in racism, which is exactly what the black lives matter movement is addressing and why libertarians are on board with it, except for a few alt right/paleofascist trolls.

    A few Marxists creating much smaller groups to leech off the much larger movement, and taking credit for coming up with the term whether that’s true of not, does not magically transform libertarian capitalists into commies, despite the insane propaganda efforts of the alt right fash trolls. Their single minded focus on this is telling though. They ignore the fact that the campaign has disavowed any misinterpretation of an implied approval of the smaller marxist groups. The reason for this is that they actually are racist, and any type of antiracism stifles their ongoing project of mixing libertarianism with racist fascism.

    The reason they are so butthurt is that the racist movement is disreputable, and finds disguising itself as libertarian to be a good route to respectability and recruitment. Its relationship with libertarianism is entirely parasitic on its part and detrimental to the libertarian host. The host organism is wise to finally, belatedly cut that chord. It’s overdue, and should be done as swiftly, thoroughly, unmistakably and irrevocably as possible. Kudos libertarians for finally starting to do the right thing.

  35. Blacks have been killing and enslaving each other in Africa long before the drug war and long before the white man arrived.

    Come up with a better excuse.

  36. Whites were killing each other in Europe too. That has nothing to do with what is happening in the USA now. But thanks for removing any doubt that your real motivation is racism. And the only reason you pretend to care about uighurs is that racists like you have been pushing for a race war between whites and China for a long time and you think the uighur issue furthers that goal.

  37. Warfare in Europe was organized and rare in comparison to Africa.

    Claims of “racism” have no potency anymore.

    Millions of Uighurs are being imprisoned and enslaved in China, thousands of Blacks killed in the inner cities, and you ignore it to promote your Marxist agenda.

  38. LOL OK. So millions and millions of Europeans haven’t killed each other century after century, including the last one. Your claim that calling out racism has no potency is what has no potency anymore. Your agenda is much more marxist than mine, incidentally.

  39. Organized and rare. That is pretty funny to anyone who has spent any decent amount of time reading about the history of Europe. Luckily for you few Americans have, but unluckily for you the ones that have are more likely to be reading this than the ones who have not.

  40. It may be surprising to some that white supremacists and supposed defenders of western civilization and European heritage are so poorly versed in actual European history, but it shouldn’t be.

  41. Not sure what Europe has to do with whatever argument you are trying to make.

    My argument is that Black people have been fighting each other for thousands of years and it has nothing to do with what the white man does.

    Black culture breeds violence. Black fathers need to stay with their families. Black women need to stop being so promiscuous. Black children should stop looking to gangsta rappers and sports athletes as role models. Emphasize education and stop being disruptive in school.

    These are just some of the things that need to happen to improve the lives of black people. BLM does not care about this. They promote the opposite. They blame everything on white people because it causes disruption and makes it easier to institute their Marxist agenda.

  42. “Organized and rare” as I said “in comparison to Africa.”

    Perhaps reading comprehension is a problem among Marxists and explains why they have such irrational and illogical beliefs.

  43. Still wrong. History comprehension is a problem among fash, who are much closer to marxism than I am (they just Jew rather than capitalist, and think white gentiles are the oppressed class). The millenia of warfare throughout Europe has not been more rare, less deadly, or anything else of that nature, compared with Africa. I’d say your beliefs are irrational and illogical, but they’re unlikely to be organized enough to rise to that level.

  44. Cyberpig probably thinks Wakanda was real. It wasn’t. I was made up by Jews.

  45. I think most BLM protesters aren’t Marxists, but the leaders are. When the leaders do meet with city officials, they ask for free stuff more than police reform (other than defunding or abolishing police) and ending racism. The Marxism is their main point, ending racism is just a draw to lure people in.

  46. How many dead in the Rwanda and Sudan genocides ???

    Akin to genocides of American Indians by USA and Spanish regimes ???

    NO shortage of statist killers / enslavers — all colors and all races.

  47. Curious that all the time these polls “forget” to include Blankenship & the Constitution Party.

  48. ULM, you’re ignorant of European history, cyberpig. And I am well aware of African history. Your obsession with Stan Lee and Jack Kirby being of Jewish ancestry only further reinforces that you are racist, antisemitic fash.

    Earl there are many self-declared “leaders” of BLM. Anyone can be one. If you start going to the protests and declare yourself a leader of a new BLM group, congratulations, you are a leader. Defunding police is a good first step. There are many others ranging from ending qualified immunity, to getting cops out of schools, to no stop and frisk, to no racial profiling, no choke holds, no valid arrest without body cam working, ending police unions, independent review boards, deemphasizing or ending endorcement of victimless crime laws, ending police chases, and many other reform or radical proposals including police abolition. Libertarians could be leaders on a lot of those issues if they choose to be, just like Marxists. Most people at the protests are neither. Marxists gain any “leadership” positions they may hold by making that claim and working at it.

    Demo rep, How many dead in the Rwanda and Sudan genocides ? Several million, and yet still significantly fewer than killed in 20th century European genocides, world and civil wars, and mass murders of their own populations by totalitarian regimes. Akin to genocides of American Indians by USA and Spanish regimes ? In some ways yes, and in other ways no. Use the search engine capacity of your internet access to find out a lot more.

    NO shortage of statist killers / enslavers — all colors and all races. BINGO! Demo rep gets it right. The racist alt right fash troll, however, brings up African wars to try to make the point that black people are inherently violent. He fails, because history shows every so called race has killed many millions of their own and others all throughout history. All of this is a sad and failed attempt to deflect from the reality of systemic racism in the US today, and the movement to bring attention to its deadly manifestation in police violence.

  49. The Guy, De la Fuente will 100% guaranteed be on more ballots than Blankenship. That is a simple fact of reality without any doubt. Brock Pierce and, if his manic episode lasts long enough, Kanye West may end up on more ballots than Blankenship. Some of the parties named Socialist may end up on more ballots than Blankenship as well. You never know, Prohibition Party and or JR Myers could end up on more ballots than Blankenship.

  50. Look at Africa today. Look at Europe today.

    Look at the inner cities today. Look at the White suburbs today.

    If you don’t see a connection then you are not a reasonable or rational person.

  51. How is anything BLM proposes going to keep Black fathers with their families, make Black women less promiscuous, stop Black children from looking to gangsta rappers and sports athletes as role models?

    How does it emphasize education and stop Blacks from being disruptive in school?

  52. So, you’re looking at the effects of imperialism, colonialism, slavery, Jim Crow and systematic racism. The only thing I see is that you are a racist piece of garbage. Ending systematic racism, particularly but not only in the criminal injustice system, will help end the breakup of families, create more economic opportunities and more positive role models. Thanks for continuing to expose yourself for the alt right bigot, racist fash (fascist trash) that you are, it sure helps your cause.

  53. “imperialism, colonialism, slavery, Jim Crow and systematic racism” = bullshit excuses

    Slavery existed everywhere in the world and it existed in Africa long before the Europeans arrived. It still exists in Africa today.

    When Europeans arrived in Africa with goods to trade, all the Africans offered in exchange were slaves that they, the Africans, had already enslaved.

    Colonization was a net positive for Africa. It created jobs for Africans and improved quality of life. In fact, the most civilized and safest places to go in Africa today are where the white settlers remain. Conditions became bad once whites were forced to leave. Usually this resulted from Marxist interference.

    In America, Blacks were actually in a much better position, statistically, in the 1960s, after the Jim Crow period, than they are today. Then drugs were brought in, the welfare state expanded, and the violent hip hop culture dominated. Heavy crime and Black deaths resulted as we see today. Police activity was a result and not a cause of the violence and deaths. Therefore “Defund the police” will not solve anything but only make the situation worse.

    The claim of systemic racism is a conspiracy theory Marxists invented to make Blacks angry and turn them into slaves for the Marxist cause. That is what BLM is all about.

  54. Bringing unarmed social workers to a violent crime scene will help things (sarcasm). What a joke.

    I think this Mike guy is a Marxist.

  55. I am mot so sure now that Kanye or Rocky will be on more ballots than Blankenship. Kanye may already be out of the race, and Rocky appears to be doing less this time than last time.

    Blankenship is likely going to be on less state ballots than any Constitution Party presidential candidates before him, and what is astounding about this is that he is the wealthiest candidate the CP has ever had, as his net worth is around $40 million. He could easily put say $500,000 or $1 million out of his own pocket into the race, and get on a lot more ballots without putting too much of a dent in his lifestyle.

  56. Yeah, I’m done reading the race Marxist fash with their bs. You’ve exposed yourselves and anything that needs to be said is already above.

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