C-SPAN Carries Theresa Amato Discussing “Grand Illusion” Today

On Saturday, July 11, C-SPAN 2 will carry a broadcast of Theresa Amato discussing her book “Grand Illusion: The Myth of Voter Choice in a 2-Party Tyranny”. The event is happening at the Chicago Tribune Printers Row Literature Fest. The interview lasts just under one hour and seems to be combined with another author, Rick Perlstein, author of “Nixonland.” See here for more detail. There are seven hours of interviews and the Amato-Perlstein one occupies the sixth hour.


C-SPAN Carries Theresa Amato Discussing “Grand Illusion” Today — No Comments

  1. I agree that we need party competition. The current two parties have everything all tied up. I was surprised that Theresa Amato didn’t mention how Ralph Nader and others were not allowed to debate before the election. How could they get many votes when most people did not know how many good, different, and new ideas were out there. We were not a fully informed electorate.

  2. I’m halfway through reading it and I’m enjoying it a lot!

    The book needs the “Colbert Bump”, in my opinion. 🙂

  3. What if political parties were done with altogether and now voters would have to concentrate on the individual candidate and his stand on certain issues?

  4. Once a Candidate is elected to public office, He/She should no longer be affiliated with any political party. No longer a Party member but the Representative of all the people.

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