Four Maine Voters File New Federal Lawsuit Against the Use of Ranked-Choice Voting

On July 22, four Maine voters filed a federal lawsuit, alleging that ranked=choice voting violates their voting rights. Hagopian v Dunlap, 1:20cv-257. They argue that voters who choose to vote for only one candidate are being injured. Here is the Complaint.

The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Lance Walker, who already upheld ranked-choice voting in another lawsuit two years ago. The hearing is set for July 27 at 1 p.m.


Four Maine Voters File New Federal Lawsuit Against the Use of Ranked-Choice Voting — 6 Comments

  1. I’m injured every time that I have to vote a blank because I don’t want any candidate listed for some office. What’s my remedy?

  2. In actuality, those who choose to vote for only one candidate under ranked choice voting are, in effect, bullet voting, and giving their sole choice more weight by excluding any other choices.

  3. I hope the judge in this case is more knowledgeable about Ranked Choice than the folks who filed this disingenuous lawsuit. It’s a classic case of attacking what they do not fully understand.

  4. Must put REAL reforms into Consts [ PR, APPV, Condorcet ] — regardless of all math morons.

  5. @WZ,

    Exhausted ballots should be treated as being cast for the last continuing candidate. If this prevents exclusion of any other candidates then hold a new election with all continuing candidates.

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