California Moderate Party Will Try to Qualify

Earlier this month, the California Moderate Party created a webpage for itself and says it will attempt to qualify for the 2010 ballot. It needs 88,991 registered members by January 6, 2010. The party’s webpage is

The founder, or one of the founders, is Ash Roughani of Sacramento, who has ties to both the United States and Iran. The party’s webpage does not make it clear if it wants people to register as a member of the “Moderate Party” or the “California Moderate Party”. UPDATE: as commenter #1 says, the party wants people to register “California Moderate”.


California Moderate Party Will Try to Qualify — No Comments

  1. If you click on “Register as a Moderate” you a given a list of 58 links to county-specific registration forms. All have “California Moderate Party” filled in for you.

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