The New Agenda Blogs About Maine Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate

The New Agenda is an organization started in 2008 that seeks to achieve opportunity for women by addressing issues which unite women, and by advancing women into leadership roles in the U.S. The New Agenda’s blog has this July 11 article about Lynne Williams, who is seeking the Green Party nomination for Governor of Maine.

The article’s lead sentence, “Lynne Williams is the only woman from a third party running on a gubernatorial ticket” is not well-thought out, but the remainder of the article is worth reading.


The New Agenda Blogs About Maine Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate — No Comments

  1. Not that she does any thing with abused veterans issues. This little nothing is just down the hill from the worst veterans home on the planet. Like AIP/ US Tax Payer Party/ Constitution Party do nothing [out side of abortion] Jim King, Ms Nightingale is an unknown quantity in her local locale and out side of her little troop of true believers.

    No references in Southern California print media. No references in electronic media. No listings in her own links page[s] ……….

    Why all the excitement, Mister Hill, for some one whom is merely [as so many alternative types, so many non Democans and non Republicrats are apt to do] preaching to the choir? Again, horrible on former military active duty………

    [Yes, the New Agenda/ Lynne Williams site is terribly inaccurate; it already [hours old] has corrections and apologies …….]

  2. Williams doesn’t hate windmills, she just thinks that the green economy should be locally owned and operated. I was also surprised to learn that she opposed a big wind farm project in Maine, but at the same time she was championing smaller, locally-owned wind projects.

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