Los Angeles Times Covers News in One “Birth Certificate” Lawsuit

The Los Angeles Times has this story about the U.S. District Court hearing in Alan Keyes v Barack Obama, cv09-82, held on July 13 in the Central District of California (in Santa Ana). The case, brought by attorney Orly Taitz, argues that President Obama’s qualifications to hold the office of President should be evaluated. U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter, a Clinton appointee, asked the U.S. attorneys present in court to work with Taitz to see that the Defendants are properly served, so that the case can proceed.

The plaintiffs in the case now are Alan Keyes, Wiley S. Drake, and Markham Robinson of the American Independent Party. Taitz plans to add some co-plaintiffs who are members of the U.S. military, to fend off the opposition’s inevitable argument that Keyes, Drake and Robinson lack standing. Members of the military are already plaintiffs in certain other cases concerning the constitutional qualifications, on the theory that they need not obey orders if the Commander-in-Chief does not meet the constitutional qualifications.


Los Angeles Times Covers News in One “Birth Certificate” Lawsuit — No Comments

  1. the real issue should be the lack of US citizenship of the supposed father — but I believe it will take a much further departure from the constitutional text in this case — i.e. that the birth was not in Honolulu or CONUS but on foreign soil and in addition that the Democratic National Committee knew that there was a problem and allowed the electoral college to elect the constitutionally ineligible person as POTUS.

  2. natural born = AT BIRTH allegiance to a regime — in order to have some sort of LOYALTY to the regime (and NOT to some foreign regime — especially with a Prez being CIC).

    What exactly is the LOYALTY of Obama to the People of the U.S.A. and the U.S.A. Constitution ???

    See also 14th Amdt, Sec. 1 — regardless of any earlier 1776-1868 stuff.

    The party hack Supremes have their EVIL standing stuff regardless of the WE the PEOPLE in the Preamble of the Constitution.

    Do even the allegedly sovereign States have *standing* to cause the Constitution to be enforced ???

    See Art. VII — Establishment of this Constitution ***between the States*** so ratifying the same.

    In other words – TOTAL EVIL in the brains of the party hack Supremes — directly due to their appointments by party hack U.S.A. Prezs and approval by the party hack U.S.A. Senators — i.e. about ZERO connection of the party hack Supremes with the People and the State regimes.

  3. While the qualifications of Obama should be challenged the problem with Keyes/Robinson is that the real reason they are pursuing this lawsuit is to cover their corruption with a veneer of appearing to fight for the Constitution and in defense of the Republic. The reality of their corruption will be found at the website TheCorruptionOfAlanKeyes.org which will soon be online.

    Don Grundmann Vice-Chairman American Independent Party, California branch of the Constitution Party

  4. Obama has NEVER released his “birth certificate.” He only showed a (very sketchy) “Certification of Live Birth,” which does NOT prove much of anything. Hawaiian residents born elsewhere can obtain a COLB.


  5. Go Orly! Lets get that imposter, traider out of our Whitehouse and in jail, where he belongs.

  6. Waring: Don Grundmann is a member of the State Central
    Committee of the American Independent Party. He was an
    attending delegate to the 2008 Convention on July 5, 2008 in the Auditorium of the California Secretary of State Building, Sacramento, CA. I was the elected chairman of that one day convention. Don Grundmann left the meeting early. After Grundmann left that auditorium the an elected 2008 ticket for the AIP of Alan Keyes and Wiley Drake with a 100% vote happened.

    Don Grundmann held no office in the American Independent Party since September 2, 2008. The American
    Independent Party affiliated with the America’s Independent Party of Fenton, Michigan on June 27, 2008.

    Don Grundmann as of yet has not suggested an escrow
    holder of the $1,000.00 cash for the proof of vote, the
    work product of Mark Seidenberg. I an informed that someone named “Don Grundman” will be running for United
    States Senate in 2010. The State Central Committee need
    to determine if Don wants to include voters that are declined to State in his quilification petition. It is
    up to Chairman Markham Robinson to inform the California
    Secretary of State of how Don Grundmann will collect signatures to run for the U.S. Senate.

    Back on January 10, 2006, Nancy filed a bogus determination with the California Secretary of State,
    that the AIP State Central Committee met between January
    1, 2006 to January 10, 2006 and voted on issues within
    S.B. 28. That was disinfornation to the California
    Secretary of State.

    Now it is up to Grundmann to some how get his views aired to the State Central Committee. At the same time
    he is boycotting his fellow State Committee members.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman, American
    Independent Party.

  7. Of course the man has released a certified copy of his birth certificate, he has a US Passport! The state dept. has had the f’n thing on file since Obama was SIX. You can NOT get a COLB in Hawaii that says you were BORN IN HONOLULU unless you were born in HONOLULU. They get that info from the long form. That isn’t unlike other states including Michigan. My short-form had no more info that Obama’s short form and I got a US passport. The COLB on factcheck.org is signed and stamped, ie CERTIFIED by the State of Hawaii(Legally, good enough for a passport and recognize by every court in the country). Certified meaning, they stand by what it says. Orly et al are NUTS. Alan Keyes is nuts, he got defeated in a HUGE landslide by Obama yet none of these birthers will even consider he might just have an ISSUE with him. They are obsessed, meaning, irrational. How can a man obtain a US passport without turning over a certified copy of his birth certicate? YOU CAN’T. Yes, it really is THAT simple. Some of these people actually think a US Senator and presidential candidate flew to Germany as a candidate, where he gave a speech in front of 200,000 people, on an Indonesian passport and NO ONE noticed, no one at customs noticed?? Irrational.I don’t think half these people have ever traveled overseas or gone to college(since they seem clueless about how he got funds to attend some of the finest schools in the country). They wonder why no one addresses their concerns? They are knee deep in B.S. and think it is President Obama’s problem? They think it is the media’s problem because they can’t see passed their own noses?

  8. Could Tony Blair ever be President of the United States of America? If you truthfully answered no, then you know that oBama can also never legally be President. Both were British Citizens at birth and both can never be considered Natural Born Americans. This simple fact has been overlooked since oBama filed papers to run for POTUS. I just can’t see this being overlooked by accident. The facts were known, in fact they have been hidden just like all other information about this man with no history.

  9. Old1, hidden? It is in his best selling book, Dream of My Father. Everyone knows about his father, where he was from and why he came to school here. Obama was born a U.S. citizen, period. What Britain laws said or Kenya’s law said does not matter one bit. To be a citizen at birth in the US one only has to be born here. That is the law, was the law and that is why NO ONE but people like you obsessed with this issue, actually can say silly things like the origins of his father are ‘hidden’ or ‘kept secret’. You think you’ve happened upon the smoking gun of all this, you write it all over the internet. Everyone knows his father was Kenyan and a British subject, it IS a non-issue.

  10. The gist of this entire NBC/ Potus/ CINC/ SCOTUS case may well (re)settle the citizenship (not just natural born citizenship) issue of children born of “tourists” — both sides may have to be very careful what they wish for. The left has made its move to control government, the independent voter will decide in 2010 as in 1994 whether this power grab will prevail or the reactionaries will come out way ahead. There is yet another TRO hearing in Georgia Middle District USDC today for an injuction against the US Army related of NBC/POTUS/CINC retaliation againg officer “whistle-blower” challenge.

  11. These “birthers” are idiots. Never mind the fact that Pres. Obama was born in Hawaii. His mother was an American citizen. Any child born of an American citizen is an American citizen, even if born in another country. Go back to Civics 101.

  12. The reason that ‘birthers’ gain momentum (even celebs join now) is because they are probably true. mainstream media try now to talk about it (they used to ignore it) in case it becomes true, they do not want to look stupid, so they start to mention the theory. When this happens, i never liked Obama anyway, i hope soon, factcheck.org will really look stupid, and Obama will be removed from office and prosecuted for fraud

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