On August 6, the Princeton Electoral Innovation Lab submitted this amicus in Hagopian v Dunlap, the federal lawsuit in Maine over the constitutionality of ranked-choice voting. The Lab amicus supports ranked-choice voting.
On August 6, the Princeton Electoral Innovation Lab submitted this amicus in Hagopian v Dunlap, the federal lawsuit in Maine over the constitutionality of ranked-choice voting. The Lab amicus supports ranked-choice voting.
Condorcet = RCV done right.
You are assuming voters can or will rank multiple candidates.
JR –
at least 2 or bust !!! ???
In the meantime —
PR (using required CANDIDATE RCV LISTS) and nonpartisan exec/judic AppV.
The brief appears to have worked backwards from their conclusion.
If Maine voters could rank all candidares, there would be no reason for segregated partisan primaries, along with associated exclusion of minor party candidates.
President should be a non-partisan office?
I think that was the original idea.
NONPARTISAN ALL execs and judics.
ALL/most partisans in legis bodies will attack exec/judic actions/non-actions re partisan LAWS.
Jim, Don’t feed the troll.
Typical troll post by the BAN resident fake name Trump/Putin/Xi MORON TROLL.
Self referential post above.