Arizona Daily Star Story Says Many Kanye West Petitioners Try to Get Signatures Deceptively

This Arizona Daily Star story describes methods used by professional petitioners to persuade signers to sign the Kanye West independent presidential petition. The story has witnesses who say many petitioners lie to prospective signers about what the petition is for.


Arizona Daily Star Story Says Many Kanye West Petitioners Try to Get Signatures Deceptively — 12 Comments

  1. How many LIES by candidates and incumbents ???
    PR and APPV – pending Condorcet


  2. Good point about lying politicians, Demo Rep, but this still does not excuse any deceptive tactics being used by the petition circulators.

    One of the dark sides of the petition business is that there are some people in it who use shady tactics. If they asked people to sign to place an independent candidate on the ballot, that is fine, so long as leave the part of the petition where it says Kanye West visible (it is my understanding that it is visible on the paper above where the signature boxes are), and if people ask them who the candidate is, they tell them. If they mention an issue that Kanye has said that he supports, they need to make it clear to people that it is for a candidate who supports this, and if they ask who the candidate is, they need to tell them Kanye West.

  3. How many people would sign a petition for Demo Rep for office? Most certainly none, so he’d trick them by asking them to sign for his evil alter ego, Tommy Jones.

  4. @DR,

    How would they determine if a petition card was valid?

    Let’s say Robert James Ritchie decides to run for governor. Would he print cards up and distribute them? Could they be distributed at the mall and collected, saving a stamp? What if you sent 2 or 50?

    Better to set a more reasonable number and have supporters appear in person at courthouses. 0.1% of the 2018 vote in Arizona would be 2377.

  5. Forms —

    newspapers / magazines
    junk mail

    multiple candidates via above – shared costs
    even parties – candidates forms page(s).

    standard verify via sampling. standard felonies for forged forms — akin to forged checks.

    The olde petition stuff is as obsolete as olde pre-primary caucuses and conventions – pre 1888.

  6. Thanks to Richard Winger, the”purported claim” (sic.) of deceptions will be correct today. All candidates for Presidential Electors that were Republicans yesterday will be reregistered as “independent” electors in Arizona today
    for Kanye West and his VPOTUS running mate.

    It is my view that Arizona 16-341A be reviewed by the US court as unconstitutional to apply to Presidential Elector candidates.

    News from Hawai’i the ticket of Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente for POTUS and Kanye West for VPOTUS will be on the November ballot in Hawai’i in addition to California.

  7. The current health crisis has exposed what a rotten, dated system used in this country for ballot access. Everything should be re-thought, including whether or not nomination petitions are even necessary.

  8. @MS
    Do voter registrations take effect immediately upon turning in the form to the BOE or when it is processed and entered into their system?

  9. the time is when received not when entered. I had the same issue in New York and Florida in 2017. It should be the same in Arizona.

    Thank you for your comment Brandon Lyon.

  10. Must have time stamp dates for ALL govt stuff.

    Always shifting govt hacks — moving around / dead.

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