This story says that members of Florida’s legislative Black Caucus have come out in opposition to the top-two initiative in Florida.
The story also quotes John Opdycke, President of Open Primaries (a group that supports top-two systems) as saying that California had closed primaries for state office before California switched to the top-two system. This is not true. California had semi-closed primaries for congress and state office between 2002 and 2010. John Opdycke knows this because he and I have had face-to-face conversations about this. The proof that California had semi-closed primaries, both Republican and Democratic, for congress and state office can be seen from the California Secretary of State’s website.
“An outcome of this proposal is the loss of minority representation in the Legislature,” said Senate Minority Leader Audrey Gibson
And, it won’t just be ethnic minorities.
NOOOOOO primaries.
PR and AppV — pending Condorcet.
more lawyers needed ???
Southern African-American voters are historically against all forms of runoffs: instant runoff, transferrable vote, new election, or otherwise. The reason is according to them it allows all the whites to join together and defeat the black candidate.