Oregon State Trial Court Rules Republican Party Did Not Miss Deadline for Submitting Voter Handbook Statement by 29 Seconds

On September 14, an Oregon state court judge ruled that the Republican Party was not 29 seconds too late to submit its statement for the Oregon Voters Guide. The Secretary of State had earlier rejected the party’s submission on the grounds that it was late. The judge said what counts is the moment at which the party handed over the document, not the moment when the election official processed it. See this story. Thanks to Steve Kemp for the link. The Secretary of State says she will comply, but she will also appeal.


Oregon State Trial Court Rules Republican Party Did Not Miss Deadline for Submitting Voter Handbook Statement by 29 Seconds — 4 Comments

  1. New Age Lights O-U-T Einstein black holes start at govt office closing times —

    0.00000000000000000001 second after 4/5 PM ???

    Over/Under worked staffers near total collapse after shuffling papers all day – falling asleep on way out of govt buildings ???

  2. Walter, I’d guess the (digital) time stamp said 5:00:29 or there would not have been a dispute in the first place.

    But there are three times one could consider: (1) login time to the system, (2) the time at which the “Submit” or “Upload” button got clicked, and (3) the time at which the spinning circle stopped and the system responds “Accepted” or something similar.

    If (2) was before 5:00:00 and their system spun the wait circle for more than 29 seconds then I’d say the Republicans have a good case.

    No clue why people wait to literally the last minute, though. Over the years I’ve read about several cases here involving seconds or minutes past the deadline.

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