Alternate Presidential Debate Thursday, October 8

The presidential debate sponsored by Free and Equal and Open the Debates will be held Thursday, October 8, at 6 p.m. Denver time. The debate is in Denver and the five participants will be in the room with each other. Anyone may watch via computer by going to

The five candidates are Howie Hawkins, Gloria De La Riva, Don Blankenship, Brock Pierce, and Brian Carroll. Eligibility required being on the ballot in at least eight states. Those who were eligible but who chose not to participate are Jo Jorgensen, Rocky De La Fuente, and Kanye West. President Trump and Joe Biden are forbidden by their contracts with the Commission on Presidential Debates to participate in any other general election debates.

The fate of the Trump-Biden remaining two debates is in doubt. The Commission on Presidential Debates wants them to be virtual, but President Trump said on October 8 that he will only continue to debate if the debaters are in the same room with each other.

Meanwhile, Level the Playing Field is readying its cert petition to the U.S. Supreme Court, in Level the Playing Field v FEC, which charges that the Commission is violating federal campaign finance law and that the FEC is derelict for not enforcing those laws.


Alternate Presidential Debate Thursday, October 8 — 15 Comments

  1. If Trump is out if the COPD debates he could debate other candidates. For example kanye west. Or Howie Hawkins. Or what if he was to make a surprise appearance at the alternative debate tonight and really shake up the campaign?

  2. TRUMP can schedule a white house speech about arrests of Biden, his son, the Clinton’s, Mueller, shifty Schiff, Pelosi, Barakk Hussein Osama, and other enemies. BARR has already pretty much revealed the arrests are coming before the election and TRUMP has asked why no arrests yet. You can tell what’s coming.

  3. Then you will believe it very soon. Why do YOU think BARR announced today a rule change that election related cases can be brought before the election, on the very same day TRUMP asked publicly why the arrests of Joe and Hunter Stalin Biden, Barack Hussein and Michael Osama, crooked Hillary and slick willie haven’t already happened? There would have been no such rule change if the arrests were not coming before the election. At that point there will be no election. It will be called off and the ballots thrown out just as TRUMP called for and predicted. With BARRETT on the court there will be no one and nothing left to stop it. With the white house, senate and supreme court unquestionably controlled by TRUMP and those loyal to HIM, the military under HIS orders, law enforcement on HIS side as HE has been on theirs, gun owners overwhelmingly on HIS side, the die will be cast and the GLOBAL HOLY TRUMP EMPIRE will come into being. It will last FOREVER since HE is Perfect and immortal.

  4. How many different fake names used by the BAN resident Trump troll MORON since it was hatched and infected BAN ???

  5. I watched it, or at least as best as I could. It was a technical disaster. The YouTube link never worked, so I ended up watching it on FB. Even then, my left ear got all the info since the audio was terrible for the most part (and other issues that I care not to mention). Aside from that, the content of the debaters was not bad; and also shows how diversity is a good thing altogether.

  6. There was an average of about 1,000 viewings on the livestream when I was watching. If Jo had taken part then I’m sure it would have received more views.

  7. Perhaps a mere 145,000,000 Prez votes coming in 3 Nov 2020 election.

    How many get legally counted is a quite different matter ???

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