New York Times Story on When Each State Will Begin Processing Ballots Received Before Election Day

The New York Times has this interesting story showing when each state begins to pre-process ballots that arrive before election day. “Pre-process” does not mean that the ballot is counted early. It means that the time-consuming work of checking the signature on the outer envelope is done early.

Only four states don’t do any pre-processing before election day: Alabama, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. And at least Wisconsin election officials do examine the outer envelopes before election day to see if there are any obvious errors on the outer envelope, such as a missing signature.

A bill is pending in Pennsylvania to allow for pre-processing. Pennsylvania has a Republican majority in each house of its legislature but a Democratic governor. There is a great deal of attention in Pennsylvania on whether this bill passes in time to be of use. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


New York Times Story on When Each State Will Begin Processing Ballots Received Before Election Day — 7 Comments

  1. What State/DC does N-O-T have a special voter specific scanner code on the outside of ABS envelopes ???

    ie – scan – voter regis sig shows up on TV screen

    — to compare with sig on outside envelope

    — about 1 second or less ???

  2. Might as well post Babylon Bee articles at this point. They have the same level of trust and accuracy.

  3. ALL mail ballot papers –

    OR, WA, etc survive.

    What is the INSANE stuff about INSTANT election results ???

    Reason for time delay between election days and take office days — in SANE regimes.

  4. BUT — INSTANT reporting of total ballots received when polls close —

    to detect any ballot box stuffing.

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