Five Cities Passed Ranked Choice Voting for Elections for their Own Officers

On November 3, the voters of five cities approved ballot measures that will institute ranked choice voting, for elections for city officers. The cities are Eureka, California; Albany, California; Boulder, Colorado; Bloomington, Minnesota; and Minnetonka, Minnesota.


Five Cities Passed Ranked Choice Voting for Elections for their Own Officers — 4 Comments


    3rd court blocks Trump on Congress seat count

    Mike Schneider, Associated Press Published 11:50 p.m. ET Nov. 6, 2020

    A panel of three judges on Friday became the third federal court to rule that President Donald Trump’s effort to exclude people in the country illegally from the numbers used for dividing up congressional seats is unlawful.
    How many ILLEGAL INVADERS IN USA ??? 10/20/30/40/50 PCT — MORE ???


  2. Terrible news. The one-party voting system is unacceptable, twice as bad as the two-party system and brings the dictatorship psychology we see more and more under bogus one-party voting systems.

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