Article Explains Why Almost Half of Alaska Votes Still Aren’t Counted

This NPR story explains why almost half of Alaska’s votes still haven’t been counted. That is why we still don’t know if the Top-Four initiative passed.

UPDATE: the state Elections website posted another 50,000 votes late on the day, on November 10. Here are the new results. It now appears likely that the top-four initiative, Measure Two, will pass. Scroll down to the very bottom to see the tallies on that initiative.


Article Explains Why Almost Half of Alaska Votes Still Aren’t Counted — 8 Comments

  1. Another leftist website and organization? Richard, do you ever post anything from a right leaning source?

  2. @CQ,

    The new votes favorable by 58.9%. Based on estimated outstanding ballots they needed to get 57.9%. It should end up being quite close.

    It might depend on geographical and temporal distribution of the ballots counted today.

    Since Alaska elections are administered at the state level, it would not be unreasonable for example to tally the votes by assembly district.

    Richard Winger’s use of the term “likely” may be overstated. I would use “possible” or perhaps “50/50”.

  3. Projections of actual votes about as super-dubious as pre-election day polls.

    NOW a TOTAL waste of time.

  4. @CQ,

    They do have election day ballots from all precincts. They are counting mail ballotsd. In Alaska they check whether a mail ballot was received from someone who also voted in persdon. In the 2020 primary about 80 people did so, and the extra ballot was discarded.

    There was another ballot release late Tuesday. It was not as D leaning as the afternoon release, and slightly less favorable to Top 4. This indicates that they are processing ballots in some geographical or temporal order. The final result will be quite close.

    If they used RCV for this referendum, we could transfer the Maybe votes.

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