U.S. Supreme Court Wants Minnesota to Respond to Lawsuit on Presidential Primary Ballot Access

Minnesota’s law on presidential primary ballot access gives the party complete control over who can get on that party’s primary ballot.  In 2020 the Minnesota Republican Party decided to let no one on its ballot except President Donald Trump.  Rocky De La Fuente, who was also seeking the Republican nomination, sued and lost in the lower courts.  He asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear his appeal.  On December 14, the U.S. Supreme Court asked Minnesota to file a response.  This means the Court is somewhat interested in the case.  De La Fuente v Simon, 20-612.


U.S. Supreme Court Wants Minnesota to Respond to Lawsuit on Presidential Primary Ballot Access — 1 Comment

  1. Another blatant 1-10-1 Title of Nobility violation and 4-4 RFG violation with add-on 14-1 EPC violation.

    Parties are faction parts of ALL PUBLIC Electors/Voters.

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