New Maryland Voter Registration Data

The Maryland State Board of Elections has released registration totals for December 31, 2020. See it here. Scroll down. The percentages are: Democratic 54.87%; Republican 24.71%; Libertarian .37%; Green .14%; Working Class .05%; Bread & Roses .03%; independent and miscellaneous 19.84%.

Percentages on September 30, 2020, were: Democratic 54.99%; Republican 24.74%; Libertarian .34%; Green .14%; Working Class .04%; Bread & Roses .02%; independent and miscellaneous 19.73%.


New Maryland Voter Registration Data — 11 Comments

  1. More PURGE lists.

    NOOOO govt partisan registration lists —

    ZERO learned from olde USSR and nazi regimes.

  2. Richard:
    How does Maryland’s State Board of Elections decide which of the un-qualified parties (by registration) does it separate out to list on its report?

  3. Maryland State Board of Elections’ website doesn’t reveal any registration data for unqualified parties. But when a party goes off the ballot, it keeps its registrants, so when it comes back on, the party doesn’t need to start all over again from zero. If one asks the State Board of Elections over the phone, or via e-mail, how many registrations an ex-qualified party has, they will tell the answer. But one can’t know the data from their website.


  5. “Bread and Roses party? Is that a larp?”

    I said this here awhile ago, and that is that I bet they’d get more votes if they called themselves the Guns and Roses Party.

  6. Take me down to Andy’s Liberty City
    Where Spanish is banned and Dixie flags fly freely.
    Oh the Libertarian Zone!

  7. Take me down to Andy’s Liberty City
    Where the spics are gone and the wites are aplenty.
    Oh the Libertarian Zone!

  8. Take me down to Andy’s Liberty City
    Where the spics are gone and the wites are aplenty.
    Oh the Libertarian Zone!

    Take me down to Andy’s Liberty City
    Where Spanish is banned and Dixie flags fly freely.
    Oh the Libertarian Zone!

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