Snopes Article on Past U.S. Parties Named Patriot Party

Snopes has this article about past U.S. political parties that have used the name “Patriot Party.” Some of the groups listed in the article, which is by Jessica Lee, did not actually get on the ballot anywhere. The Patriot Party that did get on the most ballots was the party formed in 1993 by members of the New Alliance Party, in combination with 1992 Ross Perot supporters who wanted to create a new party. It was active mostly in 1994, and was dissolved in 1996 after Ross Perot formed the Reform Party.

Of course the reason people are interested in “Patriot Party” at this time is because of the suggestion by former President Donald Trump that he might possibly support the creation of a new party with that name.

The Snopes article is disappointingly inaccurate when it says, near the bottom, that Ross Perot in 1996 was an “independent candidate” using the name Reform Party. The Reform Party was a bona fide party started in September 1995 by Ross Perot. It had its own nominees for all branches of government, and its own national presidential convention in 1996 in Long Beach, California. It is the only third party that ever received general election public funding. It elected the Governor of Minnesota in 1998.


Snopes Article on Past U.S. Parties Named Patriot Party — 12 Comments



  2. “Donning Confederate flags and Black Panther memorabilia…”
    Let me guess, Clayton Bigsby was a leading member?

  3. I think the Reform Party pretty much officially died recently. I heard the last remaining affiliate with ballot access, which was the Reform Party of Florida, officially became an Affiliate of the Alliance Party.

    Interesting how the Reform Party limped along for 20 years before it finally died. The last time it was really prominent was when Pat Buchanan was its candidate for President back in 2000.

  4. Please God, let Dumbo get snowed in and his power and internet get cut off so that we can all have at least a week of relief from his drivel. PS: He enjoys eating cat food anyway.

  5. Hi Richard. I was a delegate to the 2000 RP Convention, which was in Long Beach. Recall that the 2000 RO convention split into two factions; John Hagelin and the Natural Law Party teaming up with NY Independence Party on one side. Pat Buchanan, Russell Verney on the other. I believe the 1996 convention was up north, Pennsylvania? Gov Richard Lamm was the RP favorite until late-entry Perot / United We Stand America joined in with RP members.

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