This Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper story briefly describes the many lawsuits that are still pending in both federal and state courts over whether the vote-counting process across the nation last November was fundamentally accurate. The story emphasizes Georgia lawsuits, but includes similar lawsuits pending in other states.
No major voter fraud.
ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes continue –
special 3 USA gerrymander systems
99 State houses
many local regimes.
1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchs continue in power.
More lawless exec/judic stuff.
more brain dead moron useless media — loving the personality cult stuff / sports results.
Worse and worse totally bankrupt govts in the USA – esp the USA regime of wars and deficits since 1929.
What these Republicans need to do is get over the idea that the loss of Trump is the end of the world so that they can focus on reforms going forward. These reforms could include the following:
1. Requiring that any computerized voting system has back-up paper ballots that can be hand counted in the event of recounts and challenges.
2. Expect pre-election balloting to be the norm going forward, and establishing standards for voter ID under such systems.
3. Switching the selection of Presidential electors to the Maine system of voting 1. by district, and 2. by ranked choice voting. District voting makes fraud in any one district less like;y to affect the overall outcome. And ranked choice voting lessens the risk of independent and third party candidates “spoiling” the outcome.
Computer voting and vote counting should be done away with. Hand counted paper ballots, counted out loud, in full view of poll watchers and the public, and done at each precinct, is the way it should be done.
The federal government should issue ID’s. When someone moves they would update their address, and automatically be registered to vote. Show ID to vote in person. One ballot per race counted at the end of the night in the precinct.
If voters are unable to go to the polling place, election officials and pollwatchers go to them.
Andy —
How many officers and issues on current average ballots – FED/STATES/LOCALS ???
MULTIPLE elections ??? — limit on number of officers/issues ???
How much corruption with paper scanners ??? — around since 1930s — skoool tests.
How much corruption in ALL paper mail ballot regimes – Oregon, etc. ???
— rashly assuming mail ballots got to /from voters in time.
@ Jim Riley:
The federal government already issues IDs that are very useful for voter ID: they are called passports, which provide DOB and proof of citizenship. They now have convenient passport cards, which look like a driver’s license, and are used primarily by people who commute to Canada or Mexico to work.
Application can be made at many post offices. The first time fee for the passport cards is $65, and renewals are $35. The federal government could establish a program to make the passport cards available for free to those who need them for voter ID.
Once upon a time Americans were concerned about the abuse potential of national ids and even ss cards for many years said “not for identification purposes”. We mocked other countries which had internal passports and demanded “your papers please old man, where are your papers”… Not anymore.
No one is required to have a passport. But, they are ideal for voter ID because they establish the two basic requirements for voting: age and citizenship.
People who want to travel outside the country are legally required to have passports. Back when I used to travel outside the country that didn’t include Mexico, Canada and many Caribbean islands. I have read that it now includes them too. The proposal here, unless I misunderstood, would extend the passport mandate to anyone who would want to vote in federal elections in any state. If that’s correct, the only people who would not be required to have a passport would be those who never leave the country and never vote (unless it’s only on state and local elections when there are no congressional or presidential candidates on the ballot). Since most people would then have passports, they would probably be extended to a multitude of other uses as drivers licenses have been.
It seems to me that if states are going to require voter ID, them the federal government ought to assist voters as much as possible by issuing passport cards free of charge.
It would also make for a nice national ID card, too!
Some states require voter ID, others don’t. No one is required to get a passport OR to vote. So, no, passport cards issued for voter ID wouldn’t be a national ID card, because it wouldn’t be universally required.
Because government mandates and ids never expand on their uses and functionality from where they start. Look, let’s be real. How long before you need it to get on a domestic flight? How about a bus or train? Urban transit? Get a job, drive a vehicle, walk down the street (walking is a form of transportation), get medical services, buy alcohol, enter a facility where alcohol is served, go into a government building, register to vote, and any number of other convenience uses. Sure, you still won’t have to get one, if you live in a cave. Except, will people be allowed to live in caves? You’ll need it to buy a house, rent an apartment or get a motel room, I bet. Want to go live in a boat? You’ll need it there too.
It’ll help cut down on medical fraud since all your medical records will be available at a scan. And it will make sure everyone pays their taxes and child support. Conveniently enough it will hold everyone’s bioscans, tax records, police interactions, permanent record from school, test results, job history and evaluations, debt records, full financial and residential history, ancestry records and everything else. Each step of the way it will just be a small, logical expansion of something everyone already has for everyone’s safety and convenience.
Sounds good right? Well once we have something that important we can’t have people losing it or using someone else’s so it does have to be location tracked with rfid, accessible to law enforcement. And it’ll probably be convenient to get rid of antiquated paper and coin money – we’re already well on the way to that – and put it all on the only card you’ll need. Tracking all purchases will do wonders for stopping all kinds of crime, terrorism, tax evasion, you name it. Fugitives will become a thing of the past. It can be combined with social credit scores a la red China to help cut down on social strife and promote harmony. Theft will become a thing of the past as every item can be instantly scanned to determine its legitimate owner.
Maybe it will be more convenient to get rid of the plastic and implant it directly in people’s bodies. Just scan their hand or forehead, maybe? And as other countries implement this wonderful technology, they can integrate their systems together. There won’t be any illegal immigrants or international fugitives either. There are so, so many problems we can solve like this. What are we waiting for?
@ Pep:
It’s not as if it doesn’t already exist. In fact, passports are among the oldest official ID documents around. I am not proposing the creation of anything new. I’m just trying to solve the problem of voter ID without mandating anything new.
I suppose we could just abolish voter ID altogether, but that doesn’t seem to be the direction that people want to go. Especially not now that mail-in and absentee voting appear to be here to stay.
You’re proposing creating something new, which is one single federal ID required to vote in most elections other than municipal (and the very few state elections which don’t coincide with federal elections). Once you take that “small” leap of making a federal passport card something most people will have because they vote and/or travel outside the country, it becomes much easier to march right down the road I described with each step seemingly small and logical making things convenient and easy and safe for people, cutting down on crime and fraud etc. There is an alternative, which actually is something that already exists: letting each state determine what ID requirements it will have for voting if any, and how, when and to who it will issue its separate state IDs deemed acceptable for that purpose. They’d only have to follow federal guidelines so as not to be too discriminatory.
Pep makes sense in most of this, but how do you prevent people from voting 10 times like Democrats want?
For one thing, documented, proven cases of people voting multiple times virtually don’t exist. There is a lot of smoke and unproven allegations, but virtually zero concrete proof (convictions, prosecutions, anything that would hold up in court). For another, states are perfectly capable of policing their own voting.
” Hand counted paper ballots, counted out loud, in full view of poll watchers and the public, and done at each precinct, is the way it should be done.”
There are over 180,000 precincts. Some have very tiny numbers of people. Are there volunteers everywhere who would be doing this? Can they all be trusted? I understand you want poll watchers to be allowed, but will poll watchers be available at all these precincts? Whoever is doing all this hand counting has to report their results somewhere and those have to be tabulated.
I understand your are suggesting that machines are inherently untrustworthy. But voting is not the only important thing out there. Are you going to mandate all banking, financial transactions, retail sales, etc be done with hand counting and paper ledgers, without the use of machines? Can we really trust machines to transport us safely, help monitor, diagnose and maintain our health, get us from place to place, deliver our power, water, and so on? Perhaps the Luddites and Amish are correct, but then we’d be corresponding by hand written postal mail delivered by horses, or perhaps pigeons.
In actuality, despite the massive hubbub stirred up by Trump’s ego (he always claims he gets cheated whenever he loses at anything, whether it’s a golf game, business deal, or award show nomination for his TV show, and just as relentlessly cheats himself), machines haven’t proven nearly as unreliable as you are trying to claim at counting votes. In fact multiple recounts have been done both by hand and by machine, sometimes of the same votes (for instance, Georgia in the November election) and no major discrepancies were found. In fact, machine results were somewhat more accurate than hand count results, although neither was far off. Another fact of which you are probably unaware is that these machines count paper ballots, and that many times they do get recounted, by machine and or by hand. Georgia was one of many cases where it was both.
Jack, pretend that you have decided to cast ten ballots. First, what do you do about registration? Do you fill out ten different voter registration forms using fake names? Do you use actual postal addresses, or do you make up imaginary postal addresses? Do you get anyone to help you, or do you do it entirely by yourself? If you have used fake names but real addresses, the post office will reject the receipt sent to you by the election officials, or else the real voter living at that address will receive the mail and may report it. If you have used a non-existence postal address, the mail will certainly be returned by the post office to the election official. If the registrations you filled out do manage to get accepted, when you go to vote, you run the risk that someone at the polls will know you and know that you are using a phony name. Your DNA will be on the phony voter registration forms. Are you really willing to run the risk of ruining your life with a long felony prison term just to cast a few extra votes? The reward structure is all nonsensical.
Richard, are you saying not one person has ever voted more than once? Is your head that far in the sand?
Richard, most of the cheating is an inside job, as in it is not done by the general public, but rather by insiders.
Richard only claims cheating when the commies lose. When they win, there’s never any cheating according to him.
Saul and Richard, have you ever seriously considered impersonating another person (real or imaginary) and cast more than a single vote in a single election? If not, why didn’t you?
Andy, are you saying the polling place officials commit voter fraud? I nave been a polling place official in many, many elections. The first time was 1964. It is a very tough job and even when one is sincerely trying to do a good job, it is demanding at times, especially after the polls close. Generally polling place officials are strangers to one another, at least at the beginning of the day.
I am not saying that all polling place workers commit fraud, but yes, some of them do. Between this, and electronic vote rigging, and fraudulent ballots, election fraud happens. Not everywhere during every election, but it does happen.
Like Joseph Stalin said, “It does not matter how the people vote, it is who counts the votes that matters.”
How much corruption in ALL paper mail ballot regimes — OREGON, etc ???
Philly Election Officials Charged With Election Fraud
By David Chang • Published May 18, 2015 • Updated on August 8, 2016 at 11:29 pm
From the article: “On the night before Philly’s primary, four local election officials are accused of casting extra votes in order to balance their numbers.
Sandra Lee, 60, Alexia Harding, 22, James Collins, 69, and Gregory Thomas, 60, are all charged with election fraud. Warrants for their arrests were issued Monday. All four suspects were election officials from Philly’s 18th Ward, 1st Division.
‘There’s no legally justifiable reason to vote multiple times and you cannot falsely certify that you live in a particular ward and division in order to work the polls and collect a check,’ said District Attorney Seth Williams. ‘Our democracy rests on free and fair elections, but it also relies on the fact that they are conducted properly, which is why these four individuals deserve to be arrested for what they did.’”
Philly Election Board Worker Arrested for Voter Fraud
Written by Vincent J. Smith, Contributing Writer
From the article: “A Philadelphia Election Board worker was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly tampering with voting machines and electioneering inside the polls.
In quick response, Pennsylvania GOP’s Philadelphia area Executive Director Joe DeFelice commented on the arrest.
‘This is not surprising to us in the least,” said DeFelice. ‘Such voter fraud and tampering has been an ongoing problem in Philadelphia for decades.’
The press release from the PA GOP was entitled, ‘No Kidding.’
‘The Election Board is the first line in providing free and fair elections, and unfortunately, this is where we see the majority of our election-related issues.
‘How can voters feel confident that their votes are being counted – and how can we ensure the integrity of any election – if we allow this type of tampering and fraud to continue in Philadelphia? And how can we curb this problem if our inspectors aren’t even allowed inside the building?,’ DeFelice said.
The voter fraud issue in Pennsylvania has largely been focused on personal voter fraud and not so much on the integrity of Election Board workers. But DeFelice claims that biased opinions and corruption are rampant in Philadelphia polling places.”
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Former Congressman Charged with Ballot Stuffing, Bribery, and Obstruction
“A former U.S. Congressman was charged Tuesday in an indictment unsealed today, with conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice.
Michael ‘Ozzie’ Myers, 77, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is charged with conspiring with and bribing the former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division, Domenick J. Demuro. Demuro, who pleaded guilty previously in federal court in Philadelphia, was responsible for overseeing the entire election process and all voter activities of his division in accord with federal and state election laws.
‘Free and fair elections are the hallmark of our system of government,’ said Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. ‘The Department of Justice has zero tolerance for corruption of the electoral process, and we will spare no effort in investigating and prosecuting those who would seek an unfair advantage at the polls by bribing state and local officials responsible for ensuring the fairness of our elections.’
‘Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If only one vote has been illegally rung up or fraudulently stuffed into a ballot box, the integrity of that entire election is undermined,” said U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. “Votes are not things to be purchased and democracy is not for sale. If you are a political consultant, election official, or work with the polling places in any way, I urge you to do your job honestly and faithfully. That is what the public deserves, it is what democracy demands, and it is what my office will enforce.’”
I’m not a Democrat, so I don’t believe in voting multiple times. Obviously Richard thinks it is OK.
So there’s no pattern of election fraud? Remember, they did not need to rig every polling place in the country in order to throw the election to Joe Biden. All they had to do was rig it in a few key places. These were largely densely populated urban areas controlled by Democrats, like Philadelphia.
Also, it is a mistake to view this as Democrat vs. Republican. This is about the ruling establishment, as in the people who control the banks and the news media and a lot of other institutions, getting their preference in office. Donald Trump is still an establishment guy for the most part, but he is less of an insider than Joe Biden. Trump is more on the outer circle, whereas Joe Biden is more on the inner circle. This is why there are establishment lackeys in the Republican Party who were “Never Trumpers” who tried to sabotage Trump when he ran in 2016, and who tried to undermine him as President, and who are essentially stabbing him in the back right now. Sadly, the Libertarian Party is not immune from this either, as there are “establishment Libertarians” who are siding with Joe Biden, and ignoring that there was any chance that vote fraud took place, and who are pretending to be horrified by what was obviously a staged/manipulated so called “insurrection” at the Capitol building, and who are parroting obviously canned responses from Democratic Party politicians (like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who got caught flat out lying, claiming that she was at the Capitol and that she got threatened by rioters, when she in fact was not even there), and mainstream media talking heads, and was probably the lamest “insurrection” of all time. The ruling establishment does NOT care about party labels, as they will operate as Democrats, Republicans, and even Libertarians, or some other label. If anyone thinks that the Libertarian Party is immune to this, look no further than Bill Weld. Sure, Weld is no longer than the party, but this open member of the Council on Foreign Relations, was able to waltz into the Libertarian Party about 2 weeks prior to its 2016 National Convention, and in spite of obviously NOT being a libertarian, was able to capture the party’s vice presidential nomination, and even after running against the libertarian philosophy and the LP’s platform on multiple issues, and after openly gushing over how wonderful Hillary Clinton was, there were people in Libertarian Party who were still bending over backwards for Bill Weld after the 2016 campaign was over, booking him as a convention speaker, and even talking about him as a top contender for the LP’s 2020 presidential nomination, all the way up until Weld left the LP and went back to the Republican Party. Weld went back to the Republican Party, in part, so he could run against Donald Trump in the Republican Primary, not because Weld cares about liberty, because he clearly does not, but rather, because he was hoping that Trump would get impeached in the Russia Collusion HOAX, which would have left Bill Weld as the favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination. Heck, the then sitting Chairman of the LP, who had recently moved to New Hampshire at the time, said that he was going to vote for Bill Weld in the New Hampshire primary, since New Hampshire has non-partisan voter registration, even though Bill Weld had no real support from any actual libertarians. After losing in the Republican primaries, Bill Weld then endorsed Joe Biden for President, and he offered his services to Joe Biden in the hopes of getting an appointment to his administration, and he has been among the chorus of establishment shills in the Republican Party saying there was no vote fraud, and that Trump should just walk away and turn the reigns of power over to Joe Biden, and notice that his presidential running mate, Gary Johnson, has repeated this, as have the other establishment types in the Libertarian Party.
Nothing shady to see here folks, everyone just move right along.
Please change me.
@ Pep:
You seems to have missed exactly what I am proposing. I am not asking the federal government to actually require anything. IMO, it would remain up to each state whether or not to requiring voter ID. But, when states require voter ID, the federal government ought to facilitate the ability of people to vote in those states by letting voters in those states have passport cards free of charge. No state that doesn’t require voter ID would be affected. Voters in those states could continue to live without passports, if they choose. States with voter ID could require alternative forms of ID, as well. But, no state ought to reject a valid US passport, as it provides the most basic required information for any voter, age and citizenship.
There are a tiny number of known cases of people voting more than once or when no eligible. Likewise there are some cases of deliberate or accidental vote miscounts. The proven cases do not even come close to approaching the scale suggested by people who think Trump won. They had dozens of lawsuits to try to prove their case and didn’t even try to submit their alleged mountains of evidence. Now they are the ones being sued and they have another chance using discovery in those cases. Bookmark this thread and let me know if they prove it this time?
The comment on February 10, 2021 at 4:31 am is from Cody Quirk.
Is that the moron who doesn’t understand or pretends to not understand that the absentee, early in person and election day in person votes were counted at different rates in different states and that the people who voted in these different ways voted differently because Trump spent months engaged in ridiculous propaganda against mail voting and covid tribalism? It’s completely not surprising that Democrats tended to vote by mail or early more, and given that some states counted those before and some after in person election day votes it’s not surprising that the votes shifted from initial results. It’s equally not surprising that there were demographic shifts in formerly bellweather counties, etc.
Yeah the Dems voted more that’s for sure. Even the commie poster above admitted the fraud!
You’re dumb, and it’s not funny. Republicans voted more in person on election day and Democrats voted more absentee and early. Nothing surprising much less mathematically impossible. There was no actual vote fraud to speak of and what little there was was more by Republicans. There was however the massive fraud Trump perpetrated on his supporters to make them believe he won, which is ludicrous on its face. Liberals are not communists. If anything, Trump and his dear leader authoritarian cult is more like totalitarian communist regimes and movements than liberals are.
Hello cyberpig. I’m assuming you’re also “Chance Cesare”. Is this how you spend Valentine’s Day?
Wtf are you babbling about now retard Nathan?
Actually, I don’t care what you’re babbling about. No one else should either.
Please stop cursing. Women and children read these comments.
I didn’t curse and you’re a hypocrite cyberpig Nathan.
You used the r word and h-e-double hockey stick.
You call people retards all the time. If you don’t like it you shouldn’t do it.
I don’t. Cody Quirk calls Demo Rep a retard in his garbage comments.
You’re a liar, hypocrite and full of bs. Not exactly news but still true.
Note the absence of an Oxford comma.
I note only your rank hypocrisy, obsession and lack of a life. The fake piousness and misplaced pedantry don’t help either, but then you already know that.
Andy sure twists himself into pretzels, parroting the most absurd Trump propaganda while convincing himself he hasn’t swallowed the hook, line and sinker even as it’s implanted in his belly.
I’m not saying it’s wrong not to use the Oxford comma, it’s just a tell about who you are.
Only in your twisted obsessed brain. In the real world there are many millions of people on either side of using or not using it and even more who have no idea what it even is.
115 is yet another illustration of what I pointed out at 1138. Andy is flopping around like a fish with the hook firmly in its belly insisting he hasn’t taken the bait.