New Mexico Bill for Primaries in Special Elections Advances

On February 15, the New Mexico Senate Rules Committee passed SB 254 by 6-5. It provides for primaries in special congressional elections. Under current law, in special congressional elections, party committees choose party nominees. The bill’s sponsor is Senator Mark Moores (R-Albuquerque). Most Democrats on the committee voted against the bill.

The bill also lowers the number of signatures for independent candidates in special U.S. House elections, from 2% of the last vote cast, to 1%. Here is the text of the bill. The primary would be held at least 63 days before the special general election. The bill will not effect the upcoming special election to fill Deb Haaland’s seat unless it passes by two-thirds in each house. But if it passes with only a majority vote in each house, it would be in place for elections held in years beyond 2021. Thanks to Rick Lass for this news.


New Mexico Bill for Primaries in Special Elections Advances — 1 Comment

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