California Gubernatorial Recall Election Likely in November 2021

The California gubernatorial recall election is most likely to be in November 2021, according to this story. It is not certain that there will be such a recall election, but it is likely. Recall proponents will submit the last of their signatures on March 17, the deadline. Of those that have been checked, the validity rate is 80%. Many of the signatures were collected by postal mail, sent to registered Republicans. Petitions of that time invariably have a very high validity rate.


California Gubernatorial Recall Election Likely in November 2021 — 17 Comments

  1. Purge folks on a PURGE list STRIKE BACK —

    against a RED Donkey commie Emperor ???

    See Star Wars movies.

  2. Many of the over 2 million petition signatures on this were also collected in person. I know, because I collected some of them, and I saw others collecting them.

  3. No, New York doesn’t have the recall or the initiative for statewide proposals or offices.

  4. That’s too bad. King Andrew Cuomo is overdue for one. Maybe the legislature will consider introducing a recall process in N.Y. after this.

  5. Republicans: Mail-in ballots are bad!
    Also Republicans: Mail-in recall petitions against a Democrat are good!

  6. Marshall, don’t ask Republicans to be consistent. Trump and many other top Republicans vote absentee themselves. Trump often voted absentee before he moved to Florida as well.

  7. It likely will be another 100 plus candidate free for all. It should be entertaining to see who all steps up to run.

  8. Will Trump and/or his porn stars run —

    and be elected with 20 or less percent ???

  9. Not likely. For anyone to be elected the top portion (yes on recall) has to pass. As of right now it looks most likely to fail. If that changes by November support will likely coalesce around a very small handful of top CA Democrats and Republicans, like the previous time. The 100 plus other candidates will get very few votes. A few of them will get coverage for being oddballs and the whole group collectively will get coverage for there being so many but it won’t translate into votes. At this time it still looks like the most likely result is retain Newsome. Getting 2 million signatures is one thing, getting a majority to remove is another.

  10. California has moved even further to the left than it was in 2003 when Democratic Party Governor, Gray Davis, got recalled. This is due in large part to mass immigration, and more of the immigrants and their offspring becoming eligible to vote. The Cultural Marxism and welfare statism also has something to do with it.

    I think Newsom still MIGHT get recalled, but if he survives the recall, I expect it to be by a slim margin.

    Yeah, none of the oddball candidates stand a real chance to win.

  11. Cultural Marxism is a Nazi propaganda term. Literally. I think Newsome will survive the recall, and not necessarily by a slim margin.

  12. Is CA the most $$$ bankrupt State ??? —

    even worse than RED commie MA or NY ???

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