
Recent Polls Show Green Party May Win Germany’s September Parliamentary Election — 82 Comments

  1. This is a rather shabby article bereft of hard data, and full of platitudes and wishful thinking.

  2. Thank you Demo Rep for that link.

    The graph is quite useful.

    Looks like the only parties gaining are the Greens AND the Free Democrats. (For some reason, the Guardian overlooked the FDP. Hmm)

    Could be that the Christian Democrats end up in another coalition with the FDP.

  3. The Guardian is fake news. Remember when they couldn’t spell Montreal correctly, or even their own name?

  4. Looking forward to a Green-Socialist-Left-Democratic government in Germany soon, and in many other countries around the world. Maybe even the capitalist / fascist occupied USA one day. Our choice is basically global ecocommunism or global extinction by 2050, maybe sooner.

  5. ALL Parl regimes are FATAL —

    some same party hacks having legis and exec powers [and some – even judic powers – olde Brit House of Lords up to 2009 – UK Supreme Court].

    ZERO learned from 1933-1945 Hitler regime of death and destruction.
    PR – legis
    APPV – NONPARTISAN exec/judic

  6. The systems in Germany and France are different than USA.
    It seems like they have no ballot access problem like in USA, a collection of individual states.
    Each with their own laws and regulations. And ballot access.
    Hence the low polling for several parties.
    Unlike USA, near 50/50 Dem/rep.
    Richard, is this the case?
    So a third party like the GP in USA starts “strong” i.e. about 10%. But quickly declines as the election cycle proceeds to maybe 2%. Then election day, not even 1%.
    Wasted vote/Lesser of two evils.
    Top Six, full ballot access for the six most significant parties would level out the polling field.
    To: GP 27%, CP 27%, Dem 17%, Rep 17% LP 13%, Reform/Alliance x/unknown/variable %

  7. @Taran By “Democratic” are you talking about the Free Democratic Party? They’re actually a moderate right-libertarian party. As a libertarian I could live with a “Traffic Light” coalition (Greens, Free Democratic, and Social Democratic). The social democrats are center right-moderate, so are the Greens (at least in Germany). In fact the Social Democrats are currently in a coalition with the two christian democratic parties (Merkel’s party).

    This is from 2017, but these parties don’t shift too much from election to election.

  8. @Robert Milnes….. I like the idea of a top four model using two round. The first round would be single-transferable with the states still determining ballot access to their state ballots (there would still be party primaries in each state and only one nominee per party); but results would be tallied nationwide by the FTC and the top four selected, after the transfer of votes. The second round would require EVERY state to place all four candidates on the ballot, without object. The second round would use the RCV Condorcet method. Second round debates would be produced by the FTC and require all four candidates to be included.

  9. @ Aiden:

    A Green-FDP coalition is possible. The FDP could end up as the popular girl everyone wants to date.

  10. IMO, the FDP’s artful balancing of left and right positions have made it the key player making post-war Germany the prosperous, capitalistic, liberal democracy that it has become.

    I think a RINO-Libertarian-Lite Party could serve the same function in the US, if we could move beyond plurality voting. Rocky’s Alliance Party could fill that role, if only Rocky had as much political savvy as he has money.

  11. Germany vs USA —

    govt in/out/deficit as pcts of GDP ???

    national debt/voter ???

  12. No, Social Democratic would be the farthest right I would even consider including. Having “free democrats” involved would make it a joke and highly unstable.

  13. @ Demo Rep

    Good point. Our lousy two party/plurality vote system just gets us deeper into debt as both major parties try to outbid each other for votes.

  14. There will probably be a exRINO, perhaps somewhat superficially libertarian lite party soon (socially moderate, fiscally conservative). However, it will most likely be neocon on foreign policy and military spending, war on terror etc.

  15. Anyway, one of the reasons that the CDU is slipping in Germany appears to be that they have been too chummy with China, trying to get trade deal with them. Even the Greens are pushing back on China.

  16. @ Dwight:

    Possible. If David French could connect with Rocky Dela Fuente, he might give the Alliance Party the political connections that Rocky seems to lack.

  17. If the Republicans in Congress can push out Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, and other non-conformists, the new RINO party might actually get born in Congress.

  18. @ Andy:

    Rocky is desperate for a break. I don’t think its impossible that he might hook up with some major party figures who are out of step with their own party.

    They might find a common drummer.

  19. @ Andy

    It’s also possible that Rocky and the Alliance Party could be the tools of quiet forces without their consultation.

  20. Fact checker.
    I noticed that I have an Andy Tell. But it is on my smartphone. Not my laptop.
    When I text, it changes some words just before I send.
    The Andy tell is usually just one letter though. Probably a typo the spell checker missed.
    Newfangled interweb Stuff. -IS. IT they call it now.

  21. No, I think the vaccine is BS, and that COVID is a scam. It is one of the big scams, and overreactions, in the history of the world. I will NOT take the vaccine, and if they want it in me they’d have to grab me, hold me down, and force it into me.

  22. Andy,
    You are a vax denier? Oh man.
    There are enough REAL conspiracies without adding another just for the halibut.
    “They’d have to grab me, hold me down, and force it into me.”
    It may come to that what with all the fool Trumpers denying the rest of us herd immunity.

  23. “and if they want it in me they’d have to grab me, hold me down, and force it into me.”

    The jokes write themselves.

  24. IHME estimates the real covid death toll in the US has already been 900,000 and globally over 7 million. They’re also estimating over 400,000 unreported covid deaths in Mexico, where Andy Juan Gonzalez is from.

  25. Robert, the only vaccines I have ever taken are the ones they give you as a baby, and fortunately, when I was born, there were no where near as many of them as I hear there are now. I do not get sick very often. The last time I was sick was a few days in February of 2018. I have not regularly worn a mask, practiced social distancing, or washed my hands any more than normal during tgis supposed COVID “pandemic,” and I have not been sick even one day.

  26. So you still wash your hands every other week whether they need it or not?

  27. No, just meant like a normal person who is clean but not paranoid about COVID.

  28. In Mexico where Andy Juan Gonzalez and I are from, it is normal to wash your hands every other week.

  29. I am from Russia, where Andy’s former butt buddy Pavel Alexandrovich “the cyberpig” Frenkel is from. We usually just wash our hands by peeing on them. It’s cleaner than the water in many areas, and running water doesn’t usually reach the top floors, especially in housing projects in working class suburban high rises where most people live. Fortunately we have great and wise leader, Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, so Chinese virus has not been much of problem for us, especially since Sputnik vaccine is reliable like Kalashnikov rifle.

  30. How often and for how long does Andy think a normal person washes their hands? Is it more often and longer after they touch someone who does not look like them?

  31. Andy, you are fortunate.
    If you have a great immune system.
    But you may be lucky by making use of the carefulness of others.
    i.e. when enough people get vaccinated the herd immunity allows others to slack off.
    IIRC there was a recent case of a disease in New York suburbs where orthodox Jews were getting sick disproportionately.
    Turns out they were slack on vaccinations for religious reasons.
    Are you familiar with this?

  32. Orthodox Jews are filthy. Have you ever been around them? Their hygiene is terrible. No wonder they got sick.

  33. Don’t they cut a hole in their sheets so they can have sex without seeing each other naked? That seems the opposite of filthy.

  34. They’re not big on showers or hand washing. The gloryhole doesn’t make up for it.

  35. The normal person who is clean is a contradiction in terms. From what I’ve read, studies have shown that two thirds of the general public don’t wash their hands after urinating in public restrooms, and one third don’t wash after defecation. Thus the average or “normal” person washes their hands after defecation, but only about half the time after urinating. If you work in a business where you pass things like clipboards and pens back and forth to a lot of people, you’re touching items that a lot of people who don’t wash their hands after taking a crap have touched all day long.

    Then there’s what people consider to be washing their hands. American medical authorities recommend 20 seconds, while in some other countries 40 or 60 seconds was the recommended norm. I forgot what I read the average is, but it was well short of any of those.

  36. People like that ought to be arrested, it better yet summarily executed.

  37. Update:
    Got vaccination shot.
    Still waiting on further information about Robert Bowers.
    Still seeking confirmation or refutation of The Solutrean Hypothesis.
    Sent my dna to CRI and Ancestry.

  38. We need herd immunity. Vaccines, especially covid, should be mandatory.

  39. Why even care? This blog is better. What could you do there that you can’t do here?

  40. For one thing, I was hoping Austin would lift the ban on commenting by me, Andy, Nathan Norman and yes, even Ogle.
    Somehow Richard manages to allow us to comment here for example.
    But nooooooooooooooo!
    IPR was originally TPW Third Party Watch started by Austin.
    Warren Solomon Redlich bought IPR and continued having paulie cannoli as de facto manager/enforcer.
    Thank god that dictatorship is over.
    Now an issue is who or what is William Saturn.

  41. I do not know if I am banned there or not, because I have not tried to post there. William Saturn did invite me to come back though.

  42. I don’t think you answered my question. You have a blog here where you are all allowed to comment. As far as I can tell there is nothing you can do there that you can’t do here. So what if you are allowed to comment there? You don’t gain anything that you don’t already have here. Am I missing something? If so, what?

  43. Before Third Party Watch there was the old Hammer Of Truth, and before that there was Last Free Voice.

  44. Before all of them was this blog, and it’s still here when they are all gone or living dead.

  45. “Why even care? This blog is better. What could you do there that you can’t do here?”

    Just don’t use the “w” word.


  46. There’s only one w word censored on this site and it’s the name for a light skinned world minority facing genocide worldwide.

  47. Admittedly, censoring that w word is…weird. I’m mildly curious as to why, and would be interested in the management’s explanation, although not enough to email them about it. But facing genocide worldwide? Sounds exaggerated.

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