Florida League of Women Voters Sues to Overturn New Restrictions on Voting by Mail

On May 6, the Florida League of Women Voters filed a federal lawsuit against some provisions of SB 90, which was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis the same day. League of Women Voters of Florida v Lee, n.d., 4:21cv-186. The new law: (1) severely reduces access to vote-by-mail drop boxes; (2) effectively bans organizations and volunteers from helping voters return their vote-by-mail ballots; (3) requires voters to more frequently request mail ballots; (4) bans giving food or drink to anyone waiting in line. Here is the Complaint.

The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Mark Walker, an Obama appointee who has ruled against the state in many previous election law cases. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


Florida League of Women Voters Sues to Overturn New Restrictions on Voting by Mail — 1 Comment

  1. NOOO shortage of future election law cases for SCOTUS for decades at least ???

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