Pennsylvania Bill to Let Independent Voters Choose a Primary Ballot

Eleven Pennsylvania state representatives have introduced HB 1369, which would let independent voters choose a partisan primary ballot on primary day. Members of qualified minor parties would not be considered independents and would not be able to choose a primary ballot.


Pennsylvania Bill to Let Independent Voters Choose a Primary Ballot — 12 Comments

  1. NOOOO extremist primaries.
    ONE election day.

    Ballot access ONLY via EQUAL nom pets.


  2. So if this bill passes, the Libertarians and the Greens will be forced to allow unaffiliated voters to participate in their primaries… if they choose to nominate by primary, that is. If they nominate by convention, they can exclude unaffiliated and other party voters. Sounds like an incentive to nominate by convention. Nice.

  3. Only major party get primaries in PA, and it is extremely difficult to obtain major party status there.

  4. They’re not state recognized manor parties, so I doubt they have a choice of having a state primary?

  5. In Pennsylvania, only parties with 15% of the registration have primaries.

  6. The question I have is whether people who are registered as Libertarians or Greens (parties that don’t have major party status in PA, and therefore no primaries of their own) are considered “unaffiliated” for purposes of this bill. It doesn’t seem that they are. If that is the case, could the real purpose of this bill be to drive down the numbers of registered Libertarians and Greens in PA?

  7. Pa needs to get rid of the primary system. Make all parties vote by convention and save the taxpayers money.. Also there should be no other status than “party”..Minor party and political body are just terms to justify the D’s and R’s from keeping others off the ballot.

  8. Libertarian’s pulled shennanigans at there PA convention, state needs to investigate.

  9. I do not think the state needs to investigate. I do not agree with their reason for invoking the 180 membership rule for being a delegate, and I believe this is the first time it was ever not voted to suspend it at an LP of PA State Convention, but it was in the By-Laws. They did it to stop the Mises Caucus from taking control of the state party. The Mises Caucus are hardcore gung ho libertarians, so I don’t see a Mises Caucus takeover as a bad thing. The PA Mises Caucus will be back even stronger at the state convention next year.

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