Voters in Five Oregon Counties Approve County Initiatives to Discuss Plans to Secede from Oregon and Join Idaho

On May 18, county initiatives were on the ballot in Baker, Grant, Malheur, Lake, and Sherman Counties to direct county officials to begin discussions of those counties leaving Oregon and joining Idaho. The average “yes” vote in those five counties was 62%.

Similar measures passed in November 2020 in Jefferson and Union Counties. Similar measures were defeated at the same time in Douglas and Wallowa Counties. See this story.


Voters in Five Oregon Counties Approve County Initiatives to Discuss Plans to Secede from Oregon and Join Idaho — 16 Comments

  1. Will Biden intervene and declare a rebellion exists in the OR counties ???

  2. Since Union and Baker counties have voted for it, if Umatilla county votes yes, then Wallowa, which opposes, will be completely cut off and forced into the Borg. The map on that link is showing what looks to be about seven northern California counties as being included with “Greater Idaho.” I thought the movement there was to form the new state of Jefferson?

  3. It would need approval from both the Oregon and Idaho legislatures as well as congress. Biden won’t have to deal with it.

  4. Republicans are missing an opportunity here. Bargin the Democrats for a new state of East Oregon in exchange for statehood for PR or DC.

  5. @ Gaston:

    And probably 3 electoral votes that they couldn’t win before.

  6. Reminder – Each *State* in the USA is a ***nation-State*** –

    regardless of ALL SCOTUS junk ops and brain dead media.

    1776 DOI last para
    1777 AC
    1783 USA-brit Peace Treaty – 1776 DOI made good – at the cost of many USA dead/injured.
    1787 USA Const Art VII, 1-10

  7. I like Walters idea. That would be a good opportunity to see if the Democrats are sincere about cooperation or just bluffing.

  8. But they would lose the same by adding D.C. Or PR so on balance gain nothing. I don’t see how they would net benefit.

  9. @ Gaston

    You just don’t get it. You would have at least closed off one effort to change the partisan dynamic permanently, which is what the Democrats are trying to do right now with the narrow majority and small window that they now have.

  10. Yeah, sorry, I don’t. How does it close anything off permanently? The option to add new states remains in the future, under the same rules as now. Adding equal numbers of new states on “both” sides doesn’t benefit either side now, as far as I can see, doesn’t help their chances to add states in a non-balanced way if and when they get enough of a majority to do so in the future, and doesn’t do anything to change the balance between them.

  11. CNN just had standard commie mock story about the ID-OR-CA stuff.

    CA county for Pacific Ocean access for ID.

  12. ABOLISH the ANTI-Democracy minority rule USA Senate and EC.


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