New Mexico Special U.S. House Election Returns

On June 1, New Mexico held a special election to fill the vacancy in U.S. House district one. Here is a link to the Secretary of State’s unofficial returns.

Democratic 60.26%; Republican 35.74%; independent 2.68%; Libertarian 1.32%.

Last time this seat was up, the results were: Democratic 58.19%; Republican 40.81%.


New Mexico Special U.S. House Election Returns — 30 Comments

  1. The Republicans need to immediately purge everyone who is not 100% unquestioningly, enthusiastically for Trump and everything Trump says. It’s the only way they can get enough turnout to win elections. They should probably rename themselves the Trump Party, or the communist Democrats may become unstoppable.

  2. @Norris…..Awesome just make the Repubs the Fascist Party and then Repub registration would plummet to 20% of total registered voters (Trump support was the highest it’ll ever be in 2016) …. would be good with me actually… then they’ll never win an election thanks to largest minority voting. That is exactly what you want to do if you want one-party Democratic control.

  3. Trump support was higher in 2020 than 2016, and will be even higher in 2024. As everyone from Paul von Hindenburg to Ludwig von Mises said, fascists are the lesser evil vis a vis communists.

  4. @Radley…. Nope… number of votes is not support…. number of votes = support plus people who hate “the other guy more”…. 70% of Trump votes were anti-Biden votes…. not Trump supporters. Unfortunately, for you simple minded Trump people, you’ll never grasp this basic concept and you’ll keep losing, over and over and over.

  5. It’s a simple fact that Trump brings out a lot of people who never voted before, haven’t voted in a long time, or rarely ever vote if not for Trump. Without these people, Republicans can’t win jack crap. Any time the Republican party equivocates in any way in its support for Trump personally or his views, more of them stay home and don’t vote, and Democrats win. These are simple, undeniable facts.

  6. I love the different name each…. either a bot or a full on Troll. I didn’t even bother reading past the first sentence this time… the Trump defense coupled with three different names in under 10 minutes proves to me I’m dealing with either a troll, a bot, or a delusional nut case who lives in an echo chamber and who will never be brought back to the real world.

  7. I’m not the other people who posted. As for delusional nut that’s you if you deny the simple facts I pointed out. Read or don’t read whatever you want.

  8. Donald Trump got 46.1% of the popular vote in 2016, and 46.9% in 2020.

  9. You are correct. It was strategically distributed in a way that he won in 2016. He came very close to winning in 2020 as well – 43,000 votes in 3 states, arguably through electoral fraud. The Arizona audit should prove illuminating. He’ll probably win in 2024, like Return of the Jedi.

    Even though he himself fell just short in 2020, Trump was the reason Republicans picked up seats in the House rather than losing them as predicted. He also kept them in a great position for redistricting, vote integrity, and other battles in legislatures. He alone made that happen and he alone can make it happen again, bigger and better.

    The reason the Democrats don’t have more than a tiebreaker majority in the Senate is also all the people Trump brought out to vote, who would have otherwise stayed home. The reason the Republicans don’t have a Senate majority is that they backed down from the election integrity fight Trump wanted in Georgia.

  10. Trump was cheated out of a majority in the popular vote in both 2016 and 2020.

  11. You may be right about 2020. I’m not so sure about 2016. But I do think that if there had been no electoral college in 2016 Trump would have campaigned differently and still won, regardless. Either way, there’s no way he won’t win the biggest landslide of all time in 2024.

  12. I think Richard was just pointing out that Trump support was higher in 2020 than 2016.

  13. The vast majority of election administrators in the United States are Republicans. A majority of the Secretaries of State who have jurisdiction over elections are Republicans. Many of the federal judges who had cases looking into voter fraud were appointed by Republican presidents, including President Trump himself. The tiny amount of voter fraud that has been found was mostly committed by Trump voters.

    For people to claim there is massive voter fraud committed by Democrats is very harmful to our country. It would also be very harmful if large numbers of people started saying much of our currency is counterfeit, or if evil people were poisoning our water supply, or our food supply, or our medicines. Of if they started saying that most physicians were child molestors, or most dentists, or most school teachers. Or that evil people were putting microchips into our bodies. If large numbers of people started believing any of these things, society could be hugely damaged.

  14. Most of the Republicans you mentioned are RINOs who need to be purged from the GOP.

    As for the other things you mentioned:

    Money that us backed by nothing except “faith and credit” is counterfeit by definition.

    Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and other evil people are putting microchips in everyone’s bodies who takes the covid vaccine, which is a lot of people.

    Big pharma and big ag are definitely poisoning the food, water, and medicine.

    I don’t know if MOST doctors, dentists, or teachers are child molesters, but there’s no doubt that many of them are.

    Society is hugely damaged because these things are happening, and because most people don’t know they are happening, not because growing numbers of people are pointing them out.

  15. Much of the commentary on yesterday’s election in the 1st Congressional district in New Mexico ignores the significant fact that the total vote cast in a six way race was 131,447. In a two way race in 2020 the total vote cast was 321,290. This constitutes an abnormally high drop off of those voting which even exceeds the total vote for 2021.

  16. Clearly, the Republicans failed to turn out the Trump supporters, while the Democrats didn’t feel as much need to pump out fake and illegal votes.





  18. Who killed more folks in *peace*/WAR ??? —-

    commies in 1917-1991 in Russia/USSR
    commies in 1927-2021 China
    commies in 1959-2021 Cuba
    commies in SE Asia in 1946-1980 — S. Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaya


    nazis in 1933-1945

  19. Well, yeah. When you’re talking about killing hundreds of millions more people, and enslaving billions more and for many more decades, there is really no comparison. They are on entirely different levels of magnitude of evil.

  20. Back to the topic of the article… New Mexico CD1 has become a very non-competitive district so the redrawing of boundaries to chip off some of the excess Democrats in both CD1 and CD3 and squish them into CD2 which has a Republican majority will be the next order of business.

  21. Richard, you meant to put the 2020 Republican vote as 41.81%. That means the Republican drop off was 1% more.

  22. I meant to also add that anyone who claims elections are stolen should sign up to be an election judge. It would give you a much better sense of what elections officials do to make the election fair and, if something bad happens, you would see it with your own eyes and not on the internet. In most instances you would even be paid. The only people who can’t sign up are candidates or campaign officials and you have to be registered to vote. My guess is none of you will do the work however, you’d rather complain for afar.

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