Delaware Bill Making Ballot Access Worse Has Committee Hearing on June 30

The Delaware Senate Elections & Government Affairs Committee will hear HB 30 on Wednesday, June 30, at noon. This is the bill that moves the non-presidential primary from September to late April. Unfortunately it also moves the deadline for new parties to qualify from August to early April, and even requires already-qualified minor parties (which nominate by convention) to submit their nominees by April 1.


Delaware Bill Making Ballot Access Worse Has Committee Hearing on June 30 — 8 Comments

  1. Biden’s thoughts:

    Jfyjkpljhv Come on man! Fjdisidk hhffnkkn gcsegkk Malarky! Sjdusj sjjdi You aint black!

  2. I actually got to to talk to the president about this. Here is a pretty close paraphrase of his remarks.

    “This reminds me of when I was a boy in Scranton. There was an ice cream truck and there was this Doberman chasing it. He stopped at a hydrant and then the lemonade turned back into lemons. And then it started to rain. I said come on, man. A bumble bee landed on my noses. I was reminded of that the other day when a cicada landed on my neck. Can you believe that? A cicada. No more questions, gotta go.”

  3. Biden probably supports the bill given his and his party’s hostility towards minor parties and dissent. “Democratic” Party…it’s a level of doublespeak that should have remained in Orwell’s 1984.

  4. Joe Biden needs to be hanged along with Mike Pence and everyone else who enabled the Chicom election fraud coup.

  5. How many zillion dollars cost to have Biden stick his nose, etc. into the FL Condo collapse on Thursday ???

    IE- money NOT going to estates of dead / injured / displaced / first responders / investigators – esp in new Grand Jury.

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