Arkansas Libertarian Party Submits 2022 Petition for Party Status

On June 28, the Arkansas Libertarian Party submitted 14,000 signatures to be a qualified party in 2022. The requirement is 10,000 signatures. See this story.


Arkansas Libertarian Party Submits 2022 Petition for Party Status — 12 Comments

  1. I have a feeling that the party checked its own petition before submitting it.

  2. How many zillion sigs on LP party ballot access pets since 1970 ??? —

    IE – the total failure to have any LP lawyers with conlaw brains about EQUAL in 14-1 Amdt ???

    Each election is NEW.

    INDIVIDUAL candidates are nominated / elected.

  3. Zillion isn’t a real number, you fucking retard. No wonder no one takes you seriously.

    Please seek help.

  4. Purge the limited number of troll MORONS with obscene *brains* like *Dale* off of BAN forever.

  5. Demo Rep wants to purge himself apparently.

    It’s so easy to get a reaction out of him. He was probably picked on as a kid, and lashed out, causing it to occur more frequently.

  6. On cue, Demo Rep throws another tantrum. He is so easily triggered, because he knows he is in the wrong and has mental issues. He admitted he should be purged, so why not go ahead and do it?

  7. I am not a libertarian; but, I support and respect their efforts to get on the ballot. It’s hard being a third party and having some of the SYSTEM against you just waiting for that moment to trip you up. There is also the problem of financial support from the HERD and ACTIVISM too. It’s all about supply and demand.

  8. The only item that dealt with the investigation was to affirm the prior vote. Reconsideration to move to spend money and hire an outside firm failed.

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