Big Procedural Win for Ex-Felons in Mississippi

On June 23, the Fifth Circuit voted to rehear Harness v Hosemann, 19-60632. This case was filed in 2019 against the Mississippi law that disenfranchises ex-felons. The U.S. District Court had upheld the law, and on February 23, 2021, the Fifth Circuit had also upheld it by a vote of 3-0. But the plaintiffs asked all the full-time judges of the Fifth Circuit to rehear the case, and they agreed. The court did not release the vote. It merely said that a majority of the judges voted for the rehearing.

Here is the original Fifth Circuit decision from February 2021. It is only seven pages and says this matter had already been settled by an earlier decision of the Fifth Circuit in 1998, Cotton v Fordyce.


Big Procedural Win for Ex-Felons in Mississippi — 38 Comments

  1. 14-2 loophole —

    used esp in ex- 1861-1865 Confed states to purge black voters.
    Elector-voter in ALL States –

    USA citizen, 18 plus years olde. PERIOD.

    DEMOCRACY Condition of being a State in the USA.


  2. Prisons are a waste of tax money. Criminals should just be executed immediately as soon as they are found guilty of any felony. Misdemeanor criminals should be whipped and chained on work gangs to cover their upkeep. They could do things like clean up the roads, make police uniforms, pick cotton and other crops, and so on.

  3. “Sam” is another troll, likely working for a government, or government connected, entity.

    “Sam” might be Paul.

  4. I’m not a troll. I do work for county government in law enforcement. This is my honest opinion. Actually, I’d go one step further and say we should be able to execute criminals when they are apprehended and save the cost of a trial as well. I hate seeing criminals back on the street after they get caught, or how they get three hots and a cot.

  5. Why would a so called libertarian want to rob taxpayers to house and feed or catch and release criminals? It would be much more cost effective and efficient to combine the jobs of LEO, judge, jury, and executioner. The only cost would be the bullets, and the families of executed criminals could pay for those. I can guarantee 99% of felonies would be eliminated within a year. Not only would taxpayers save a lot of money, we would be free from crime as well.

    Misdemeanor criminals would pay for their food and housing by working, and I bet we would get rid of at least 90% of misdemeanors as well.

  6. Whoever it is trying to sound like a crazed right wing extremist in order to smear conservatives and right-libertarians.

  7. I may be an extremist, but it’s what I believe. I can tell you I know a lot of my fellow officers and many civilians who agree with me.

    What if a tiny number of people get executed by mistake? It would still be way less than are killed by criminals now. Then you add in all the other crimes that would be prevented, and all the impacts on victims, families, and communities. There’s the psychological as well as the actual cost of fear of crime. And as I mentioned originally all the costs of housing and feeding criminals.

    You add all those things on one side, versus a tiny number of errors by trained professional officers. Nothing can be perfect, but on balance we would be way better off.

  8. Nobody believes that. Stop making idiotic comments to attack your opponents.

  9. NON-Troll morons can detect what happened in the MN Floyd 2nd degree MURDER case ???

    How many alleged felons getting freed due to FALSE evidence ???

    — esp planted by cops / prosecutors – esp in high profile crimes

  10. Lots of people believe that. Way more than you realize in your sheltered world. Stop making idiotic comments and show why you think I’m wrong, or admit I’m right. All your twisting is doing is showing you have no actual counterargument. It may be making you uncomfortable and maybe even triggered. Too bad.

  11. What happened in Minnesota is that the communist shrieking mob got its way and burned, looted and murdered its way to an officer being unjustly convicted for just doing his job. It will be overturned on appeal.

  12. See olde Clint Eastwood movie —

    Hang em High – Mob Gang falsely accuses and hangs Eastwood and leaves.

    He is saved barely in time – has major rope marks on neck.

    He becomes USA Marshal and hunts down the Mob Gangsters one by one.

  13. I’d hate to be in a battle with one of you in my platoon. You’d never be able to discharge your weapon in the face of incoming fire since there’s always a small chance you might hit a civilian or someone from your own side. Never mind how many people on your side get killed by enemy bullets, just as long as the number dead from friendly fire is zero, rather than one or two or three. Right?

  14. Luckily you’re not in any military unut since they don’t allow 400 lb obese people (at least they didn’t before wokification).

  15. You’re obviously talking to and about yourself, and just as obviously avoiding the actual issue. Thanks for once again showing that you do not have a substantive counterargument.

  16. “Sam was born in Siberia, part of the former USSR in 1972 and the USA is reminding him more of the country his parents took him out of every day. Growing up in the epicenter of the 1980s crack cocaine explosion in NYC, Sam got caught up in the available business ventures and saw some of his friends die, and then became an activist against the drug war. Through his involvement in the drug peace movement, and college studies in free market environmentalism, he became interested in libertarianism, and abandoned the Democrats after they picked the military-industrial-corporate-statist DLCer and drug warrior hypocrite Bill Clinton as their nominee in 1992, thus finally disproving the idea that 1960s radicals were merely infiltrating the establishment in order to change it. Sam became an LP member in 1995 and a life member in 2000, and has occasionally been on the executive committee of the Alabama LP. Since 1998, he has traveled the country as a professional activist. Between that and his earlier travels in the import-export business as a teenager, he has been to 49 US states and about 20 countries, and lived in a number of them. As a life long entrepreneur, he has also started hundreds of businesses in a wide variety of fields. Sam recently worked on the Steve Kubby for President campaign, has been an active member of the Libertarian Party Radical Caucus, an advisory board member of Liberty Consulting, and hopes to start a new national College Libertarian Organizing Committee. He is an Anti-war, true leftist, anarchist, left libertarian, agorist, (r)evolutionary. Sam currently also blogs at Next Free Voice and occassionally at ideas from free minds.”

  17. Negative. I was born in the USA, in the Great State of Florida, where I was born and raised and still live today. None of the rest of that is about me either. You’re obviously talking to and about yourself, and just as obviously avoiding the actual issue. Thanks for once again showing that you do not have a substantive counterargument.

  18. You’re obviously talking to and about yourself, and just as obviously avoiding the actual issue. Thanks for once again showing that you do not have a substantive counterargument.

  19. “Sam,” how come somebody keeps popping up here under different names, but spouting the same talking points, and with the same style?


  20. You mean you, Egyptian God, Fact Checker, etc? As for me, I have not posted any talking points, only my honest opinions. Notably, you still have zero actual logical evidence that I got anything wrong. That’s why you are forced to keep playing these deflection games, accusing me if being someone else, dishonest, etc. It’s obvious what you are doing and why, and it’s not gonna work, “Andy.”

  21. People I know personally, both officers and civilians. I wouldn’t violate their privacy by posting their identities here.

  22. Of course, even if I was the first person to have ever thought of it, which is far from being the case, that would not necessarily mean I’d have to be wrong.

  23. I thought you were a fan of Duterte? I am too. I feel he has the right approach to winning the drug war, one we should take as well. I would extend the same approach to violent and property crimes as well as leftism/communism/treason, certain types of sexual perversion, and illegal invaders.

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