Free and Equal, Open the Debates, and Brock Pierce Foundation Hold Two-Day Meet in Cambria, California

Free and Equal, Open the Debates, and the Brock Pierce Foundation are jointly sponsoring a two-day meeting in Cambria, San Luis Obispo County, California, July 3-4. Activists and musicians who support equality for non-major party candidates will be featured. The event can be watched remotely. See this link.

Brock Pierce was an independent presidential candidate in 2020.


Free and Equal, Open the Debates, and Brock Pierce Foundation Hold Two-Day Meet in Cambria, California — 8 Comments

  1. That is a stretch, Stu.
    Guilt by association with someone found to have no guilt substantiated.
    See Wikipedia Brock Pierce.
    So if Free and Equal or Open the Debates DO mention Top Six and/or PLAS, then that would make me one who hangs out with them and therefore a kiddy diddler coddler?
    Big stretch, Stu.

  2. Ur safe, being mentioned is not a volunteery thing. Also they wont mention any that.

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