U.S. Supreme Court Weakens Voting Rights Act, but Congressman Mondaire Jones Introduces Bill to Undo the Decision

On July 1, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in Brnovich v Democratic National Committee, 19-1257. The issues were two Arizona election laws that made it more difficult for certain kinds of voters to vote. A federal lawsuit was filed to overturn the two laws, on the grounds that they had a disparate effect on certain racial and ethnic minorities. One of the laws banned most people from delivering voted postal ballots to the post office or to an election administration center. Evidence strongly showed that law had a particular severe burden on Native Americans living in the very remote northeast corner of Arizona. The other law banned people from submitting provisional ballots on election day in precincts other than their home precincts.

The Republican appointees on the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the laws and ruled that Section Two of the Voting Rights Act, which bans election laws that put an unequal burden on racial and ethnic minorities, does not prohibit laws like that. Because this case was not a constitutional case, but a case in which the court was interpreting federal law, Congress is free, if it wishes, to amend the law and make it clear that such laws are barred.

The same day the court decision came down, Congressman Mondaire Jones (D-New York) introduced HR 4298, to amend the law so that it more clearly applies to laws such as these two Arizona laws. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the news about HR 4298. The text of the bill is not yet on the congressional website.


U.S. Supreme Court Weakens Voting Rights Act, but Congressman Mondaire Jones Introduces Bill to Undo the Decision — 34 Comments

  1. The new 6457-party/caucus system uses pure proportional representation and our team has been bringing the perfect math for this and many other election issues.

    Our first BoD meeting happens July 4th 2021 via conference call and Facebook Live.


    Voting going on now by digital and paper ballots.

  2. This is all about the Democrat Party ruling over us forever, or at least until the establishment of a genocidal, and socialist, world government. Plain and simple.

  3. If you’re still asking for proof of fraud, you haven’t been paying attention. I have listed link after link of proof which you choose to ignore. If you think courts making dismissals on the basis of standing is proof that proof doesn’t exist then you either don’t know how the legal system works or you are intentionally covering up fraud. I’m inclined to believe the latter. Why else would you people oppose a vote audit? If you have nothing to hide and want to continue to assert this was the least corrupt election ever, why then are you afraid of what an audit might reveal? When the audit comes out of Arizona, the truth will come out. Arizona will be the first domino to fall.

  4. Only a few of the court dismissals were on the basis of standing. There were many court cases where the opportunity to present the alleged evidence existed, and it did not happen. In cases after case after case. Your links are all horseshit. The Arizona “audit” was not mentioned in the article or thread prior to you just mentioning it now. It’s a totally biased and ridiculous process conducted by biased parties with a lack of track record or transparency but that is completely beside the point. You are as usual deflecting with more bullshit.

  5. “There were many court cases where the opportunity to present the alleged evidence existed, and it did not happen.”


    “Your links are all horseshit.”

    Typical response of a fraud-supporting Democrat.

    “It’s a totally biased and ridiculous process conducted by biased parties with a lack of track record or transparency but that is completely beside the point.”

    An even more typical response of a fraud-supporting Democrat afraid of what the audit might reveal and trying to get ahead of it.

  6. “Lie.”

    You are the one lying. It’s an easily verifiable fact that anyone can look up.

    “Typical response of a fraud-supporting Democrat.”

    I don’t support fraud and I am not a Democrat. You are the one trying to deflect from the actual topic with the fraudulent Arizona “audit” which will reveal nothing except that the “audit” is a totally biased sham process. Which we of course already know.

    Thanks for confirming you have zero evidence of any actual fraud.

  7. “I don’t support fraud and I am not a Democrat.”

    More lies from the same cyberpig troll using a fake name and an IP anonymizer.

    You support both fraud and the Democrat Party because you know those things will assist in the continued decay of this nation. It’s also the reason you falsely assert that women have penises, that children should attend drag shows, that infanticide is good, and that all whîte people are racist.

  8. I’m not using an ip anonimizer whatever that is, and you are the lying pig. You have yet to produce a single actual fact. Not a single thing you just said is either true or on topic. As for fake names yeah, I’m sure yours is real. As if that got shit to do with shonola.

  9. I’ve already posted it countless times and it can be found in the link on my name. You choose to ignore because you cannot accept the truth.

  10. I don’t know where you posted it and I’m not following some dodgy name link . It’s pretty likely it’s more of the same Lindell’s bullshit though. You got nothing.

  11. Repetition isn’t evidence. You are not presenting evidence, just as your fellow bullshitters failed to do in the many court cases where they DID have standing.

  12. Who is the communist troll? Of course the election was stolen, that is an undeniable fact!

  13. Asserting that you are presenting evidence isn’t the same thing as presenting evidence. Much like the multiple attorneys in the multiple cases where they had standing, you are too lazy and dishonest to present actual evidence that would stand up under legal scrutiny. Calling everyone who calls you on this bullshit democrats, communist, pigs, etc, is further evidence of your laziness and dishonesty.

  14. Fact Checker: Your links and links of evidence are not evidence at all. They are mere assertions and are not proof of anything. You are incapable of accepting reality.

  15. Sam: The election was fair and honest. There was no widespread voter fraud. There was no Steal to Stop. That is a fact.

  16. Hey Stocky boy, is it true you sit around all night doing nothing while your “guests” suffer with poor room conditions? That’s essentially stealing.

  17. I am not a Communist. If you would like to learn about Communism then I suggest you watch the weekly videos on YouTube from the CPUSA. Every Friday they post their discussion entitled Good Morning Revolution. It is hosted by the two co-chairs Joe Sims and Rossana Cambron. There are also two or three others commenting on what has happened during the week. If you listen to these people you may find as I have that there is nothing to worry about regarding any Communist takeover. Another good source of actual Communist thought is the website of the People’s World. It is the continuation of the newspaper the Daily Worker. A real member of the CPUSA would never recognize me as a Communist.

    You keep bringing up Satanism as if that is a bad thing. It is not. To paraphrase a Saturday Night Live sketch from the 1970s, Satanism has been very, very good, to me.

  18. Can someone tell me what links fap rapper posted and where? I’m not going to go searching through hundreds of threads or go to his malware website.

  19. first communist = Cain – killer of Abel.

    Communism = winner of both World Wars —

    WW I – Russia-USSR
    WW II – Eastern Europe / China / N Korea
    later – Cuba, Vietnam

    Major infections into W. Europe, Africa, S. America, N. America –

    under guise of liberals, progressives, socialists, donkeys.

    Enslave / LOOT via tax systems = New Age communism.

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