Town Official in Newtown, Connecticut, Originally Elected as a Democrat, Will Run for Re-Election as the SAM Party Nominee

Dan Rosenthal, one of the three selectmen of Newtown, Connecticut, is up for re-election in November 2021. Although he was first elected as a Democrat in 2019, this year he will instead run for re-election as the nominee of the SAM Party. See this story.

Newtown has a population of 27,560 and is somewhat famous for being the site of the 2012 Sandy Hook School shooting, which killed 26 people. It is in Fairfield County, which is in the southwest corner of the state.

The law for town officers provides that no party may run for more than two seats, even though all seats are up every two years.


Town Official in Newtown, Connecticut, Originally Elected as a Democrat, Will Run for Re-Election as the SAM Party Nominee — 48 Comments

  1. Sandy Hook was a staged media hoax. No real kids got killed there, and the school didn’t even really exist.

  2. If you look at the pictures of the so-called victims and the so-called killer they all appear computer generated.

  3. The post above from 7/12/21 at 3:10 PM is NOT from me, but I do think that the Sandy Hook “shooting” was a staged false flag hoax, carried out by the intelligence agencies to further the gun control and police state agendas.

    The school did exist, but there is a lot of evidence that it was not really open for classes. There is also a lot of evidence that the victims were fake, and for anyone who thinks the government would not use fake victims to push an agenda, do a search for the declassified government document, Operation Northwoods.

  4. Must of been a different Andy. I don’t know of a single one of these mass shooting events that’s been real, do you? Each one I’ve looked into is at the very least strongly likely or usually definitely a staged event. Another thing I’ve noticed lately is that if even 2 or 3 people get shot and only one or some times none killed it gets nationally reported as a mass shooting event, which was never the case before. Anyone else notice that?

  5. Yeah, the other “Andy” is probably posting as “Jeremy” now, and is likely a paid troll.

  6. Mr. Winger, as you know I have been an active supporter of your organization for over 30 years, but the continuing hateful, non-sensical statements like the three above which make me want not do anything with the organization anymore. Imagine if you were a parent of one of the Sandy Hook victims and saw these comments on a otherwise relatively sane website.

  7. Sounds like another troll comments above, and the other two were likely set ups for this one.

    If you are really this much of a crybaby your commitment to the cause must not be very strong.

  8. Um, Andy, what? I’m not trolling, much less paid. I’m disappointed because I thought we were on the same side here and you seem intelligent and aware of real facts and I was hoping for an interesting answer to my question, and that’s what I get instead.

    As for the troll, not only am I not him/her/it, but I think that kind of cancel culture Karen bullshit is disgusting and wrong. Freedom of thought,freedom of speech…use it or lose it! If we lose the First and Second amendments we’ll have nothing left and we’ll be living in a total totalitarian communist hell on earth.

  9. They removed and destroyed all the rubble from 9/11 too, sounds like a coverup to me!

  10. Isn’t it strange how many of the so-called victims had “siblings” that were nearly identical and about the same age?

  11. “They removed and destroyed all the rubble from 9/11 too, sounds like a coverup to me!”

    Idiotic comment. There was no structural damage at Sandy Hook.

  12. It’s not an idiotic comment. The 9/11 rubble was evidence and the evidence was promptly destroyed before it could be investigated. Yet they somehow found the IDs of all the alleged hijackers from a plane that supposedly burned and blew up and melted reinforced concrete and steel. Sounds plausible. Not.

    Yes there was no structure damage if you are correct that the school was real. But it still had evidence and my comment was that evidence was destroyed both times. Did you really not understand that?

  13. I don’t know the answer to this one, but were the people who destroyed the evidence from 9/11 made to sign confidentiality agreements as well? I would not be surprised if they were.

  14. You’re idiotically changing the subject to 9/11 because you don’t want discussion about Sandy Hook.

  15. That’s not true at all. I was just drawing an analogy. I absolutely do want to talk about Sandy Hook which was why I commented. I don’t know why you and Andy are nitpicking and trying to undermine me when we generally agree. I think the Sandy Hook hoax was shady as hell. Yet it seems you two instead of wanting to have a real conversation about Sandy Hook and other staged shootings just want to accuse me of far fetched false motives that never even occurred to me.

    I said if we lose the First and Second amendments we will lose everything. These staged shootings are a big tool for taking away both of those Amendment rights. What about that sounds like I’m trying to help sweep the Sandy Hook cover-up under the rug, when I’m actually doing the opposite?

    I said I find the cancel culture Karen attitude like ppeck56 wrong and disgusting. I want to shine the light of truth on Sandy Hook, but also on 9/11 and on other staged shootings and government plots. Seeing how the dots connect on these different events helps to understand each of them better as well.

    It seems like you libertarians like to disagree with people for the sake of disagreement. Instead of looking for allies you look for opponents. Maybe that’s why you are not real conservative Republicans, even though we agree on the most important issues like guns, taxes, regulations, and free speech.

  16. Sorry, other Andy. My parent’s didn’t realize the name was copyrighted when they chose it for me, and I didn’t realize there was already an Andy here. Out of curiosity, if the school was real, why were they not having classes? Did they move them somewhere else, and why?

  17. Exactly, 9/11 and Sandy Hook were both false flags, and so are all the other so called mass shootings and school shootings I’ve ever tried to look into. I haven’t found a real one yet. Anyone here have? Somehow pointing out these similarities gets me labeled as supposably, trying to take the focus off Sandy Hook, when I didn’t do that at all.

  18. Hello paranoid people. The school was demolished for some pretty obvious reasons. It was a place which held a lot of trauma for a lot of people who would otherwise have to drive by it, here other people talk about driving by it, etc. What could have been done with the building if it was left up? Would people want to go to a school, office or business where that happened? What about cleaning up the blood and guts and spent gunshells etc. Would you want that job?

    Now as for why the demolition contractors had to sign non disclosure…probably the same sort of reason. They didn’t want them being interviewed about what they saw there and further traumatizing family members.

  19. Good question. What do you think is the answer to it, Mr. Libertarian? Do you think a lot of people were killed there, or do you think it was another staged event? If a lot of people did die there, do you think they deserved it?

  20. It’s still standing because you’re full of shit about “trauma”

  21. Auschwitz is still standing for a variety of reasons. A big one is probably because survivors and families want to preserve it as a lesson on what can happen. Whereas, families of Sandy Hook victims didn’t want to preserve the school. Another reason may be because of the locations. I would think Auschwitz is probably in the type of location you don’t really drive past on your way to other things. You’d pretty much be someone who wants to go there if you’re going there. The school was probably on a road that people use to go to other places. A third reason is that there were not a lot of Jews left in Poland after the war, and very few in the immediate vicinity of Auschwitz. So, they would not be as likely to be going by there, even if I’m wrong about it not being on the way to other places. I’m sure there could be other reasons too.

  22. I didn’t say anything about trauma. I asked you if you thought a lot of people died there, and if yes, did they deserve it.

  23. Idiotic excuse. Buildings don’t kill people. They aren’t responsible for tragedies.

    The logical reason for destroying the building is because it holds evidence that raises doubts about the offical story. They make the contractors sign a confidentiality agreement because they don’t want any further evidence coming out doubting their flimsy narrative.

    Maybe that’s hard for someone to believe if he believes everything his masters in government and the mainstream media tell him.

  24. Auschwitz, having been built to be a death factory, is a notable thing for people to go see. The school, once the crime scene was cleaned up, wouldn’t have anything in particular for people to go see, it would just be a closed up school like lots of others. So, the only people it would attract would mostly be the kinds of folks most of the residents there would rather not have visit their town.

  25. I don’t have any masters in government. Maybe you do. I don’t believe everything “the media” says. Different media offer different spins. I like to get a variety of them, to try to get a better picture. It’s true that the building didn’t kill the kids, but driving by there can still be traumatic for family members.

  26. “kinds of folks most of the residents there would rather not have visit their town.”

    What kind? Blacks? Hispanics? Jews?

  27. Murder groupies? Copycats? Would be or wannabe mass shooters? Psychopaths? Conspiracy types like you?

  28. It’s funny how Mr libertarian accuses me about trying to take the focus off Sandy Hook by drawing parallels with 9/11 and then he does the same thing by drawing parallels to the holohoax.

  29. I didn’t say anything about the Holohoax I just mentioned Auschwitz as an example of a “traumatic” building that wasn’t torn down. 9/11 was a stupid comparison because the building was destroyed and the rubble was an actual physical hazard.

  30. It was evidence, just like at Sandy Hook. But forget it, you can be as obstinate as you want to, you libertarians live for that, I know. I’ll resist my temptation to talk about the USS Liberty and let’s just stick to Sandy Hook. Tell me everything you know that’s wrong with the fake media narrative. Take as much time as you want. Let’s shine a light on it!

  31. Sandy Hook was on a map in a Batman movie that was made before the staged incident there.

  32. I’m sure that was a complete coincidence right? And they were showing that movie when there was another shooting incident near Denver, where Columbine is another suburb area. Total coincidence of course.

  33. I’m still curious as to where the kids really were and why the school was closed if it was real but not open. Anyone here know?

  34. Good question. I don’t. As for me, I’m still wondering if anyone here knows of any of these shootings that are NOT false flags, and why two people getting shot and wounded is now suddenly “mass shootings ” on the national news?

  35. What about the millions of kids getting molested, abused and killed for their adrenochrome? How about that?

  36. We need to bring down the pedo elites conspiracy who run government, wall street, media, school’s ect. They all need to face real justice.

  37. After the “shooting”, the “victims” suddenly had siblings that looked almost identical and were the same age.

  38. Where can people learn more about that? What else? Keep the truth bombs coming!

  39. A strong one is how the parents of “victims” were smiling and laughing just before going on air and immediately becoming sad once the cameras were on.

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