Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate from West Virginia in 2020 Joins the People’s Party

Paula Jean Swearengin, who was the 2020 Democratic Party nominee for U.S. Senate from West Virginia, has announced that she has left the Democratic Party and joined the People’s Party. She has been appointed state director for West Virginia for the Peoples Party.


Democratic Nominee for U.S. Senate from West Virginia in 2020 Joins the People’s Party — 48 Comments

  1. It’ll be interesting to see if they petition for gubernatorial ballot access in ’24. Could possibly torpedo the Mountain Party.

  2. Stan: She left the Democratic Party to join the People’s Party. If Democrats were Communists then she would not have thought it necessary to leave.

    I suggest you watch the YouTube channel Good Morning Revolution! Each Friday the co-chairs of the Communist Party USA discuss current events. You will be able to learn what Communism is from the leadership and other dues paying members of the Communist Party. You will also be able to learn the difference between Communists and Democrats.

    The website of the People’s World is another good source of understanding Communist thought. The People’s World is the continuation of the historic Communist newspaper the Daily.

  3. I don’t think Chris Paul posted here. He was right in the middle of the NBA finals when that was posted. Elroy is a friend of mine and he’s definitely not Chris Paul. As a matter of fact he’s not even a nigra.

  4. Robert Spock seems to spend a lot of time suggesting that people spend their time consuming communist propaganda. I know he says it’s not because he agrees with it, but I’ve never seen him advocate, for example, that people spend their time consuming neonazi propaganda.

  5. Arthur Fleck: Since many people who post on BAN are very familiar with neonazi thought it is not necessary for me to call attention to where they can find neonazi propaganda.

    But those same people who post on BAN are woefully ignorant of what Communism actually is. If they knew what Communism is then they would stop mistakenly referring to the Democratic Party or everything from the Left as Communist.

    I also watch the Libertarian Party YouTube channel Libertarians At Large each Thursday. It is a good source to understand Libertarian thought. Members of the Libertarian National Committee discuss current affairs and interview Libertarians from across the United States. Many people who post on BAN are very familiar with Libertarian ideas so I don’t find it necessary to to point to that YouTube channel.





  8. Robb: I bring up Communism every time I see a ridiculous post that claims something or someone is Communist when it or the person is not.

    The Democratic Party is not Communist. Most of the American Left is not Communist. Just because someone disagrees with you that is not Communist.

  9. Robb: It is a losing battle because you and the other deluded individuals seeing reds under the bed don’t care about truth. You are trying to wear down your opposition by an avalanche of bullshit instead of honest arguments. You are the most shameful people.

  10. Commie Robert

    Of course it’s a good name for me. I was born , raised and lived all my life except when I was in the military in the great state of Florida right near the Georgia line. I’ve worked in law enforcement in Florida for 30 years and I can’t be more proud of my State, our Governor, and OUR REAL PRESIDENT MR. TRUMP THE ONCE AND FUTURE PRESIDENT 45 & 47 WHO LIVES HERE IN FLORIDA NOW! MAKE AMERICA FLORIDA!!!

    BTW my family has lived here for over 200 years right in this county (no I am not telling you which one because I work for the county) and we own a lot of property around here. We had a lot more property stolen from us by the same Yankees in the war of northern aggression and you’re dumb right we want it back. I have a huge family with lots and lots of siblings, kids, nephews, nieces, cousins, grandkids and great grandkids. A lot of us are Veterans so you best believe y’all need to thank us and pay us what we’re due!!!


  11. Florida Man: I have ancestors on my mother’s side who came to Virginia around 1630. I have ancestors on my father’s side who came to Massachusetts around 1630.

    My family didn’t stay put like yours. We spread out across the country and some became refugees in Canada after the American Revolution.

    I was born in Texas with family there since sometime before 1847. I understand that you are proud of Florida. It’s how I feel about Texas even though I live in Oklahoma now.

    I am a proud American. A proud Democrat. And a proud man of the Left. I will do my best to oppose Conservatives and the Republican Party.

  12. Florida Man: I forgot to mention that though I never served in the military. I have family that fought in every war from the American Revolution through World War 2. I had family on both sides of the Revolution and both sides of the War for Southern Independence. My father served in the Air Force in the mid 1950s. I turned 18 in 1976 so I am part of the first group of nen that never had to register for the draft.

    Your service is commendable, but it does not entitle you to special rights, respect, or honor. No more or less than any other law abiding American. Although President Trump has called those who served in the military suckers. I think President Trump was wrong about that. Military service is very commendable.

  13. If Robert Stock is telling the truth, which would be a rare thing indeed got a devil worshipping leftist, at best he has divided loyalties. Massachusetts and Canada have more in common with each other than either has with Florida, Texas or Oklahoma.

    Virginia has become nearly unrecognizable, first stripped of many of its western counties by Yankee invaders, then put under the boot of carpetbagger corruption, crime, and politics (CCCP) raising an awful stench of hell to heaven through the sprawling Demon City suburbs.

    There’s a lot for Texans to be proud of, but being forced back into a union they had once joined freely after winning independence from Mexico is a damn shame.

    I imagine what it would be like if my family was on both sides of the law, or say both sides of the “police action” we fought in Southeast Asia. I imagine I would be one very confused fellow.

    I can see how that sort of neurotic split personality dysphoria might lead me to think I was a proud American leftist Democrat who opposes conservative Republicans, as if such a jumbled mess was not a totally impossible self contradiction. But it’s much more likely that I would just be a lying shill trying to confuse others than that I would be so confused myself.

    I can see if my family was scattered to the four winds and I hadn’t served how I might be confused and think veterans don’t deserve more thanks, respect, and honor than those who aren’t and never will be, or that my family should forever get nothing for all the land and other property the damn Yankees stole from us in the 1860s and 70s. But it’s more likely I would be a lying shill.

    I didn’t have to register for the draft either, because I was already in a rice paddy by the time I would have had to register. It taught me a few things about communist scum that you can’t learn by watching their lying propaganda. 20 years in the service and 30 in law enforcement, along with raising my kids and grandkids, taught me more than any liar moving his lips and fingers ever did.

    Don’t get me wrong because I’ve always studied my enemy. It’s an essential element of warfare, peacekeeping, and law enforcement. I know better than to take my enemy at his word. I listen to everything criminal suspects say, but I know how to deduce if they’re likely to be telling the truth or not. Usually, they’re not.

  14. Florida Man: The politics of my ancestors have nothing to do with my politics. Knowing that some of my ancestors held positions that I find wrong gives me empathy for those who disagree with me. It keeps me from making the mistake of thinking my political opponents are evil instead of just being wrong about public policy.

    I do doubt the intelligence of anyone who thinks that because his 4th Great Grandfather believed something he should believe it too.

    As an example one of my Great Grandfathers was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Other ancestors of mine were slave owners. I am a member of the NAACP and support Black Lives Matter. I find the actions of my slave holding ancestors disgusting, but they are still my family.

    My Grandmother, the daughter of the Klansman watched the Civil Rights struggle during the 1950s and decided, with her brothers, that what their father whole heartedly believed was wrong. My Grandmother had raised my Mother to be racist, but later told my mother she was wrong to do that. She still loved her father, but she hated his racism.

    Nothing confusing about that. Learn from the past, take the good things, and discard the bad things. Tradition means nothing unless it is beneficial today.

  15. Stock supports BLM, which supports Marxism and terrorism. They support the Cuban government. Stock is a Marxist communist no matter how much he denies it.

  16. Frank: I agree with some Socialist things and disagree with others. The United States accepted Socialism back in the 1930s when Social Security became law. (After 3 years you have been paid back every penny you ever put into Social Security. What you are collecting after those first 3 years of Social Security is tax payer money from taken other people. I think that’s also known as Welfare) Medicare and Unemployment Insurance are Socialism.

    Anyone who got a Pell Grant while going to College was benefiting from Socialism. Anyone who got a stimulus check last year was benefiting from Socialism. Farm Subsidies are Socialist.

    Now the United States has kept a great deal of Capitalism as well. Private property and Free Trade are extremely beneficial.

    100% Socialism is bad. 100% Capitalism is bad. Mixed economy Pragmatism is great.

  17. I wouldn’t say the Democratic Party is Communist; but, its starting to tilt closer to it.

  18. Social Security is a legalized Ponzi scheme. Unemployment is also welfare. I would never collect it even if I happened to be in that situation. Medicare, Pell grants, are also things I am against. Government subsidies and involvement just raises prices and lowers quality. Commies like Robert Stock want that.

  19. Stock is for a gradual plan that inevitably eventually results in communism if course is not corrected very sharply.

    Many people are arrogant, thinking we know what is and isn’t beneficial using only what we think is logic. In reality we are often unaware of long term, overcompensatory and chain reaction, hidden etc effects. We just aren’t smart enough, individually or as a whole.

    Faith and tradition, honor, blood and soil, prayer and patriotism fill in important pieces of the puzzle, showing what has been proven to work and what has been proven to fail through thousands of years of trial and error. They put things in perspective.

  20. Commies have dual strategies that work in tandem. There is straightforward communism presented forthrightly, which appeals to very few people but helps develop an ideological cadre, provides a means of support for tiny and competing Marxist cult leaders and an all encompassing outlet for the empty lives of their cult followers, and entertainment for those of us who study it as a form of opposition research. Marxist cults also prepare for the possibility of some kind of crisis which would give them an opportunity to seize power.

    On the other hand, there is a much larger Fabian socialist communism which has mass appeal and disguises itself as liberal democracy and progressivism. It infiltrates cultural institutions , entertainment, media, education, religion, family life, science, workplace politics, even sports. Nothing is safe from its tentacles. It’s job is to slowly, inch by inch, chip and eat away at all the facades of Western and Christian civilisation, free enterprise, the family, faith, national pride…everything that is the bedrock and basis of who we are, which it seeks to replace. It wears multiple guises of seemingly reasonable, incremental change.

    A third form of communism is the kind that has achieved its medium term goals and enslaved nations, subjecting their people to unprecedented levels of tyranny. Currently, the global leader of this network of communist tyrannies seeking to expand their geopolitical reach and take over the world is China.

    CHINA has the world’s largest population and its civilization goes back to the start of record history if not longer. It has always seen itself as the middle kingdom to which all the world’s other nations are rightfully imperial tributaries. This fits perfectly with communists stated goal to take over the world. The authoritarian traditions of China are fertile ground for communist totalitarianism.

    Most of the other openly communist countries today are neighbors of China. China seeks to expand its territory, recently consolidated its rule over Hong Kong, is making aggressive moves towards Taiwan, covertly backing Islamic terrorists everywhere from Russia to the Philippines, pulling the puppet strings of the north Korea death cult which threatens south Korea and Japan, expanding its influence on Central Asia, increasing border skirmishes with India and proxy backing Pakistan’s efforts to do the same, etc.

    The chicoms purposely created the China virus which has resulted in much more economic devastation outside China and has improved CHINA geopolitical standing globally. China engages in a variety of initiatives to become the world’s leading superpower, such as their transportation belt initiatives, various kinds of infiltration of third world countries, even their sinovac vaccine distribution against their own manufactured virus.

    China is far from the only tool of Satan on the world stage today. SOROS, GATES, Islamofascism, judeo bolshivism, globalism, feminism, liberalism, progressivism, immigration, secularism and atheism, Satanism, the elite pedo blood drinking conspiracy, cultural Marxism, race mixing, etc, are all part of Satan’s tool box.

  21. All the devil’s tools work in tandem to expand hell and take over the surface of the planet and ultimately the whole universe.

  22. Environmental junk science is another big one I forgot to mention.

    And let’s not forget trade. Cheap Chinese junk is a form of economic and chemical warfare. The China virus is biological warfare. The Chinese Communist party also engages in electronic warfare , including helping to steal our elections. They have nukes and are helping to spread them to other countries like North Korea and encourage further development and refinement in Pakistan and Iran. CHINA has the world’s largest conventional army and navy.

    The elders of Zion are also behind much of the world’s mischief as well, with Marxism being one of their many off shoots.

  23. Do not be deceived. The devil works through deception. Commies and liberal progressive democrats want you to think they are different, but they both serve the same master with the same exact goals. The only difference is the level of dishonesty on admitting to those goals in their propaganda.

    Behind the scenes, they work directly hand in hand with the Chinese Communist Party, with Soros, Gates, Google, the United Abominations and the elders of Zion. They are the ones who stole our election. They turned women against men, children against patents and God, women into men and men into women, invented other genders, brought in alien invaders to steal our jobs and our women and dilute our bloodline. Shipped jobs out of the country. They took God out of the schools and integrated them by force, and are destroying the family and family values.

    They don’t tell the truth and they don’t play fair. They stole the election and sell children on wayfair. The devil tells many lies and wears many a disguise. Open your eyes, pray and rise above the lies.

  24. Illegal drugs are chemical warfare. Diseases brought by sex trafficking illegal invaders, spreading immorality and filth through cultural Marxism, race mixing and rape warfare by illegal invaders, all these are biological and chemical warfare.

  25. Tradition is what’s tried and true for thousands of years. It is the fatal conceit of narcissism that we can come up with something better in a few short decades or centuries. That is clearly the devil’s handiwork, since that is the sin of rebellion which cast Lucifer the lightbearer (illuminati) out of heaven.

  26. Enlightened, woke, enlightenment, illuminati
    It’s all different ways of saying Lucifer, Satan , the enemy.

  27. Good points.. The only real response to the ever pervasive critical race theory lies is metacritical race theory, better known as racial realism. Much as creation science shows the holes in evilution. We can start from indisputable facts such as the importance of human biodiversity.

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