
Final List of California Gubernatorial Candidates — 138 Comments

  1. It should put him in a good position if he wants to run for P or VP later.

  2. This means Larry Elder got the luck of the draw. He will
    get first place in both 34th and 80th Assembly Districts/
    Only the first 34 names on the List got two times first place.

  3. Amazing that Larry Elder has a realistic chance to win this thing. He has the potential to be the best Governor California has ever had, and yes, winning this could make him a legitimate contender for President, should he chose to go that route.

  4. Did Dr. Ho do a poll ???

    Top q —

    I am a top choice MORON voter — YES/NO.

  5. Men, look what they’re doing to our eight women for California Governor on September 15th, vile rhetoric and slander from egomaniacal psychopathic chauvinistic males right in these censored chats before our very ads.

    No more censorship, systemic racism, communist-style elections, double standards and gerrymandering (Los Angeles County LP Regions 62,63,64,65,etc.).

    Nominations are going on now (signature required):

  6. As my main man Pastor Manning says:

    Barack Hussein Obama ain’t no black man, he’s whiťe trash!

  7. He’s half black. Historically, in this country, that means he’s black. Subsaharan Africans such as his father are black. He identifies as black, and with whatever respect is due to your pastor, is identified by the vast majority of everyone else as black.

  8. Big Dang & Ryan Paul.

    Both of you are forgetting that Obama paternal grandfather was a convicted terrorist. If you look at the Zanzibar records at the Los Angeles County Law Library you will know that Obama was a subject of the Sultan of
    Zanzibar at birth, because his grandfather was naturalized
    in Zanzibar in 1919. At the date of Obama birth the Red Flag of the Sultan of Zanzibar flew over Fort Jesus. Obama like his father were Zanzibar Subjects under the 1919 Naturalization of the Grandfather. If he was considered non-Subject of the Sultan, no passport would have been issued to Obama father because the British Government would not issue passports to sons of convicted terrorists.

  9. We didn’t ignore anything. We were discussing if he is black or not. Whatever you’re talking about is something different. There may have been other presidents, even in the 19th century, who were part black and thus black under the most common accepted standards. However, they passed for and were accepted as yt.

    Bill Clinton was also sometimes called the “first black president” even though as far as I know, he has no known black ancestry. If Larry Elder becomes president he might be the first President with two black parents.

  10. Ryan,

    Who Is or is not “black” has no status here. The issue was what nationality was Obama at birth and the status of
    his fathers nationality on the birth of Obama. Obama father at his birth was a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar.

    Mombasa was under the flag of Zanzibar on Obama birth day. The flag of Zanzibar flew over Fort Jesus on Mombasa Island the day that Obama was born. The Sultan of Zanzibar was the sovereign over Mombasa the day Obama was born. In addition to the Sultan of Zanzibar being the sovereign over Mombasa, in 1919 Obama paternal grandfather was naturalized a subject of the Sultan. Under the law of Zanzibar the nationality subject status extended to grandchildren.

  11. Who is or isn’t black is what I was discussing with big dawg. Go back and read my comment and the one I was responding to . They have nothing to do with whatever your talking about. I am not ignoring anything and I wasn’t talking about whatever your talking about.

    My comment was relevant to the one I was responding to, period. If you think it’s not relevant to your preferred subject that’s your problem not mine. Address yourself to someone else, not me. I didn’t ignore anything, it’s not what I was talking about, and I don’t care whether you like it or not.

  12. Since you insist on discussion bullshit. Your theories are arcane and most scholars disagree. The prevailing legal interpretation is that natural born is simply born in the US rather than naturalized. Therefore Obama’s father’s nationality is irrelevant because his mother was a US citizen and he was born in Hawaii, USA.

    If you want to talk any bullshit about how you think he was born somewhere else or his father had to been a US Citizen or whatever. I couldn’t care less. That’s not what the courts said, AND ONLY WHAT THE COURTS SAY MATTERS.

    Law is simply the power to enforce what you want through the legal system. It’s one small step removed from might makes right. Minority legal opinions that don’t have the force of law are worth less than toilet paper. I scroll past them because they are a waste of time.

  13. I wasn’t even going to waste my breathe saying that but you keep insisting I’m ignoring something. Well I’m not.

    Obama was the president, period. I couldn’t care enough to wipe my ass with your thoughts on whether he was legitimately president. He was president. He served two terms. It’s in the history books.

    So the only remaining question was whether he is black, and that’s what I addressed. I ignored absolutely nothing.
    Anything else? Return to sender, I don’t care.

  14. Larry Elder may well become the first President with two black parents. Can we all agree on at least that much?

  15. Y’all mother fuckas need JESUS. Obama is American as the rest of y’all. Shame on y’all for pretending he any less American than you is. And while I’m at it the brotha is black, homie. Yeah he got a wh**e moms. So does lots o brothers, you feel me?

  16. I’ve reviewed the whole thread. No one was talking one way or the other about the Looney toons birther bologna until sidenburg bought it up. There for who the he’ll does sidenburg think he is, trying to dictate what has or has no status here?

    The subject was how black Obama is or isn’t. From what I can tell some black folks were discussing that amongst them selves above. And here comes this nosy, pushy sidenburg telling them that they need to talk about his birthed theories instead, like their his slaves or something? The nerve of this pissant!

  17. Get outta here with that bullshit. Michelle is a natural born US CITIZEN strong beautiful black WOMAN and natural mother of two beautiful children. President Obama, our first black President, is a natural born US CITIZEN and the father of those children. He is a Black man and was twice freely and fairly elected President, and served both terms honorably.

    While we are on the subject, Joe Biden, who is despite all the B.S. from y’all freely and fairly elected and more fully of sound mind and body than the orange Muppet who served in between them. I know you don’t believe it, don’t like it, or whatever. Those are the facts regardless if you like them or accept them or not.

  18. Oh yeah and, Kamala Harris, our wonderful Blasian VP and President of the Senate, Kamala Harris, is also a natural born US CITIZEN and duly, freely and fairly elected. Her husband, the second gentleman and first Jew, is also to be admired, as is Dr. JILL. Y’ALL CAN HATE ALL Y’ALL WANT, FACTS ARE FACTS ABD THESE ARE FACTS!!!

  19. “Michelle is a natural born US CITIZEN strong beautiful black WOMAN and natural mother of two beautiful children.”

    Alěx Jones already debunked this. He determined “Michelle” has a very large penís bulging out of her/his pānts.

  20. Alex Jones debunked nothing but himself. He is an embarrassment to the entire Jones family.

  21. Alex Jones should be muzzled like the rabid canine he is, for his own protection as well as everyone else’s.

  22. Alex Jones:

    “Michelle appears in photos and videos to have a very large penis in her pānts, her shoulders are wide, her face is very, very masculine. She looks like a tranny.

    “And so you ask yourself are the children a beard for Obama and of course Michelle Obama or Michael Obama as he has called her.”

  23. Alex Jones has admitted he makes up the bullshit he says for fun and profit, and that he suffers from mental maladies .

  24. Why are you telling me bs Alex says? He’s an embarrassment to all Joneses everywhere.

  25. Get help. You’re imagining shit you want to see and believe. Or more likely just trolling for Lulz.

  26. I agree that Larry Elder could become the first president with two black parents after he becomes Governor of California in the recall election.

  27. Anyone can look it up and see the images. It’s proof. It’s evidence. You may not like it but your dislike says nothing about its validity.

  28. Unlike you, I see actual female bodies on a daily basis and have every day for the last 40 years. If anyone is confused it’s you. I don’t think you are confused, you are more likely just trying to confuse others and provoke reactions. Nice try, but not really. Your images are not proof or evidence. They are spun bullshit.

  29. Trump is an orange space alien, I agree. I believe he was cooked up in a test tube during the Hitler-Stalin pact as a part of cooperative efforts between Soviet and Nazi scientists. The nazis smuggled the test tube into the USA in 1945-6, and Trump was hatched in 1946 in New York. He is a plot by nazis and space aliens to take over the world. Fascist ex-soviet oligarchs and intel agents have bankrolled, blackmailed and flattered Trump as a manchurian style pawn since at least the 1980s, but more likely way before then. Vladimir Putin is his intel control agent.

    They stole the 2016 election and made up the story about the Chinese stealing the 2020 election, alleged Biden connections to China, lies about Michelle Obama, lies about the Clintons and BHO, birther bullshit, etc. Alex Jones, Faux News, OAN and Newsmax are among their many disinfo channels. They also backed the LaRoach political network and Rush Bimbo, Carlson, Hannity, O’Reilly, etc. They created and funded the alt right, neonazis, and racist, woman-hating and antisemitic groups around the world. These are among their many nefarious activities. They have bankrolled the likes of David Duke, Ron and Jim Watkins, Richard Spencer and many others. They have also financed Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell et al. Breitbart, Bannon, and many others.

    There are rumors they maintain nazi UFO bases in Antarctica and on the moon. They were also behind the January 6 riots and most of the trolling on this website.

    Donald Trump is an illegal space alien invader hatched in a tube by KGB and nazis. He continues to be their pawn today.

  30. Troll, like me, you have no evidence for your claims. Unlike you, mine are actually true.

  31. They are behind Bols0naro, Br3xit/UKIP, LeP3n, Gold3n Dawn, other n3ofash groups in Europe and around the world, Dut3rte, Lukashenk0, Dug1n, pro-Russian groups in Ukra1ne, Giul1ani, Erd0gan, Job1k, 0rban, Duda, etc, etc. All financed and pr0paganda supported by them, like Putin and Trump. They also support Assad.

  32. You posted disinformation to confuse simple minded people. I’m posting the truth. There’s plenty of evidence but I don’t feel like getting down in the weeds. Those who want to find it will find it.

  33. Why do unaltered images exist showing “Michelle” Obama with a penis bulge?

    Why do similar images not exist for other women?

    Why is Barack on record referring to his wife/husband as Michael?

    Why is this information censored throughout the internet?

    Why was Joan Rivers assassinated after questioning whether Michael/Michelle is a man?

  34. It’s all coming out. Hide and watch.

  35. Why are you full of shit and repeating repeatedly debunked bullshit?

  36. At least try to be a little original instead of peddling the same old tired alt right propaganda line straight from Kremlin bunker? Jeez.

  37. Hide and watch. Everything I said will become much more well known soon enough.

  38. You are a liar. You don’t even spell LaRouche correctly. You are using a fake name and an IP anonymizer. You have no evidence and no credibility.

  39. You are a liar. I spell LaRoach that way on purpose, because he was a nasty cockroach like creature, moron. You are using a fake name and perhaps an IP anonymizer. I’ve never used an IP anonymizer. You have no evidence and no credibility. I have at least as much credibility as you, and more evidence. I don’t feel like posting it, because it will all come out and those who want to find it will find it in the meantime. Your “evidence” is laughable, debunked bullshit from garbage sources. You are fake news.

    Why are you full of shit and repeating repeatedly debunked bullshit? At least try to be a little original instead of peddling the same old tired alt right propaganda line straight from Kremlin bunker? Jeez.

  40. I’m not trying to be original. I’m just stating the truth. Anyone can look it up and confirm what I’ve said from their own eyes.

  41. You’re repeating tired ass ridiculous propaganda. I’m telling the truth.

  42. The right wing and left wing trolls above are way too perfect mirror images of each other. I’m thinking it’s probably the same troll, pretending to argue with itself.

  43. Actually, I think the trolls may be right…about each other’s duopoly puppets/cult figureheads.

  44. Andy Jones,
    I was in a hotel in Concord, New Hampshire and had a discussion with Dr. Alan Keyes in circa December, 2006 on where and when Obama was naturalized, since his birth place was in Mombasa, Zanzibar. At the date of his birth the flag of the sultan flew over Fort Jesus.

    During the 2008 campaign of Obama, I located 43 others birth records of people not born in Hawai’i that were also issued Hawai’i Birth Certificates. Therefore it was not that unusual for birth certificates to be issued in Hawai’i to babies not born in Hawai’i.

    If one goes into the Zanzibar records of Naturalizations for 1919. at the Los Angeles County Law Library, you will note that Obama’s paternal grandfather was a naturalized in Zanzibar as a subject of the Sultan. Also note that Obama grandfather was a convicted terrorist,

    The only reason that Obama father got a passport to come to the United States an attend the University of Hawai’i was he was a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar at birth through his grandfather naturalization.

    He sailed away from Mombasa for London with his mother on the S. S. Uganda for London. Then he flew into Canada and entered the United States as a wet back from Canada. In the United States prior to being a year old he lived in Capitol Hill, Seattle.

  45. Mark Seidenberg, have you considered the possible that Barack Obama’s real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist activist and a pornographer? If Frank Marshall Davis is his real father, then Barack Hussein Obama is a Natural Born Citizen, unless he revoked his American citizenship while living in Indonesia, for which there is evidence that he did. He also submitted a forged birth certificate in order to run for political office, which is a crime.

  46. What part of I don’t give a rat turd about your ridiculous birther bullshit do you have a hard time with? I scroll after the first few words.

  47. Obama was born in Hawai’i. His father is the man he says is his father. Period, end of story. If you believe something else, that’s your problem, not mine. I’m not interested, and I have lots and lots of things I would and will rather do than read or debate on it. Talk to someone else about that bs.

  48. Mark Seidenberg: Two different newspapers in Hawaii ran notices of Obama’s birth. Zanzibar my ass.

  49. “I’m not interested, and I have lots and lots of things I would and will rather do than read or debate on it. Talk to someone else about that bs.”

    Then don’t read it, asshole. Nobody is forcing you to read this unless you’re being paid to troll which appears highly likely.

  50. Dumbass, he addressed it to me. I did not read it. I read a few words, because it was addressed to me, and scrolled past the rest. Btw, you are the asshole, because you are what you eat.

  51. And no shit, no one is forcing me to read it. Which is why I didn’t and won’t. BTW, if one of us is being paid to troll, it’s you.

  52. No. I’m not the person who named his son Geronimo and set him up for failure in life.

  53. One needs to explain how baby Obama with mother boarded the ship SS Uganda at Mombasa Island in the Indian Ocean and sailed on that ship to the port of London in 1961 when his mother was 18 years of age, viz., under the age of 19 years and one day, which was a requirement to pass citizenship at that time. I have interview both the Pan Am stewardess that assisted her when she went in to labor at a Kenya Airport near Mombasa. I also interviewed the Alaskan Baby Sitter that cared for infant Obama at Capitol Hill in Seattle in 1961 prior to his move to Hawaii after his mother spent 3 quarters at either extension or regular quarter at
    the University of Washington at Seattle.

  54. Mark Seidenberg: If the people you claim to have interviewed actually exist (and I have my doubts) then they lied to you.

    Either you have invented this whole story or you are passing along the lies of others. Either way Mark Seidenberg is a liar.

  55. Hey Stock, what Seidenberg is saying makes sense. Maybe people have lied to you.

  56. Egyptian God: Two different newspapers in Hawaii ran birth announcements about Obama. The newspapers get their birth notices from the local health department.

  57. Robert K. Stock

    Start out an read an article by Charlotte Report at the Seattle Times in 2016 entitle “Obama Lived in Seattle the First year of Life”.

    There are many articles on Obama living in Seattle with mom in 1961 and 1962.

    Then the question comes where he was he born.

    We have two announcement of birth in Hawai’i that lack any since Obama and his mom spends 3 quarter in Seattle 1961-1962.

  58. Mark Seidenberg: Nonsense. Those articles and their authors are lying.

  59. Do you have an original newspaper from that time? The story very easily could’ve been planted.

  60. Egyptian God: I have seen copies, but the originals can be found in the archives of those newspapers in Hawaii. Kept either in the papers own morgue, or local libraries. I have worked for a daily newspaper. Newspapers save at least one copy of every single issue.

  61. So all someone had to do was break in to the libraries where the paper was archived (which probably wasn’t many due to the paper’s low circulation) and then add the fake announcement?

  62. Stock is just defending his communist pal Obama. Evil dictator communists stick together

  63. Egyptian God: You and your Fascist hordes are the worst human beings that I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.

    If you had your way the United States government would resemble the government in the television series The Handmaid’s Tale.

    You and your ilk are the most anti-American, unpatriotic, anti-democratic thugs imaginable. If you and your people ever come to power the United States will be damaged beyond repair.

  64. Why would Obama and his mom enter the United States from Canada as wetbacks in 1961 so mom could attend extension at the University of Washington for two quarters.

    Answer Obama was a “Dreamer”, because his mom was under 19 years and a day and therefore could not give Obama US Citizenship At Birth. She was not qualified to attend regular quarter sessions at University of Washington at Seattle, because she had a child and was not living with her “husband” (sic.) or her parents at that time.

  65. Why would idiots make up bullshit birther nonsense and keep spreading it 60 years after President Obama was born in Hawai’i and 5 years after he honorably served two terms as the legitimately elected President of the United States? Racism, bigotry, xenophobia, rightwing snowflake entitlement mentality, trolling for Lulz, and perhaps also trolling for profit.

  66. Communists like Robert K Stock are the ones to worry about. No patriotism, just a love of people like Hitler and Stalin, plus the love of Satan

  67. Obama served dishonorably for two terms. He disgraced the Whíte House through his incitement of racial hatred, weaponization of the Justice department, historical ignorance, trashing of tradition, burning the Constitution, downgrading the nation to third world status, demonizing dissent, and, perhaps most destructively, the hyperpoliticization of every single aspect of American life.

    Obama was the single worst president the United States ever had. He was worse even than the senile dementia patient currently occupying the office. He may get a pass in contemporary scholarship just for being black, but when all is said and done and society is no longer so race-obsessed, historians will judge Obama, not only as the worst US president, but as the least intelligent leader the western world has ever seen.

  68. Remember when Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize just for being elected? He then decided to bomb several countries. Not very peaceful!

    Woodrow Wilson was also a very terrible president.

  69. Obama served honorably for two terms. Like Biden, and unlike Trump, he was legitimately elected. Trump was actually hatched from bioengineering and cloning of animal and alien DNA by a secret conspiracy of soviet and Nazi scientists which continues to this day and runs him as a puppet in hopes of creating a fourth Reich.

    The twice impeached, one term, illegal space alien invader orange disgrace incited and continues to incite racial and other hatred and bigotry, attempted to create martial law and overturn the election, sold out the country to his KGB controller Putin, weaponized the justice department and tried to turn it into his personal law firm, stole and grafted money for himself, family and friends at an unprecedented rate, praised and envied dictators all over the world, was and is notoriously ignorant, helped spread the pandemic and make it much worse, crashed the economy in the process, evaded subpoenas, trashed many traditions and the constitution, downgraded the country to fourth world international laughing stock status, fostered a cult of personality, demonized dissent and hyperpoliticized everything.

    He is a mentally deranged egomaniac who thinks he’s Jesus and has openly said so, lies with just about every word out of his mouth, claims to be the best at absolutely everything, attempted to carry out a coup to stay in office after he lost his second election fair and square, continues to divide the nation with his big lies about the election, birther batshit baloney, his term in office, etc,and is by far the worst president the US has ever had. In fact, he is better compared to other mentally ill dictators like his hero Hitler or Idi Amin than past US presidents.

    He gets no pass for being orange and race obsessed, and is already ranked by many scholars and historians as the worst, least intelligent leader the western world has ever seen. Prosecutors from the federal government and multiple states are closing in on multiple aspects of his treasonous racketeering crime family enterprises. His reputation is only getting worse and worse as more and more comes out.

    Thank goodness our legitimately elected President Biden has restored honor, decency, and competency to the presidency, and is not a demented nutcase or traitor like the orange wannabe fuehrer. He is fixing the giant mess Orange space alien trump left, which is even exponentially bigger than the one left by Shrub or his Roy Cohn / Roger Stone corrupt compadre Richard Nixon. Biden continues the long tradition of Democrats fixing Republican messes which goes back to at least Hoover and FDR.

  70. Wes,

    Why would a German flight employee for PanAm help Stanley Ann Obama at the Kenyan Airport help when
    she went into labor prior to being driven to a hospital
    at Mombasa Island in the Indian Ocean. The stewardess remembered the event from 1961 in 2008 because the teenager she helped had a man’s first name.

    Tracking down 43 other persons not born in Hawai’i with
    Hawaiian Birth Certificates, shows that birth certificates was not limited to people born In Hawai’i.

    From London, Stanley Ann Obama and baby Obama flew to Vancouver via Montreal. There was no known “entry” into the United States at the Canadian border from the baby Obama in 1961.

    Again in 1961, to pass US Citizenship mother had to older than 19 years of age. In 1961 Stanley Ann was living in Mombasa with her husband’s uncle while at Fort Jesus digs.

  71. “Obama served honorably for two terms.”


    “Like Biden, and unlike Trump, he was legitimately elected.”


  72. The garbage comment on July 31, 2021 at 4:14 am is from Robert K Stock.

  73. How do you know it is from Stock? Does Stock troll here under fake names? It would not surprise me if he does.

  74. It’s not from Stock dummass. Guess again. You can guess many times as you want, you ain’t gonna get it right. If you did all that you would get is a name you ain’t gonna recognize and that’s it. Have fun and good luck shit for brains.

  75. Sidenburg

    How many other people remember this alleged incident? It would have made the news. As you probably remember since you are older than dirt, an transatlanic flight was a big deal in 1961, not like now. A 9 months pregnant, 18 year old woman on a trans atlantic flight in 1961 is something every person on that flight would remember very well and tell people about. If she had hapened to gone into labor, right then, it would have been a news story, Maybe multiple news stories.

    So you are full of shit. Either you made up the stewardess, or paid her to make up thios bullshit story, or she is a mentally ill old woman with a political grudge and possibly want to be famous. Either way the story is 100 grade bull shit pile higher and deeper. You made it up or she did either way bull fucking shoiyt.

  76. “How do you know it is from Stock?”
    Its not from Stock and it’s not a garbage comment.

    “Does Stock troll here under fake names? It would not surprise me if he does.”
    He says he doesn’t. So do you. I believe him more than I believe you. One reason anyone should believe you and not him? I don’t know of any. Half the time Natahn/Egyptian/Fat Cracker/Disco Sucks/Mr Fascist et al , accuses someone of being someone else or an anon, it is himself (likely also your self). Then you usually pop in with a comment just like that.
    “Does Stock troll here under fake names? It would not surprise me if he does.” ”
    “Does Klatt troll here under fake names? It would not surprise me if he does.”
    etc etc etc.

    Well that is one of a bout a thousand reasons to believe you Andy are Natahn/Egyptian/Fat Cracker/Disco Sucks/Mr Fascist et al , despite your bullshit denials.

  77. Andy Gonzales is a piece of scum trash and cat vomit stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

  78. Obama served honorably for two terms.Like Biden, and unlike Trump, he was legitimately elected. Andy Gonzlez is laughing because he looked down and saw his penis. That is the only joke here.

  79. Andy Gonxales is Mr. Facist “Libertarion” aka Nathan Norman aka Egyptian Fud aka Disco Sucks act Fash Fucker etc etc etc. Perid end of story. Fuck you, die.

  80. Stock isn’t doing the trolling. Will Klatt is trying to create confusion but is only confusing himself.

  81. Hey Will. Don’t be pissed at me for your own stupidity. You exposed yourself as Will Klatt. Rufus picked up on it. You should be pissed off at yourself. Don’t worry, there’s an easy solution: STOP TROLLING ON THIS SITE!

  82. Hey myself. I am Andy Gonzalez and I am pisssed at myself for being Hispanic. Also for being gay. I take it put on other gays and Hispanics and other kinds of minorities with my stupid trolling. I invent lots of troll characters. A lot of times they agree with each other. Sometimes they pretend to fight each other. Sometimes I even make myself believe they really exist and are separated, real people.

    I’m on here 24/7. I have no life, and rarely ever even sleep for more than a few minutes at a tinw. When another troll shied up or sometimes when I argue with myself I accuse the other troll id being Robert Stock. More of my personalitys chins in and agree. Or disagree and say its5 ROBERT STOCK IR DONEONE NAMED PAIL. And then I come in as Andy and say that wouldn’t surprise me. If I’m bored enough I’ll argue with myself about which one it is.

    I’ll say the trolls are working together, communists, jews getting paid, etc. If anyone shoes up who disagrees with me on issues I run these same games on them. As I think I told you previou8i I am 409 pounds, live with my mom and do a lot of drugs.

    There are a lot of sick nasty things I have done all my life or would if someone let me. But there are a few e things I will never do no matters what. One is go away and stop bothering folks here. Another is that easy , suicide solution. Most importantly of all I will never,never under any circumstances: STOP TROLLING ON THIS SITE!

    I’m so sorry for being such a turd and bothering y’all all the time. No I’m not. Yes I am. No I’m not. Yes I am. No I am. Yes I’m not. Yes you are. No …

  83. Sorry , I actually meant the only guy who use to ever date me, although I probably made him up. Because I’m actually a 40 year old virgin name Andy just like in the movie. My probably imagined former gay partner is named Paul. My pet name for him is cyber pig and he calls me pork chop or supper. Anyway I meant him. My apologies.

  84. Thanks for the confession, Andy Gonzalez. I am glad I am not as screwed up a person as you are. Your life sounds like a total mess.

  85. What am. I trying to distract from now ? Being called out for trolling or Gene poking holed in sidenburg b.s.?

  86. Gene,

    The location was the airport at Port Rietz in 1961. Stanley Ann Obama was with child and was trying to get back to the United States.

    A PanAm flight attendant who was trained as a nurse that was West German was at the airport on holiday. Stanley Ann could not get a flight out because she was with child.

    Then she went into labor and was driven to a hospital in Mombasa. The flag of the Sultan of Zanzibar flew over Fort Jesus at the time. Let’s

    There was no legal way for Stanley Ann Obama to take the baby into the United States at the time, because Stanley Ann Obama was only 18 years of age.

    Therefore baby and mom came to the US as wetbacks.

    Obama was not Stateless, because he was the Subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar, because of the 1919 Naturalization of his paternal grandfather at Zanzibar.

  87. Fanciful bullshit, but everyone else on the flight and at the airport would have remembered, not just one crazy, publicity hungry, fictional, politically motivated or paid off old woman. International flights were very expensive and a big deal back then. A 9 months pregnant 18 year old on an international flight would be something everyone there would remember and talk about to everyone they knew . If she went into labor as well, it would have drawn press coverage. Your story is total , racially and politically motivated, 100 percent grade pure bull shit. Simple and plain. Repeating your bullshit yet again does not change the fact that it is bullshit.

  88. Gene,

    Stanley Ann Obama was staying in Mombasa with the uncle of her husband. In 1961 in August she applied for admission to extension at the University of Washington at Seattle.

    She is with child at the Port Reitz Airport and goes in labor. She was refused passage on a DC-3 flight to to connect to the flight to London.

    Then she goes into labor. She is driven to a hospital
    in Mombasa to give birth. She was only 18 years of age
    so she was to young to pass citizenship on to her son. The age at the time of Obama’s birth was 19 years and 1 day.

  89. None of what you are saying is true. If it had happened everyone at the airport would have remembered it, told everyone they knew about it for the rest of their lives, and there would have been news stories about it. If the stewardess you allegedly talked to actually exists, she lied to you, period, end of story. Otherwise, you are the one lying. No matter how many times you repeat your obvious lies, they are still obvious lies, for reasons I have explained here yet again. If you repeat your lies again, they will still be lies. What do you hope to gain from repeating already debunked lies?

  90. Gene.

    There is an article entitled “Independence in the air” It goes into pricing of Airlines Tickets in East Africa in 1961.
    Judging for inflation airline tickets cost more in 1961 than now. But it was not they much more.

    Stanley Ann wanted to get back to the US, because she wanted here child to become a US Citizen without naturalization. Taking the SS Uganda to London from
    Mombasa was the route she took.

  91. It was a big deal on those days. There were not a lot of flights. Very few 18 year olds on them. A 9 months pregnant 18 year old Caucasian going into labor at the airport? That would have been a news story. And everyone there would remember and tell everyone they knew. If you’re not lying yourself, you got lied to, fell for it, and are spreading lies.

  92. Gene,

    Why do you think a 18 year old going in to labor would be a news story in Kenya. The news story was how a wife of
    Obama father leaves him for first Singapore from
    Honolulu and changes ships for Mombasa. Then continue going around the world to Seattle via London and Montreal and Vancouver.

  93. 18 year old white female having baby at the airport while waiting for an international flight out of Kenya in 1961 . Hell yes that would be a news story. Your other paragraph is irrelevant bullshit.

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