First Circuit Hears Maine Case on Out-of-State Ban for Initiative Circulators

On July 27, the First Circuit heard We the People PAC v Bellows, 21-1149. The issue is Maine’s ban on out-of-state circulators for initiatives, and also the parallel requirement that the circulators must be registered in the town or city they are working in. The judges are William Kayatta and David Barron (Obama appointees) and U.S. District Court Judge Patti Saris (a Clinton appointee). When there is news about how the hearing went, it will be posted here.


First Circuit Hears Maine Case on Out-of-State Ban for Initiative Circulators — 8 Comments

  1. My grandchildren wanted me to get them some Pee Wee Herman tapes so I ordered them online. When the tapes arrived, instead of Pee Wee Herman they were Pee Wee Trahan!

    Even though it wasn’t the right Pee Wee, we put it in the tape player anyways and listened to it. The kids loved it! I would recommend Pee Wee Trahan for all your children and grandchildren.

    Apparently Trahan also performs under the name Johnny Rebel, as the above poster mentions. My grandkids especially love his song “Send Them Niggers Back”.

  2. My granddaughter especially loves the song “Some Niggers Never Die (They Just Smell That Way)”. She sings it everyday on the way home from school. She brought one of the tapes to her kindergarten class the other day and everyone really enjoyed it. I just can’t say enough goods things about Pee Wee Trahan.

  3. The garbage comments from Disco Suck and Mabel are by Nathan Norman aka “Mr Libertarian” aka “Egyptian God” aka “Fact Checker” etc etc etc.

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