Richard Lamm, Former Colorado Governor Who Sought the 1996 Reform Party Nomination for President, Dies

On July 29, former Colorado Governor Richard Lamm died, at the age of 85. He had served two terms as Governor of Colorado, and in 1996 sought the Reform Party presidential nomination. He was one of only two candidates who qualified for the Reform Party’s presidential primary, which was conducted by postal ballot. The other candidate was Ross Perot, who had started the Reform Party in 1995 but who had originally said he didn’t want the party’s nomination. But after Lamm declared for the party’s nomination, Perot also declared for it. The results of the party’s presidential primary were: Perot 32,145; Lamm 17,121. Lamm only won in Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, and the District of Columbia. Thanks to Independent Political Report for this news.


Richard Lamm, Former Colorado Governor Who Sought the 1996 Reform Party Nomination for President, Dies — 66 Comments

  1. Gov. Lamm the federal debt – then in the low trillions – his issue, and he did make
    some interesting remarks on the subject. And he apparently recruited former Rep. Ed Zschau
    (Rep.-Calif) as his candididate for Vice-President. Ed Zschau was the Republican nominee for
    U.S. Senate from California in 1986, and he attracted some Libertarian support in his campaign
    against Sen Alan Cranston.

    Nonetheless, after Perot (predictably) got the nomination of the party he paid for, Lamm slithered
    back to the Democrats and backed Bill Clinton’s re-election.

    I am glad he did not support Perot, an enemy of constitutional limited government that he was.
    But offering yourself as to a party the best choice to beat the incumbent – then voting for the guy
    who made the mess you were attacking, seems insincere. As little as he may have regarded the other
    third party candidates that year – Harry Browne etc – backing another alternative party candidate would
    have hinted at least that he really did support creating an alternative to bipartisan big government.

  2. He’s a total creep responsible for the deaths of millions of unborn babies. He’s a eugenicist. His death is a good thing. I piss and shit on his grave.

  3. I used to work with his son. I never met his father, but his son was a great guy. I am sorry to read about their loss.

  4. Lamm was known as “Governor Gloom.” He told seniors it was their “duty” to die. He single-handedly caused a recession in Colorado in the early 1980s. I feel no remorse for this piece of shit. He’s in hell where he belongs.

  5. Criticizing a lousy politician is worse than causing a recession and killing millions of babies and old people.

  6. Half of all fertilized human zygotes are spontaneously aborted by the mother’s own body, and generally the mother doesn’t even know she was pregnant. Yet nobody advocates some crash medical research to prevent the deaths of those “babies.” As time goes on and technology expands, methods for women to consciously choose to have an early abortion are getting simpler and more widespread. Social intervention in a woman’s decision about that will cease to be a meaningful concept in the future.

  7. Olde ban on abortions due in part to more coal/oil power/energy >>> more food possible

    >>> more troops for killer/enslaver monarch/oligarch WARS.

    esp Napoleon early on.

  8. Nathan knows better than to really think a fetus is a baby. Nobody seriously believes that. Their real issue is with women controlling their bodies, sexuality and reproduction. They want to keep women as domestic, sexual, and reproduction slaves controlled by male slave owners . Religious lies about fetuses being babies were invented as a phony excuse and propaganda in the service of thus ugly, disgusting, reactionary agenda.

  9. The idea that a fetus was a child from conception didn’t really exist until the 19th century. It was a reactionary invention by religious male supremacist scum to the beginning of female liberation and equality, a fight which still continues today.

    Criticizing a politician is one thing, but the ugly and disgusting comments by Nathan “tiny dansa” Norman at the very moment of a family’s loss of their loved one, which could be read by grieving family members…and the equally ugly agenda of destroying women’s lives through forced pregnancy slavery…if there is a hell, those are two of the biggest reasons for someone to belong there.

  10. “The idea that a fetus was a child from conception didn’t really exist until the 19th century.”

    The idea that a black person was a human didn’t really exist until the 19th century.

  11. Pat (Ophelia) defends killing babies in the womb yet believes he has moral superiority based on pre-19th century views.


    What a delusional asshole.

    Guess what?

    A murderer in life is still a murderer even after death.

  12. You don’t really believe a fetus is a life either. And yes, the idea that black people were human existed before the 19th century. Caucasians are not the only people with ideas about who is human.

    You are the same troll who posts sexist comments like on the Libertarian party chair thread. You have also posted many racist comments, for instance your recent gleeful mentions of racist johnny rebel songs,you racist piece of shit troll.

    It’s obvious what your interest in abortion really is. It is not because you think fetuses are babies or care about them, it’s because you believe women are inferior and you want to enslave them.

    You, Andy Gonzalez aka Nathan Norman aka Paul, are a piece of shit troll , and you do not deserve to live. You should be in hell and you will be, hopefully soon. You do not deserve to disgrace that name of a truly great and inspiring leader like Richard Lamm with your disgusting fascist alt right troll comments to be hurtful to his family . I hope you get treated the same way when you die.

  13. Andy,
    Sounds like paulie, reads like paulie, rants like paulie.
    Leaves a pile of garbage in Richard’s blog like paulie.
    I would hazard the educated guess: it is paulie.

  14. Why do these trolls keep bringing up Nathan Norman on here? I’m not even sure he reads this blog regularly.

  15. “The other candidate was Ross Perot, who had started the Reform Party in 1995 but who had originally said he didn’t want the party’s nomination. But after Lamm declared for the party’s nomination, Perot also declared for it.”

    It makes one wonder if Ross Perot ever considered the Reform Party a serious project.

  16. Egyptian Spud is Nathan Norman, and so are most of these trolls, including the right wing scum above, and they are probably also Andy, as well. As for me, I am not a troll and you will never get my real name, which would mean nothing to you if you did. It’s simply none of your business, period, end of story.

  17. The fash garbage scum are the ones leaving a pile. I’m the one spraying something on it to help kill the stink.

  18. Your name is Will Klatt. We already know it. Someone mentioned your name the other day and you’ve been unhinged ever since. This is your pattern. We all see it.

  19. Your personalities all see what? You are the one that’s unhinged. The only thing I know about Klatt is what I’ve heard you say about him so my assumption is you made him up ie he is you. Kinda like Paul he doesn’t actually pop up either so I am assuming you and Andy, who is probably also you, made him up . Don’t bother providing whatever you may allege is proof that one or both of them actually exist because it’s not worth the time and effort to cross check. I really don’t care.

  20. I agree with you on this “Egyptian God,” but you are also using fake names, so this makes you a hypocrite on this one.

  21. My real name is Lazarus Mudd. I consistently use the name “Egyptian God.” Will Klatt and Paul Frankel use only fake names. They should at least have the courage to use a consistent fake name.

  22. All of the trolls are Andy and he us the one posting gibberish, not me. I will continue to use fake names and posting the truth, and things which make sense. He will continue posting garbage and gibberish under fake namesake Lazarus Kidd, tiny danza, Mr fascist libertarian, disco sucks, fat crackhead, Egyptian Pus, etc, etc. One of his fake names like Andy Gonzalez, Paul, Nathan Norman or Will Klatt may even be real, but I doubt it. It’s all one person trolling and posting sick crap under many names.

  23. I’m not a troll, and I think you are probably most of these trolls despite your denials, Andy. They are definitely each other. You are probably Andy Gonzalez, but I don’t know that for sure. Someoene as insistant as you are on real names would post your last name and not just “Andy.” So I am guessing it is probably Gonzalez, and you just slipped up when u posted it and don’t want to admit it now. If its not Gonzalez what is it? Until I hear an answer and some evidence, I am assuming it is Gonzalez.

    Secondly Egyptian FUD, Mr. Liartarian, Tiny Danza, Fart Packer, Disco Spic, and a whole lot of others are Nathan Norman, who is probably also you. Thirdly there’s Paul (Frankel?) and Will Klatt, who may or may not be real people. I am guessing they are probably figments of your imagination that you (or Nathan Norman if he is not you) use as foils, kind of like Emmanuel Goldstein in George Orwell’s 1984. If they are real people, they are probably your former gay partners, someone who beat you in an online argument, or someone who kicked you off another board for trolling. I really don’t care which. The most likely truth is that they are more of your fake characters.

    Lastly there is Robert K. Stock, who as far as I know is a real name of a real person who only posts with his real name. As your fake characters, you frequently accuse Mr. Stock of being many of the trolls you created, or anyone else who you disagree with or name you don’t recognize. As Andy, you chime in that “it wouldn’t surprise” you if this was true. The same thing happens when you accuse Will/Paul. Sometimes your different personalities argue with each other over who else, including some of your own characters, are Robert, Will, or Paul.

  24. why would I “admit” that you are “not” Andy Gonzalez? If you are an Andy at all, there is about a 99 percent chance that your last name actually is Gonzalez. You, Andy Gonzalez, are probably also all these other trolls. I on the other hand am not a troll.

  25. I don’t know him, and he hasn’t said he has. And even if it’s true, that A) doesn’t prove that your last name is or isn’t Gonzalez, or what it is, B) say anything about how many of these other characters you are (my guess, probably all of them). So what we have here is “Andy” a guy who does not provide a last name and denies the last name other people are saying is his, who claims he doesn’t troll but sounds a lot like the trolls in the things he says, who also says “people” here including the site owner know him, but has not named any of these other people and more importantly NONE OF THEM HAVE CONFIRMED IT.

    So we have only this troll’s word that his first name is actually Andy, or that his last name is not Gonzalez (and if its not,why doesn’t he say what it is?). Or that anyone has met him. Or that he is not these other characters who agree with his fucked up politics and play guessing games about who is who with him and accuse legitimate commenters of being “trolls, ” “communists, ” “retards” etc etc.

  26. See the many fake names in 1761-1784 regarding the EVIL Brit monarchy/oligarchy regime and its killer/enslaver actions.

    How many signers of the 1776 USA DOI, 1777 Art Confed and 1776-1783 State Consts got killed by the Brits ???

  27. I know all those folks too . They’re all real. Except for Andy/Tiny Danza/Lazarus /Egyptian. Would anyone who met Andy please stand up?

  28. Also their other made up characters , cyberpig Paul Frankel and Will and Geronimo Klatt. Anyone here ever met any of them? How about Nathan Norman, Rufus Reed, Lazarus Kidd, etc who all here met them?

  29. The troll MORONS with X fake names rave at each other while the USA goes into gerrymander Civil WAR II — commies vs fascists.

    Just swell.


  30. Isn’t rap music and rape music the same thing, especially in Nashville?

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