Governor Andrew Cuomo Says He Will Resign

On August 10, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said he will resign soon. It is not clear if his resignation will encourage the New York legislature to repeal any part of his 2020 legislation to make ballot access far more difficult. He forced those changes on the legislature by putting them in the budget bill, which the legislature had to pass. They increased the statewide petition for independent candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties, from 15,000 signatures to 45,000. They also altered the definition of a qualified party from a group that had polled 50,000 votes for Governor, to a group that had polled 2% of the vote for the top of the ticket in every even-numbered election. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the news about the resignation.


Governor Andrew Cuomo Says He Will Resign — 28 Comments

  1. Neither one. He’ll get exonerated, rest up, then run again, maybe for higher office. Perhaps his brother can be governor in the meantime.

  2. Sorry – fem Lt Gov takes over in 14 days.

    In meantime — Will C pardon himself ???

    More bribes / threats / destruction of evidence / looting of regime treasury / escape plans to regime with NOOOO extradition treaty ???
    Elector/Voter pets for const amdts / laws in ALL States N-O-W.

  3. Nothing to be sorry about. And no one is escaping. Chris Cuomo for Governor 2022. Andrew Cuomo for President 2028.

  4. The irony is that Cuomo forced the new ballot status standards on the state to kill hte Working Families Party, with which he has been feuding for years, and hte WFP is one of hte parties that met the new standard.

    BTW, Cuomo is hte reason the Liberal Party no longer has ballot status. In his first run for Governor, he lost the Democrat primary to Carl McCall. He had hte Liberal line but refused to campaign and hte Liberals couldn’t ge tthe requsite 50,000 votes.

    I hope his new ridiculous election law is repealed.

  5. Cuomo was forced to resign over this, but his party is fine with killing thousands of New Yorkers in nursing homes thanks to his executive order.

    Well, New York got its comeuppance for that, losing a House seat by 89 people.

  6. The irony is that Cuomo forced the new ballot status standards on the state to kill hte Working Families Party, with which he has been feuding for years, and hte WFP is one of hte parties that met the new standard.

    BTW, Cuomo is the reason the Liberal Party no longer has ballot status. In his first run for Governor, he lost the Democrat primary to Carl McCall. He had hte Liberal line but refused to campaign and hte Liberals couldn’t ge tthe requsite 50,000 votes.

    I hope his new ridiculous election law is repealed.

  7. I heard a rumor (unconfirmed) that he called Hillary Clinton to find out where to buy BleachBit.

  8. Lt. Gov. Hochul becomes Governor.
    She pardons him.
    Cuomo checks himself into a clinic for sex addiction.
    He becomes a commentator on CNN.

    He intends for that to rehabilitate him. Then he hopes to hold office again.

  9. No problem. Chris and Andrew Cuomo trade jobs for 2022-6,then back to business as usual. One of them will run for president in 2028 or 2032 or 2036.

  10. Andrew Cuomo’s penis is the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. I want that big Italian cock in my mouth and my ass.

  11. Sometimes it politics its time for some new blood and get rid of the old blood. Let’s see how the Lt. Governor handles the job of Governor in two weeks. She might be terrific and ease ballot access laws and push for it.

  12. Andrew Cuomo –> CNN

    Chris Cuomo –> Governor 2022-6

    Then switch back. One of them will be President within 20 years or less.

  13. Cuomo is a communist. Jody is a communist. Your mom is a communist. Everyone is a communist. Even I am a communist.

  14. Walter, 2022 may be too early, but I have a feeling Andrew Cuomo will run again, and win.

  15. Tim, the new election law will not be repealed. What would motivate democrats to repeal it? Don’t tell me their name.

  16. All the promises are about workplace environment and transparent data. Nothing about any big changes for most NY residents who don’t work for or around governors office and don’t live on or have family in nursing homes.

  17. That would be unique to have a Libertarian Governor of New York. It would encourage third party candidates everywhere to run.

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