California Could Conceivably Have a Later 2022 Primary

According to this story, California will be hard-pressed to finish redistricting in time for the normal June primary. The last time California had a primary later than June was in 1942, when it was in late August. But it is possible the legislature will pass a bill this year, postponing the 2022 primary.


California Could Conceivably Have a Later 2022 Primary — 8 Comments

  1. In 1932, states that lost seats were allowed to elect all their Reps in Congress at-large because the 1930 census data wasn’t ready in time.

    It would be interesting if California had to elect all of its Reps in Congress at-large.

  2. There was no federal law preventing states from electing members of the US House at-large until 1967. There was no need to give special permission after the 1930 census. I have never heard that the 1930 census data was late anyway.

    The reason so many states elected their US House members at-large in 1932 was because so many states lost members, and the state legislatures in those states didn’t have the stomach to redraw the districts. The reason so many states lost members after the 1930 census was because after the 1920 census, congress didn’t do a reapportionment. All the states that elected their members in 1932 at-large were states that had lost members since the 1911 reapportionment: Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, and Virginia.

  3. 1932 rot contributed to RED commie [aka leftwing Donkeys] takeover of USA in 1933-1941.

  4. Everyone is a communist. You’re a communist. Demo rep is a communist. Your mom is a communist. Even I am a communist.

  5. Anyway, all these states worried about the impact on redistricting should support the Wyoming Rule, add 100+ members to the House, keep the current districts for one more term, and permit all the states to elect their additional Reps at large.

  6. Abolish the really EVIL ANTI-Democracy USA Senate.

    Reduce USA Reps to 101 — USA regime supposed to be mainly for USA Defense —

    NOT communist tax/spend schemes.

  7. On the contrary, we need MORE US Senators, which we can get by dividing populous states into smaller ones.

    Anyway, bicameralism is a good thing – it compels a legislature to think twice before it passes anything. Sometimes even that is not enough.

  8. Equal representation when each area produces equal revenue to regime treasury.

    Time limits [aka sunset] on ALL mere laws.

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