
New Election Law Bill Introduced in Congress — 6 Comments

  1. It’s interesting to note that changes to ballot qualifications don’t trigger the requirements for preclearance.

  2. See recent election law blog posts on HR 4.

    TOTAL statutory/bill PERVERSION of 15th Amdt [and other election related amdts].

    Congress MORONS do NOT know how to define election law torts and crimes

    — due in part to the SCOTUS morons/hacks mystifying everything in the USA Const.

  3. Demo Rep is right about one thing: SCOTUS has mystified the Constitution by covering it with a heavy gloss of interpretation that makes it nearly opaque to the average citizen.

  4. Folks with LOTS of time can look at the

    Constitution Annotated — produced at MAJOR cost since about 1910 —

    now split into a zillion parts for quick PDF updates

    US reports of SCOTUS stuff getting more/more delayed —
    now about 8 repeat 8 years LATE.


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