Canada Election Debates Will Include Five Party Leaders

On August 21, the Canadian Leaders’ Debate Commission determined that five parties are invited into the upcoming election debates. The debates will be September 8 and September 9. Parties qualified in three ways: (1) by having elected a member to Parliament in the last general election; (2) by having received 4% of the national vote in the last election; (3) by hitting 4% in a nationwide poll.

See the Commission’s announcement here.


Canada Election Debates Will Include Five Party Leaders — 20 Comments

  1. (3) by hitting 4% in a nationwide poll.

    Talk about reasonable. Difference between a democracy and the corporatcratic hell hole that is the US.

  2. Although I would probably vote Conservative or NDP if I were in Canada (depending on my district, in order to destroy the Liberal majority), it’s too bad the People’s Party just missed out.

  3. Skylar? Conservative or NDP? They really have little to nothing in common other than both hating the Liberals. And, I can tell you’re otherwise a nutter if you belong to the cult of Maxime Bernier and the People’s Party of Canada. I’ve already ran into your fellow travelers on Twitter.

  4. Oh, given the People’s Party has NO Canadian MPs, it’s weird that it’s that close to 4 percent. Guess that many people hate Conservatives, but because Pretty Boy Trudeau has done nothing to fix FPTP, they can’t get elected.

  5. I’m a member of the American Solidarity Party, which is uropean-style Christian democracy. There was once a wing of that in the NDP and there are some among the Conservatives. I figure the best hope for Canadian politics is a hung parliament.
    I don’t support Bernier and the People’s Party, but I’m always disappointed to see a party narrowly miss a debate; I would feel the same way about the Greens.

  6. Again, only having the top two candidates in a public debate where other serious candidates have ballot access, seems dumb and a 1st Amendment problem.

  7. Ongoing secession stuff in Canada due to FPTP –

    West / Ontario / Quebec / East

    ie – one more ***UNSTABLE*** regime.

  8. related-

    USA secession stuff- also due to FPTP and minority rule gerrymanders

    West / Central / East

    plus North / South

    mere 3 x 2 = 6

    plus internal secession noises [rural vs urban v suburban] in many States.

    >>> MANY ***UNSTABLE*** regimes.

  9. @Disco Stick: You’re a bigger ass than Kim Kardashian at your link. And, you’re also wrong.

  10. @Edward TJ Brown… Not a first amendment problem because the organization that hosts the debates in the US is a private organization. If they were hosted by the FEC, like they should be, then yes. This is why I made the reference to “corporatcratic” in my first comment. Major corporations control the US government through lobbying, politician donations through Super PACS, and backroom deals. The Commission on Presidential Debates is just another element in that same story.

  11. The Canadian Conservatives aren’t exactly conservative. I can see the PPC gaining steam if they organize well. The NDP has had some success splitting off the Liberals.

  12. @ Skylar:

    “Although I would probably vote Conservative or NDP if I were in Canada (depending on my district, in order to destroy the Liberal majority), it’s too bad the People’s Party just missed out.”

    Sounds like the old Social Credit Party would have been a good fit for you.

  13. Walter, yes I’ve found Social Credit interesting from what I’ve heard; though I’ve heard they had some fascist associations

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