Eleventh Circuit Agrees with U.S. District Court That Requiring Voters to Pay Postage to Return Postal Ballots is Not a Poll Tax

On August 27, the Eleventh Circuit issued a 15-page opinion in Black Voters Matter Fund v Secretary of State of Georgia, 20-13414. The issue is whether the 24th amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires election officials to pay postage for postal ballots being returned. The judges ruled against the voters.


Eleventh Circuit Agrees with U.S. District Court That Requiring Voters to Pay Postage to Return Postal Ballots is Not a Poll Tax — 10 Comments

  1. Before too long, they will be claiming that having to pay carfare to get to the polls is a poll tax.

  2. WZ — also paying for food, clothing and shelter between elections

    — aka staying alive — now a bit dubious in high crime ghetto burgs

    — Chicago, Detroit, etc. ???
    ALL mail secret ballots.

  3. How much is a mail in ballot envelope’s postage? Can’t be more than two bucks. Any excuse to mooch off people.

  4. ANY tax used to pay for ANY elections – poll workers / rent for polling places / printing ballots / etc. ???

  5. If the ballot is one ounce or less (including the outer envelope) it is now 58 cents, effective August 29, 2021. If the ballot and envelope weigh two ounces or less, but more than one ounce, it is now 78 cents. But very few people keep the right denominations for that two-ounce package, and also most people don’t have postal scales to know the exact weight.

  6. Cost per mile to drive a car or bus fare to go to vote in person –

    with any related food / clothing costs ???

  7. I am glad BLM got their butts kicked. That’s what I meant in a previous post. Anyhow, I don’t believe in pampering voters because they are lazy. Lazy voters usually vote DEMOCRATIC PARTY because that’s the party that pampers them with FREE GOODIES and makes them lazier. LAZY VOTERS EQUALS GIMME, GIMME, GIMME DAT $.

  8. Richard, I think that for 2 ounces most people just use 2 First Class Forever stamps.

    For those of us who haven’t weighed an actual absentee ballot, here’s a general sense: According to my food scale, two 24# business-size “#10” envelopes plus 3 sheets of 24# 8.5×11 paper are 1.00 ounce. Mail-in ballots may be on thicker paper, and I don’t know how big they are.

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