Terry McAuliffe Wins Ballot Access Lawsuit

On September 29, a Virginia state trial court ruled that Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe may remain on the November 2021 ballot. The judge said that technically, the statement of candidacy does not need to be signed by the candidate if the candidate appears in front of two witnesses and the two witnesses sign the form. See this story.


Terry McAuliffe Wins Ballot Access Lawsuit — 16 Comments

  1. I strongly suspect if this had been a nominee of a party other than the Demorepublicrats this would have gone the other way.

  2. If this had been a minor party or independent candidate, I bet they would have lost.

    Double standard.

  3. You may be, other Sam at, 3:48. I, the Sam who posted at 7:09 am, am not. I’ve been affiliated with different parties over the years, including democrats (thankfully, a long long time ago – we still had US troops fighting in Vietnam then), and with no party for most of my adult life. I call them as I see them.

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