U.S. Supreme Court Summarily Affirms 3-Judge Ruling that Depriving D.C. Residents of Voting Representation in Congress is Constitutional

On October 4, the U.S. Supreme Court summarily affirmed the decision of a 3-judge U.S. District Court in Castanon v U.S., 20-1279. The lower court had ruled that nothing in the Constitution requires that the District of Columbia be entitled to a voting representative in the U.S. House.

Here is the brief of the D.C. voters in the U.S. Supreme Court, a brief that has now been rejected. Thanks to Thomas Jones for this news.


U.S. Supreme Court Summarily Affirms 3-Judge Ruling that Depriving D.C. Residents of Voting Representation in Congress is Constitutional — 14 Comments

  1. Even more RED commie machinations–

    DC as A State ??? — esp for 2 more RED commie USA Sens.

    Pack SCOTUS with more RED commie hacks ???

  2. I’m surprised the DC Statehood Party isn’t doing better with enrollment.

  3. The brief of the plaintiffs completely ignores the fact the US citizens of US territories are similarly denied the right to be represented by voting members of Congress.

    In general, it is a piece of sloppy constitutional thinking.

  4. This is why their best path forward is to either return non-federal land to Maryland, or to grant, by constitutional amendment, territories and the capital district representatives but NOT senators. I think even most Republicans could get on board with either.



  6. Aiden, Maryland doesn’t want DC and the Constitution does not permit the federal government to force Maryland to accept it.

  7. Does Maryland not want DC or is it Richard Winger who doesn’t want it to happen because it means one or two fewer Democrats in the EC vote?

  8. If the proposal to make DC a state were offered in good faith, and not an attempt to gain a partisan Democratic advantage, then its sponsors should have also offered to create a new, more Republican, state, as well. IMO, two possibilities for this exist: both eastern Oregon and eastern Washington State are considerably more Republican than the western parts of those states. The creation of an East Oregon, or an East Washington State composed of counties east of the Cascade mountains could be offered.

    Also, IMO, no new state should be physically smaller than 1,000 square miles, about the size of the State of Rhode Island, NOT because Rhode Island’s place as the smallest state is somehow sacred, but merely because any state smaller than that is rather impractical. Another way to create a state for DC, would be to add suburban counties from northern Virginia to the new state until it has at least 1,000 square miles. Given that most of the suburban counties in northern Virginia are heavily Democratic, as well as the bedroom communities of federal bureaucrats who work in DC now, the result would be to make the resulting smaller state of Virginia more Republican.

  9. RED commies demand RED commie RESULTS –

    Namely — TOTAL RED commie CONTROL of USA regime FOREVER by ANY means possible

    — unequal ballot access laws, gerrymanders, extremist primaries, packed SCOTUS, etc.

    States mean ZERO to them – wiped out since 1936.

  10. There is on other option for DC:

    The constitution does not require that states be contiguous. In fact, Maine was part of Massachusetts when Massachusetts ratified the constitution.

    So, it would be entirely possible for a state that lost a Rep in the recent census to ask Congress to make the portions of DC outside the federal core a part of their own state, thereby regaining a lost Rep.

    Possible states for this would be California, New York or Illinois.

  11. WZ – Red commies would make DC commie part a part of a marginal Elephant State like Mich –

    more commie EC votes.

    Same for other USA colonies ???
    End the ROT

  12. Actually, there is even another option for DC:

    The brief makes cryptic reference to “enclaves within states” whose residents can vote in federal elections. What this refers to is Indian reservations, that are organizationally sovereign, but are included in states so that Native Americans, who are US citizens, can vote in federal elections.

    The non-federal core of DC could be declared the Potomac Reservation, and, altho legally separate from another state, could be included in that other state to vote for federal candidates from that state.

    This principle could be extended to the insular territories. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands could be declared Carib reservations, and Guam and the Northern Marianas could be declared the Chamorro Reservations, and American Samoa could be the Samoan Reservation. These new reservations could then each be made part of some existing state for federal voting purposes, but would remain sovereign with respect to those states for internal purposes.

  13. The best thing for DC would be independent nationhood, and the best thing for the rest of us would be to kick them out and build a wall around them.

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