Ninth Circuit Will Likely Hear Arizona Ballot Order Case in January 2022

The Ninth Circuit has asked attorneys in Mecinas v Hobbs, 20-16301, whether January 2022 would be suitable for oral argument. This is the case in which the Democratic Party challenges the Arizona law on the order of party nominees on general election ballots. The law says the nominees of the party which carried that county for Governor in the last election should appear first. The lower court upheld the law. This is the only surviving Democratic Party case on ballot order; originally the party had sued six states in 2020, but the other five cases already lost.


Ninth Circuit Will Likely Hear Arizona Ballot Order Case in January 2022 — 4 Comments

  1. The Democrats are obsessed with ballot order, but they don’t give a damn about ballot access.

    The Democrats are also obsessed with perceived voter suppression on election day, but don’t give a damn about candidate suppression resulting from steep ballot access requirements, resulting in a voter suppression more profound than that they perceive, because voters are thereby deprived of choices they never knew existed.

  2. Moron donkey voters only barely know how to vote for the top candidate for each partisan office ???

    — aka donkey votes.

    How many States still with party logos ???

    see the logo donkey – vote the logo donkey.

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